Global warming is the increase of average surface temperature of the earth.  The increase of global   temperature in 20th century was 0.740C and it is calculated that increase of temperature will be a value between 1.1% and 6.4oc in  the  21st century. It is believed that   global temperature has believed that global  temperature has been  relatively  stable before  1850.
The causes of global warming is the emission of green house  gases  (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous  oxide CFC etc)  deforestation  and  depreciation   of ozone layer  which allows radiation  from  the sum  to penetrate  the  atmosphere are the  major  causes global warming .
The common factor for   all  the causes is human activities are responsible for all of the retreat of glaciers causing  worldwide sea level  rise is o[ne of the major consequences of global   warming. It is predicted that the  sea level rise  in coming  century  is somewhere between 0.18m  and  0.59m. changes in  rainfall   patterns high frequent occurring  of extreme weather conditions   scarcity of drinking water ,  depreciation of  ozone layer,  ocean  acidification   and spread  of some diseases  are  some  of other adverse effects   of global warming. Therefore  it is obvious that human being should be invited  to prevent this danger
Green houses gases are capable  of  absorb the heat and emits  it back, it is known  that  without green house gases  earth would have been  33oc  colder that the present temperature  therefore existence of green house gases in the atmosphere is needed  and extra among of  than  would heat up the earth. Most  abundant green house gases  are water vigor, carbon dioxide  methane, nitrous oxide and CFC emission of all of them Expect  water vapor   and ozome are caused by human activities and  the amount of  emissions have been increasing rigidly.
Man is responsible for the  current  situation and therefore we should work together as a single  nation to overcome this issue. We should find the solution not as sirlankans, assigns or Americans  but as earthians 
The united nations organization  is the body which can lead the world at this juncture , however  the   true power of UN  is generated   only if nations were united . united nations frame work  convention on climate change  (UNFCCC OR FECC) is an environment   treaty signed in  1992   and  more  effective treaty, known as  Kyoto  protocol was signed  in  1997. Parties have been meeting  annually since  1995  and it was held in Copenhagen.  Denmark in  2009. It  will  be held  Mexico this year and in  south Africa  2011
Although there are some successful achievements result  would have been more effective  of all the nations  are united by heart, those  conferences  are troubled by  the political  agencies of some countries. This  seen that most  countries   attend these  conferences not  to reduce this remissions but to maximize their maximum  emission limits, we should reduce  emission with the objective of  protecting the earth  and it is not  just  following a treaty.  We should think as a family and everyone should help one another.
The  first photographs from space  brought  home the fact that earth is an  integrated  and isolated system  concern  that  human impacts  could be changing  the equilibrium of this  system grew  in the  1970’s  as theories about ozone depletion  and the green house effect developed. The  concept of the earth changing  over various  of the earth changing   over various this seals was not  new,  solar and  astronomical  cycles, the waxing and  wanning  of Ice  ages,  and  seasonal changes have long been  recognized what was new the  realization  that  humans can have a  lasting  and  far reaching impact on  earths  natural fluctuation and  cycle. 
Potential human  impacts on  climate are linked to the  globally increasing emission of green houses gases through  activities  such as burning fossil fuels  (coal, oil, natural  gas) deforestation  fertilizing  crop lands and hearting  air conditioning and lighting  building s. green house gases  like other atmospheric gases  allow sunlight to  reach  and  warm the earth surface, unlike   other atmosphere gases,  however, they  trap much of  the heat and keep it  from  escaping back into  space such  the surface of the earth source of them the  chlorofluorocarbon  (CFC)  and halons also react with  sunlight  in the upper atmosphere to destroy  the  ozone  layer around the earth. 
In industrialized counties  green house  goes emissions  are  primarily   related to energy use, with only  20 percent of  the  worlds  population these countries  account for  75 percent of annual  energy use, in developing countries current green house gas emission are tied  primarily to change  in land use  practices  e.g  deforestation .
We cannot predict the magnitude of climatic effects from green house gas  emission  with accuracy.  But it is clear that the decision   to limit emission cannot  await  the time when the full  impacts are evident . the leg time between emission   of the gas  and  their full impact  is on the order of decades to centuries, so too is the  time needed to   reverse any effects. Today’s  emission thus commit the plant to changes well into the 21st  century. And  the  leg times  between  identification of policy options legislation of controls and actual  implementation of  the  act of the will begin now  and continues over  the next  10 to 20 years
Among individual countries the  united states is  the leading   with  5 percent of the worlds population, the united states accounts for  about  20 percent  of the worlds warming  commitment.  US  co2  emission  20 percent of the global total  originate almost exclusively from  fossil fuel combustion.
Anthropogenic  sources of maintain   in the united states account   for about   6 percent of  global emission from all sources  land  fills, coalmining and domestic  animals account for most of  us total  (2,24)  the  united states  also consumes between  20  30 percent of the worlds (EFU and CFC -12  the two noise  damaging chlorpluor  carbons in learns  of  global warming.
Roughly  60-70 percent of  theses passes   are scheduled to be phased out by the year  2000 under  the revised Montreal protocol US nitrous oxide  emission roughly  15-20  percent of the manmade  global total refers  6-24  originated  primarily   from fertilizer break down and high  temperature  fossil fuel  emission . green house  gas emissions are closely  entwined  in the limited states with energy  use currently, America uses about  15 times more   energy  per person than does the typical  developing country.
The warming commitment or irradiative forcing  caused by the different green hues is  not  equal. It  depends on  the absorbing characteristic    concentration in the atmosphere   and the life time of  each gas .
Although the other gases are more potent on a per  include basis, currently Co2  accounts for an estimated  55 percent of the committed  to global warming . this is  largely  due to fact that so  much  CO2  has been emitted world wide  (6 billion metric tons  of carbon is  1988) as  to snap the higher radiates  facings per unit of the other gases (24)  percent of the current   CH4  is responsible for 15, percent  and N20  for  6 percent
Recently, public interest and  concern over  global changes  intensified with the discovery of annual  ozone hole over  Antarctica, thinning   ozone  over arctic, the  severe drought of   1988 and recent   abnormal  wealth  patters in  Europe international concern was demonstrated  by the  recent  rapid renegotiation of   the  Montreal protocol to  comradely  phase (CFC) and  assist developing  countries in achieving that goal many in industrialized  countries principally in  Europe have further called for a  20 percent  reduction in  CO2  emission from  the developed world by  2015  or shortly thereafter, several  have pleaded   to freezers  reduce   emission whether or   not  the rest of the participated  
In conclusion, the major   options available or likely to be available for reducing   CO2 emission in the near term fall into three categories  
1.       Increasing energy conversion   and efficiency in end use technologies
2.       Changing use patterns to conserve energy
3.       Shifting energy  
Shifting  energy  supply  award form high  CO2 emitting  fuels 
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