In the
definition of curriculum process I identified three categories in which the
authors trys to define the concept.
The first
category are:
(1965) 3
Soylor and
Alexander (1965:5)
Kyug (1956:4)
Doll (1964:15)
These groups of
authors believed that curriculum is the activities of the learner provided by
he school. Here the authors
did not consider whether all the activities of the learners (students) are
still what the school provided for the learners. The school must make some that
the leaners are still do what are expected of them.
The second
groups of authors is by cookeyham (1980) who believed that curriculum is what
people do or learn at school from the day they are admitted until the day they
leave school. In this definition the author is unable to separate positive
learning and negative learning because curriculum is designed to chieve
positive learning. In the school system you found different people with
difference character i.e to say that most of the social views found in our
institutions are not part of he curriculum.
The third groups
which is the lasts groups are;
Wheeler (1967:2)
Tanner and
Tammer (1975:45)
Tyler (1945)
These groups
considered what curriculum is all above, they considered the objective and the
organization of learning in curriculum. Curriculum implementation must be grouleb
by the schools or teachers in order to achieve its aim objective and goals.
There are other
group who did not belong to any of the groups. They believed in neither in
their own view, curriculum comprises well defined ground to be covered by a
given group of learners in order to be promoted or awarded a certificate. They
most concern of curriculum therefore these
group of authors are concern above voted learning.
Here we will
consider the basic element of curriculum definition. For any acceptable definition,
it must processes these four basic element according to MKPA (2003)]
of content and learning experience
of learning experience.
Emenwa 1981,
Iroagomachi 1990 also identify the three complementary components.
Programme of
studies which is the subjects mapped out
for learners to cover in shools in order to develop their pontentializes
Programme of
activities refers to those activities provided to the learner as part of the
proper of studies. It is he/she has learnt in teaching –learning situation
instructions, direction and guidance provided to learn the school that helps
students to develop their aspirations, attitudes and qualities.
The individual differences in
understanding things has made the definition of curriculum complex. Through in
comprehensing the various definitions one needs weekneses, incurred concept
curriculum. As maintained above, some authors understand what curriculum is all
about while some only understand the shadow of the concept, but the fact
relies, the basic component most asways be considered as identified by
Agnoroghouo (2000) and Emmeruwa 1981
Data: data are ideas, facts, etc. that
relate to certain events, tasks, or person. Data are thus the raw and
unorganized facts, ideas and items which may be represented as letters,
numbers/figures or syumbol/signs.
Data types (codes/representation)
Data may be grouped into:
Numeric data
Alphabetic data
Alphanumeric data
Graphic data, sonic data, etc.