The study involved the used of primary data, that is primary data collection technique were used in securing the required information. The research was carried out in three towns namely Onuiyi, Odenigbo and Nguru. Each town was regarded as a cluster, hence giving us a total of three clusters. The town Nguru is a minority town with far less population than others.
            A situation where a planned sampling procedure like systematic random sampling i.e. (interviewing every tenth house in a street) could not take place because the areas ere not planned, the people live scattered and surveyed households were randomly selected at the wish of the researcher. Hence the researcher resorted to simple random sampling technique for convenience because the research was operating under a tight schedule. The “random” indicates that the sample is selected in such a way that it’s impossible to predict which members will be included, and hat it is simply a matter of chance that any particular member is selected. This statistical technique is justified by
statistical theory. A total of 50 households’ heads were interviewed comprising 25 from Onuiyi, 15 from Odenigbo and 10 from Nguru.
            Most of the household heads interviewed were illiterates and the researcher had to resort to interview method. The responses gathered were three processed and presented in a tabular form in the next chapter. A sample of interview questions is also enclosed at the last page.
            The secondary data used to complement the survey exercise were obtained from CBN the World Bank, UNDR, Federal Office of Statistics relevant ministries, journal, serials, Newspapers, other institutions/agencies including non-government organizations (NGOs).
            The method used was predominantly descriptive analysis because the entire data were processed and developed into descriptive statistics utilized for the measurement and assessment of poverty in Nigeria. Comparisons were drawn with contemporary developing countries in order to appreciate the degree of poverty and its alleviation in Nigeria.
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