In some medicinal plant reported in ethno botany
to be of useful therapeutic effect, it has been found that photochemical and
pharmacological studies do not support these claims (Oliver 1986). A typical in
stance occurs in Alstonia spp reputed as anti-malaria action could not be
confirmed in many tests carried out by numerous authors on birds, monkeys and human
beings (Henry, 1949)
and these studies use carried out with A. scholars and
construct bark. However, it was noted that some bark of A. scholars produced a
fall of temperature in human patient and while this lasted, the patient
appeared relatively from symptoms (Chopra et
al, 1938).
Franworth et
al, (1975) listed the plant containing Oestrome and Oestriols which are
effective in regulating fertility action. Some of these plants are found in West Africa. The date palm phoenix dactylifera C, the oil
palm, Elais guinesis, rice, Onpa sativa C, wheat, Triculum aestrivum I and
vegetable bean phacseuolvies vulgaris C,
other plant reported to have antisterility effect are Arackin hypogea, L (Seed)
reported by Adrain and Yasgut (1968). Medicago sativa C (Paris and Moyse, 1971),
Holarrbena, floribunda (Kerhara and Adams, 1974) all cited in Oliver Berer
(1986), ability to fertilize females by 40% of the phytochemical and biomedical
investigations have been made by Iwu and Igboko (1983), Iwu (1982a, 1982b) on
several plant used on Igbo ethnomedicine.
Some of their results show that the
extract of Garcia kola seeds, stem
and roots have found to possess remarkable antihepatotoxic and hepatropic
activity. The extracts checked liver damage caused by carbontetrqchloride,
ethionine, ethylalcohol and pallocidine. The petroleum extract and to layer of
acelone extract demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity against many
species of bacteria and fungi.
The phytochemical studies on it confirmed the
presence of several flavonoids, In similar studies, Lanchocarpus cyanescens (family: papilionacea) used locally as
anti-arthritis agent has been confirmed to have anti-phlogistic activity (Iwu
and Oluric 1980) and this is attributable to the Oleanne derivative isolated
from the plant. Glycrhetinic acid, a triterpene with proven anti-arthritic
activity was also isolated from the plant (Iwu, 1982) similarly, Terminaha invorensis and Costus afar showed reproducible costus
afar yielded mainly steroids, while the active constituents of 1. Ivorensis is
triterpene and their glycosides. Psidum
guajava was found to contain ursolic acid and quarcetin.
In another study with Cajanus cajan (Family: Fabacceae) Iwu (1988) found that extracts
from this specie are potential agent for scientist at the Obafemi Awolowo
Univesity, Ife
workshop that the root of Zanthoxylum spp (Fagara spp) has anti-sickling action
(Sofowora, 1982) this a common chewing has been found to be useful in treatment
of sickle cell anaemia and could increase the life victim of this genetic
The anti-sickling agents in fagara has been identified as a chemical
com pound called parahydroxy benezoic acid. According to Odebiyi (1986), the
root extract. And model tablets from fagara plant have been produced.
Eminent scholars in the area of pharmacognosy have
made tremendous efforts in utilizing the great potentialities that exist in
medicinal plants in treating disease conditions. Although, these has been
literary works and documentation of African medicinal plants non-has been done
in Amagu and this prompted the need for this seminar and to add to the much
that have been done is systematic and morphological description of plant to
enable field recognition of such pant for further research and use.