Collins (1982:224) defined dedication as committing wholly to special purpose of duty. It is also the showing of interest and empathy on a special concern.
  According to Hsehli (1975:16) lack of dedication on the part of some staff members could be attributing to the poor provision of staff personnel. He contended that the poor provision do not make for securing the right type of supervision and evaluation. The stimulation and encouragement of staff members is not secured, he further remarked.

  To Fafunwa (1974:28), lack of dedication of staff member to poor inspiration and assistance
from headmaster and other top administrators as supervisors, he saw the headmaster as an advisor, instructor and guide to other teachers of public education in Kaduna Local Government Area in Kaduna state o f Nigeria.

  Lack of dedication by some staff members has some intricate implications. The researcher stated that poor dedication will promote school administrative and instructional difficulties and when not properly handled, will crumble the administrative set up of the school.

            Finally, the researcher observed that adequate incentive and encouragement should be given to staff members to encourage them. Their condition of services should equally be improved to make staff members see the job as a special calling in order to promote effectiveness in the running of public education In Kaduna North Local Government Area in Kaduna state of Nigeria.
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