Policy implementation as a hub of the policy process is determined by some indispensable variables. They include implementing agencies, policy environment, the policy target group, the policy objectives and policy resources, disposition, communication and compliance.

The Implementing Agencies
 This refers to government department parastatals, ministries or commissions bestowed with the responsibility of implementing public policies. The agencies consist of structures, personnel and processes involved in policy application. As articulated by Ikelegbe (1996:79), implementing agencies are very important because they have primary responsibility for policy implementation. They equally determine the course, speed and impact of policies. What should be done? How it should be done? Who exactly is to benefit? Secondly, they make policies and create structure in the process implementation. However, in a situation where a newly adopted policy has no existing implementation structure, new agencies are always created to achieve such. This reflects the importance attached to such policy. The need of implementation agencies include, ensuring that policy personnel do not loose focus in managing public problems. The agencies make evident policy implementation since its size, quality of staff, and organizational capability determine how efficient and effective policies are implemented.

 The Policy Environment
The implementation of policies is affected by environmental variables such as political, economical, and socio-cultural factors. The political environment the disposition of political elite. These great influence in shaping opinion, of individual and interest groups. Also, configuration, which determines the political parties, their activities and relation to a given policy revolve around environment. The political relationship political system affects policy implementation. This could be by accepting or opposing or totally rejecting the implementation of public policies. A political environment that is friendly and tolerant encourages bottom-up relation in policy implementation process. On the other hand, a hostile environment as found in military regimes does not encourage popular inputs in implementing policies.

The Policy Target Groups
Every policy has a target group or beneficiaries. However, the reaction of these groups contributes to the policy implementation process. The target group, which equally represents the interest groups, also participates in the implementation of policies. They influence the content, direction and speed of policy implementation. Most often, the target groups do not embrace the policies and if they do, it is not usually appreciated. When such a situation exists, policy is hindered from realizing its objectives. In this regard there is need for the mobilization and sensitization of the target groups on the benefits of a formulated policy. For instance, most Nigerians do not see a benefit in buying “made in Nigerians good”. They should be enlightened to know that patronizing to manufacturers enhances economic development a job creation in a country.

Policy Standards and Objectives
Public policy has objectives, goals, and standards. These requirements are very essential for the purpose of guiding policy implementers. Policy implement need to identify the goals and objectives, to enhance the procedural application to policy. By following standards and objectives, there is elaborate and clarification of goals. The management by objectives technique is the most preferred tool that assists the al realization of policy objectives.

In the same vein, the existence of standards and objectives promotes compliance and co-operation among policy implementers and beneficiaries.

Application of Policy Resources

To implement policies, some resources are indispensable for its success. The resources include und, staff and incentives. These resources facilitate and enhance successful policy implementation. Funds s the life wire in implementation process explains the allure of public policy to achieve a desirable end. Besides, inadequate financial base is a major explanation for the poor implementation and the poor outcome of public policy programme (Ikeiegbe,1996:80). 

Also, human resources and incentives contribute immensely to the successful implementation of policies. Where unskilled manpower is involved in implementation of policies, the aftermath has always been inefficiency and ineffectiveness. It equally leads to abuse of funds in the implementation process. Furthermore, insufficient resources will mean that laws will not be enforced, services will not be provided and reasonable regulations will not be developed.

When these occur, implementation process is only reduced to bureaucratic exercise. This remains the bane of policy implementation in de1oping countries. In Nigeria for instance, the national poverty alleviation policy is brilliantly articulated but yet it is difficult to realize its essence due to inadequate resources relevant in ensuring its success. However, motivation is essential to boost morale and improve dedication of staff in implementing policies with specification and objective-driven interest.

The effectiveness of a policy implementation is determined by the ability of those responsible for implementing policies to understand and know what they are supposed to do. Georges C. Edwards (1980:10) states that:
Order to implement policies must be transmitted to the appropriate personnel, and they must be clear, accurate, and consistent.
Therefore, policies due for implementation must be clearly transmitted to the implementers. It is essential because ambiguous and vague directives set back and create confusion among the implementers. When confusion, vagueness, and inconsistency characterize transmission of policies to the implementers, ignorance or misunderstanding always occurs among them. Also disagreement over interpretation of policies can lead to outright blockage or distortion of communication as implementers exercise their inevitable discretion in handling general decisions and orders. Other factors that account for distortion of information include multiple bureaucratic layers, absence of channel of communication, and selective perception of policy implementers.

