role of education is very important in
nation economic and national development . The possession of an educational degree provides many opportunities for an individuals with college education has the
charge to enter a professional
work force, with the sufficient among of knowledge to be
successful at their job. The educational degree provides an individual with a chance
to accomplish his /her goals at
work. The person can even be offered promotions due to their outstanding
work effort. A college degree can
provide a
person with enough knowledge to work
overseas and help expand a company
or business, or even have
chance to change the world. The effect
of education would have an impact of the
change in population growth, national culture, and certain environmental
factors. The progress of a society can be judged by its educational institutions.
A country date waits to develop nationally
must possess people who are sufficient
and knowledgeable to bring the country
forward. Many of the greatest people in the united states such as George Washington,
Abraham Lincoln and ballgames have
helped bring discountry award through
their own educational knowledge there are various diseases in the world to day include acquired immune deficiency,
syndrome (ATAS) concern gonorrhea,
syphilis, smallpox, meddlesz and other. The
disease are known by the damages they inflict on
their victims . there are also
curable using relevant drugs and
injection. There is however a common diseases, whose symptoms are different from the normal disease or ignorance “ an ignorant individual usually
suffer low reasoning power,
inability to different what is good from what is bad low social
interaction, low emotion, and low psychological feelings among others .
educations is however the only antidote
to ignorance” for example political science is offered as a
course at the university level
students are taught discourse and
made to carry out researchers on aspects
of it
at the end of their career
through this the political ideologies /
theories are exposed
to more generations education
and cultural development of a
nation. It helps in developing or
modifying the existing culture
values through the creativity of
products of the educational system. It
also helps in transmitting cultural
values from one generation to the
next .
Concept of national development according to Achimkgu (2000) national
development is extent to a nation is able
to overcome her complex socio –economics , political and cultural issues
to ensure progressive charge in the quality of life of her citizens. It therefore implies
that national development embraces
several elements including social,
economics, political technological and
cultural among other changes in a nation
over a
period there is economic
development when there is increase in productivity and wealth of nation (it can be
measured by increase in gross
national product ) increase in
industrialization, food production and
employment generation, low cost of living
and high living standard of the
citizens , low inflation rate, availability
of qualified manpower among other