The Practical Ways In Which An  Organization Can Measure Customer Satisfaction Through   Customer Facing  Personnel  
1.       By  encouraging face to face dealings: It  is  important to meet the client   regularly. The client fards it easier to relate to  and work with someone they see regularly as  opposed to a new face in the banking  hall
2.      Responding to message promptly and keeping clients informed: This  goes without saying as  it can be very annoying to wait around for das for a response to an email or
phone call
3.      Being friendly well approachable: It is very important to be friendly, conteous  and make the client feel  like they have a personal friend in  the organization who  is always there to help  them out .
4.      Having a clearly :  defined customer service policy : a  clearly deined customer service policy will  gave a lot of time   and effort in the long  run 
5.      Attention to detail: It is also useful  to pay attention to little details  showing the customer that the  organization cares . it could be as simple as  sending happy  birthday  cards.
6.      Anticipate clients need and go out of the way to help them out  
Honouring promises : It  is very important to under promise and over deliver as it increases the customers faith in the organization
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