Output and outcomes of policy can
be broken down into a number of
categories as follows
1. Policy demands
2. Policy decisions
3. Policy statements
4. Policy out puts
5. Policy
Policy demand: this is the claims made upon public officials by other actors,
private or official in political system for action[n or inaction on some
perceived problem
The demands
that help give rise to public policy and
which it
is designed to satisfy, at least in part are important items for
consideration in the study of public
decision; decision are made by public
officials that authorized or give direction and
content of public actions are studied in public policy. Included in the study are decisions to enact
statutes, issue executive orders or edicts, promulgate administrative rules or
make important judicial interpretations of laws.
Policy statements:
formal expressing or articulation
of public policy, which include, legislative statues, decrees, presidential orders, administration rules and
regulation and court opinions,
statements and speeches by public
officials indication the intentions
and goals of government and what will be done to realize them. As indicated earlier policy statement is
sometime ambiguous and conflict policy
out puts: these includes tangible
manifestations of policies,, namely those things actually done in pursuance of policy
decisions and statements. This means what a government does as distinct from
what it says going to do eg actual taxes collected, number of high ways constructed,
amount of drugs purchased for the hospitals, trade liberation, import restrictions, tariff s
imposed etc . this also included the new organizational units set up or renovation
of existing ones done for the purpose of implementations policy out come: they
are the intended or unintended
consequences of policies that flow from action or inaction by government.
Take the case of the structural adjustment programme
in Nigeria (sap) the consequences are intended gains, important in rural
incomes and local sourcing of needed raw
materials for industries and unintended pains hardship for families because of
prevailing high rate of inflation, low disposal income and poor purchasing
power of Nigeria. In all these, is need
to know whether or not policies a
complies what they are intended to a
accomplish, it is also the task of
policy evolution