Furthermore, poorly communicated policy compels implementers to use their discretion to turn general policies into particular actions. If this occurs, the general purpose of the policy is defeated. In all, implementation instructions should be properly transmitted to avoid hindrance in the implementation of policies.

when implementers exhibit negative attitude and disposition to policy implementation, such policy aces the challenge of failing to achieve its expected goals. This occurs since most implementers exercise considerable discretion in the implementation of policies. Several reasons are adduced for the place of dispositions in policy implementation. They include, the independence of implementers from their nominal superiors who formulate the policies and the complexity of the policies. The way which implementers exercise their discretion over depends in large upon their disposition toward policies. The implication is that their attitudes in turn, will be influenced by their views towards the policies and how they see the policies affect their organization and personal interests.

However, if the attitudes, values and ideas of policy made, are in tandem with the perceptions of implanter, hitches are always eliminated. On the contrary, disagreement usually ensues in policy implementation. For example, an average Hausa Moslem, has no interest has no interest in implementing any policy on women liberation because his culture encourages the confinements of women in purdah.

Bureaucratic structure
The primary concern of bureaucracy is execution and enforcement of the policies decided by the political executives while other function of government such as policy making and interest articulation are carried out by a variety of institutions. Policy implementation is in large part the responsibility of civil servants. The bureaucrats are the strategic policy implementers. They may know what to do and have sufficient desire and resources to do it, but they may still be hampered in implementation by the structures of the organizations in which they serve. Accordingly, 3eorge Edwards (1980:11) observed that:
Organizational fragmentation may hinder the coordination necessary to implement successfully a complex policy requires the cooperation of many people and it may waste scarce resources, inhibit change and create confusion, lead to policies working at cross purposes, and result in important functions being overlooked.

The organization fragmentation results essentially from pressure outside the bureaucratic units as legislative committees, interest groups, executive officials, and state Constitutions. These most often add to organizational feuds among members of the bureaucracy. To avoid unwarranted disagreements within a bureaucratic organization, Standard operating Procedures (SOPs) are created. The SOPs re routines that enable public officials to make numerous day-to-day decisions. SOPs is very commonly used because it saves times and is very useful when there is lack of resources. But they do t thrive in crisis time. However both standard operating procedures and organizational fragmentation according to Edward:

Often inhibit changes in, resources, generate undesired act coordination, con fuse officials a jurisdictions, results in policies working at cross-purpose and cause some policies to fall between the cracks of organization boundaries. Edward (1980:12,).

Public policy implementation is not just deciding what works; it includes how it will work. When there is compliance to public policy process, the implementers and beneficiaries always strive toward successful policy implementation. Compliance in this perspective reduces sabotage and recalcitrance within the policy environment. To ensure compliance, certain coordination is essential. As Linder and Peters (1990:65) noted, looking at policy from top down, the implementation solution criterion seems to be clarity so that compliance can be ensured down the line. 

The emphasis is that a policy should be concise, explicit and precise to reduce complexity at implementation. More so, there is need for flexibility and discretion to make policy simple. As a follow up, compliance is favoured when governments deliver services directly to the people not through third parties. Invariably, implementation of policy is often opposed, especially when public policy is an imposition from government. However, government always uses their monopoly in instrument of coercion Lo command compliance to public policies. 

The discussion on successful implementation of policies unravels hitches that do impede the process of realizing policy objectives. Equally, it is observed that perfect implementation is never achieved and realized, as some degree of failure is almost inevitable. The table below summarizes elements that ensure successful implementation of policies.

Element of Successful Policy Implementation
No insurmountable external constraints
Usually organization and individuals that will not cooperate, but can include act of nature
Adequate time and sufficient resources
Time, money and people
Valid theory
Required combination of time, money and people in the right order and mix
Causal Connections are reasonable, clear and direct
Good design, especially cause and affect relationship
Dependency relationships are minimal
Homeless and doubtless related to capitalism, but rather than trying to change capitalism, find shelter.
Agreed objectives
Authority is not fragmented or dispersed
Correct sequence of tasks
Everyone signs from the song sheet, no dispute about ends
Clear communication and understanding
No sabotage and recalcitrance or rebellion
Sources: Hogwood and Gunn (1984)