In  a country like Nigeria both the size of the country and the diversities in the social background of the people make it difficult for any central or state government of the people make it difficult for any central or state government to attempt to govern the people effectively at the local level.
        In the Northern Nigeria for instance, there are places, which are about seven hundred kilometers from the state government headquarters. That is why it has been often said that if the Northern state government collapses public
administration will continue existing, but if the native authority collapses, there will be chaos. (Onwe, 2004).This theory hold good to some other state of
Nigeria and it is not difficult to appreciate the importance of Local Government in the administration of Nigeria if one examines the functions of Local Government.

        Apart from preservation of law and order the main reason for existence of Local Government is to provide efficient services through the revenue, which they collect from their communities. These revenues include taxes, fines, rates and profit from municipal and other miscellaneous spent the revenue. With this in mind, this project is meant to provide broad practical information on the generation and disbursement of fund in the administration of Local Government council in Nigeria. 
        On the other hand the constitution of the Federal Government of Nigeria gives authority recognition and uniformity to the local government and equally gives the local government a stake in the federal government collected revenue. It also assigned specific functions to the local government. These functions as we know are very vital. They form the aims and objectives of creating the local government as the third tier of government bearing in mind the bringing of the government nearer to the people.
        These functions are enshrined in the fourth schedule of the 1999 constitution. They deserve further examination here, but there is a silent provision, which state as follows: it shall be the duty of local government council and a state to participate in the economic planning and development of local areas. Economic planning and development is multi-dimensional and it embracing, to this view Ogbudimkpa (1980) seemed to have agreed that
enlightenment is very essential and also identifies four programme namely “capital formation, technical progress, human capital formation and population control.
        The above multi functional facts are time and capital consuming. We can see that there is need for local government to have adequate finances if they have to discharge their functional responsibilities both effectively and efficiently to the benefit of the citizenry and the nation at large. It is a known fact that local government in Nigeria now receives at least 20 percent of the total collected revenue. Yet it is unable to provide such essential services as their counter part in the United Kingdom, United State and some other advanced countries of the world.
        In the United Kingdom towns and cities, a country has been responsible for the provision of all local services such as police, fire services, water and sewage disposal the Mid-Niger total collected revenue. Yet it is unable to provide such essential services as their counter part in the United Kingdom, united state and some other advanced countries of the world.

        In the United Kingdom towns and cities, a country has been responsible for the provision of all local services such as police, fire services, water, and sewage disposal the mid-twenty century. Lapsey (2000), whereas their counter part in Nigeria cannot pay their staff salaries without collecting their share of the statutory allocation or bank overdrafts. This adds credence to the claim by many that local government in Nigeria are not performing but Venuataman (1999) had
alternatives (or supplementary) source of revenue if they are to be independent, autonomous and effective. Apart from the statutory allocation, other broad categories of revenue open to local government are: grant, loans, taxes and rates, rents licenses, fees and fines earnings from commercial undertakings, interest and dividends and other miscellaneous sources. The effectiveness of the local government in the tapping from this broad spectrum of sources and the adequacy in the disbursement of these generated revenue is what I am trying to find out, using Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State as my reference. However, my yardstick will be effectiveness and efficiency between revenue generation and disbursement.
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