Fold, Faults, Dyke, Foliation and Vein/Veinlet Found in Nigeria

        Within the geologic environment (Area of study), the major geologic structures observed are fold, faults, dyke, foliation and vein/veinlet. However, the analysis of the structure was carried out with detailed measurement and interpretation.

        These are structures displacement of geologic units, due to tectonic activities. They are found in many location. It serves as channel through which server eruption can take place.
        It can be used to detect change in colour of some minerals which show some movement. Within location11 are dextrital fault of about few cm displacement and the trend is North-South.
4.2   FOLDS
        These are observed in almost all the location visited, they are mainly asymmetrical folds as seen in location within the basement complexes.
        Fold also signifies the evidence of movement and it occurs as a result of tectonic.

        This is the arrangement of mineral grain in a linear orientation with distinguished boundaries. Lineation can be diagnosed as a structure formed due to flowage structure of magma. This structure is most visible in gneisses and schist activities.

        This is the alignment of platy minerals like micas and feldspars. They are found in the areas of gneiss and migmatite complexes and at the schist belt.
        Foliation is one of the major features that are seen in metamorphic environment and it is almost well pronounced in many of the location visited during this studies.
        Finally, the general trend is N – N direction which signifies that it controls the younger granite in Jurassic age.

        This is a joint filled with quartz minerals or they are quartz –feldsparthic component seen to have been filled by some minerals. In some areas they appear to be continuous which may be due to tectonic displacement. These structures are seen in many locations like 1, 6, 5 and 11 respectively. It is called veinlets when it is less than 4mm.


        These are structure in the rock which have resulted due to series of movement associated with earth disturbance. They are said to be as a result of tectonic or orogenic activities. Examples of tectonic structure are faults, folds, joints etc.

        These are tabular intrusion that cuts across the basement discordantly, apart from this intrusion of the older granitic complex which were include among the major rock units of the basement complex and the younger granite complexes.
        Others were ring dykes of rhyrolite and aplite composition with characterized porphyritic and aplitic texture as observed in location 2. Others are quartz dyke, quartz-feldsparthic dyke as seen in location 4 these are known to be the major structural characteristics of the basement complex i.e migmatite and granite.

        Actually, this is resistant relict of rock fragments that intro magma so when this rock solidified to form rock this fragments are included into the rock.
        It is important to note that this rock characteristic was observed in the older granite, most especially in location 10 i.e Bazange along kiffi road.

Table 5:   Showing the different xenoliths where measure in terms of their dimension, the measurements reads thus


 Different xenoliths where measure in terms of their dimension
40cm - 29cm
40cm - 27cm
22cm - 14cm
21cm - 7.5cm
These sansase–shaped structures are commonly developed and quartz–rich layers in the migmatic gneisses and schists. These layers alternate with less competent ones which are rich in micas.
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