Regardless of huge impact in gobbling up scarce national resources, it is an well have been accused and critised of being incapable of discharging the services and obligation which were considered vital at the time of their establishment.More so, while evaluating the huge amount invested and recurrent  expenses undertaken by  these enterprise, they could be held partly liable for the increasing external debt burden that are slowing down the progress  of many countries in Africa today.

In this paper, it is argued that the future of  the public enterprises for attainment of effectiveness and efficiency in  African countries lies in maintaining a proper balance between autonomy  and control.  
i.     How can African countries establish a self funding, self management and self regulating tradition in public   enterprises undertakings
ii.  How to ensure that various enterprises meet some minimum standards, such as the standard of efficiency, political accountability and service to the public.
Furthermore, the paper, equally classified public enterprises in the hope of providing a conceptual framework for evaluating policies on control and autonomy. Secondly, to evaluate the various control measure government over the years has instituted that.  Thirdly, and how it focuses on the type of structural and organization  change  required to promote managerial autonomy and  effectiveness.


The aim of this research is to identify the measure of striking a balance between control and autonomy in public enterprises in Nigeria
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