The State “home of Solid Mineral”
Historical Development: Nassarawa
State came into existence on the 1st of October, 1996. It State. The
creation of Nassarawa State, as it is now, is the result of many years
of agitation arising from strong political feelings of marginalisation
and neglect.
present Nassarawa State had formed the bulk of what was the southern
part of former Plateau State comprising ten local governments, namely
Akwanga, Awe, Doma, Karu, Keffi, Lafia, Nassarawa, Nassarawa Eggon, Obi
and Toto. The State occupies a total land area of 27,137.8sq. km.
Administrative Areas:
its creation in October 1996, Nassarawa State had ten local gov ernment
areas (LGAs). The state capital was located at Lafia. By November 1996,
three more local government
areas were created thus giving a total of
thirteen local government areas in the State (see Table 25.1). The three
new local government areas created in 1996 are Keana (out of Awe),
Geology and Relief:
The southern landscape of the state forms part of the low plains of the Benue origin. Other parts of the
are composed of undulating lowlands and a network of hills developed on
granites, migmatites, pegmatites and gneisses. Around the saltmining
village of Awe are a number of worn volcanic cones.
parts of the state that lie within the Benue (valley are composed of
sandstones. However,) around tshe saltbearing districts of Awe, Keana
and Akiri, are detached synclinal areas formed by localised folding. The
brine springs of Awa, Azara and Bomanda are associated with anticlinal
axes along which saltbearing beds within the synclines ) approach the
high land areas of the state are found towards the north, notably in
Wamba, Nassarawa t Eggon and Akwanga Local government Areas. The Eggon
rolling hills for example, rise to an average ; height of about 1,200m.
The Maloney Hill in Keffi is of historical significance.
state is drained by numerous fastflowing streams/rivers that take their
source from the Jos Plateau and flow into the River Benue which also
marks the state's southern boundary. Prominent among these are the Mada,
Dep, Ayini, and Farin Ruwa rivers.
State is characterised by a tropical subhumid climate with two distinct
sea sons. The wet season lasts from about the beginning of May and ends
in October. The dry season is experienced between November and April.
Annual rainfall figures range from 1100 mm to about 2000mm.
ninety per cent of the rain falls between May and September, the
wettest months being July and August. The rain comes in thunder storms
of high intensity, particularly at the beginning and towards the end of
the rainy season.
are generally high during the day, particularly between the months of
March and April. The mean monthly temperatures in the state range
between 20°C and 34°C, with the hottest months being March/April and the
coolest months being December/January.
major soil units of Nassarawa State belong to the category of oxisols
or tropical ferrugi nous soils (Nyagba, 1995). The soils are derived
mainly from the basement complex and old sedi mentary rocks. Lateritic
crust occurs in extensive areas on the plains, while hydromorphic soils
(humic inceptisols) occur along the flood plains of major rivers.
soils of volcanic origin are found around the volcanic cones of Awe.
The hilly areas carry shallow skeletal soils. Many parts of the state
are ravaged by both sheet and gully erosion. The major urban centres,
particularly Lafia and Keffi, are heavily gulled. Since most of the
inhabitants of the state are farmers, extensive areas in the countryside
are also cleared for farm ing, thus exposing wide areas of land to
sheet ero sion.
State falls within the southern guinea savanna zone. However, clear
ance of vegetation for farming, fuel wood extraction for domestic and
cottage industrial uses and saw milling has led to the development of
regrowth veg etation at various levels of serai development. Dense
forests are few and far apart.
forests are found in lowland areas, particularly where pop ulation
pressure is less on the land. Gallery forests are common along major
streams and pronounced depressions. Forest reserves are being developed
mostly near major urban centres like Lafia, Nassarawa, Keffi, Akwanga
and Wamba.
veg etation on the hilly parts of the state is composed mainly of
grasses and isolated trees. Trees of economic value, including locust
bean, shea butter, mango, citrus and banana are scattered across the
state, particularly the lowland areas and southern parts of the state.