Chapter three - Research methodology
3.1 Introduction
the  intention of this chapter is to state the type of research method  to be used in carrying out  the  study. Research  is the ability  to carryout fact findings with  the  of supplying  valid and reliable information about a phenomenon. It is also an in depth   quest for knowledge about or on a  particular phenomenon with the purpose of clearing some certain obscurities which are yet to
be generally confirmed as being authentic Anikpo (1986) , associates  it as an act of searching again for knowledge that exist or one that is yet to be known. This implies that research  deals with the partially known or unknown , knowledge. However, Osuala (1993),  articulates research as simply arriving at the  dependable solution to the problems through the planned and systematic collections, analyzing and interpreting of the data. This means that uninterrupted and  unanalyzed  data could not give reliable information on certain phenomenon unless it  is analyzed and interpreted.  Nwanna (2000)  his own  contribution maintains that   research is the  process of finding out solution to a problem. But this  process fo  finding out or searching  for a  not a blind or purposeless activity. Ti is an activity with a clear purpose   and definition, which  the results will contribute or constitute the solution to a real problem.  Research is always motivated by the existence  of problems and the urge to take care or solve it.

3.2  Research Design
       There are different types of  designs  prevalent in political science. The choice of any design lies mainly on the typology of the research. The typology of the research also determines the techniques of analysis that will be applied in testing the research questions raised by the researcher. Therefore, for the purpose of this study, the researcher will adopt  a non experimental design in order to enhance the information best relevant to  the study. This design is chosen because of  the  nature of this research work (qualitative)  to  analyze the impact of wa on international terrorism. According to Obasi (1998), he  argued that  a qualitative research applies to non-statically  research like  non experimental research, which involves secondary method and employs largely  the techniques of content analysis. However,  It does not test its hypotheses, in statistical term.  Rather proves its hypotheses, using  deductive  and inductive logical method. Therefore, since this research is focused on secondary data which the  reliability and validity can be established  by the use of the non-statistical method. The use of content analysis techniques  is quite indispensable
According to Asika, (1991), content  analysis  technique is  a research techniques  for the objectivity, systematic and qualitative  description of the manifest content of  variables. The  aim of content analysis  technique is   to convert recorded  raw phenomena into data, which  can be  built  up.
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