The maerolides are group of drugs (typically antibiotics) whose activity stems from the presence of a macrolide ring, a large macrocyclic lactone ring to which one or more deoxy sugars, usually clademose and desosamine, may be attached. Erythromycin was the first of these to find clinal application both as the drug of first choice, and as an alternative to penicillin in individuals who are allergic to β – lactam antibiotics.


Cholestatic jaundice – This side effect occurs especially with the estolate form of erythromycin, presumably as the result of a hypersensitivity reaction to he estolate form (the lamyl salt of the propionyl ester of erythromycine) it has also been reported for other form of drugs.

Constraindication – patients with hepatic dysfucntions should not be treated with erythromycine, since the drug accumulates in the liver.

OT –interval prolongation – erynthromycing causes OT-interval prolongation and pedispsoes to ventricular tachyarrhythmia, especially in women, in patients who have OT- interval prolongation or elelctroyte abnormalities, and in patients taking another drug that may prolong the OT-interval.

Epigastric Distress – This side effect is common and can lead to poor patient compliance for erythromycine. The new macrolides seem to be better tolerated by the patient’s gastro-intestinal problems are their most common side effects.
Ototoxicity- Transient deafness, dizziness, dose-related tinnitus etc has been associated with enrythromycine especially at high dosage.
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