Successfully Apply for FCSC Recruitment Login [Federal Civil Service Commission Abuja]

Federal Civil Service Commission Jobs in Nigeria - The FCSC recruitment portal LOGIN is yet to be opened as at the time of publishing this job post. However, for interested applicants who wants to serve in the Civil Service apply for the advertise positions and join the service. Successfully Apply for FCSC Recruitment Login [Federal Civil Service Commission Abuja]

Latest search terms related to federal civil service recruitment 2018 includes; federal civil service recruitment portal, federal civil service commission recruitment 2017/2018, federal civil service recruitment form, federal civil service recruitment 2018/2019, federal civil service commission registration portal, - federal civil service commission recruitment application form, recruitment 2018, massive recruitment at federal civil service

From previous experiences, whenever the Federal Civil Service Commission recruitment portal  is opened for recruitment, applicant usually have difficulties in registering and receiving of verification email to enable them proceed with their applications. This is the main reason we are writing this article to enlighten the general publish on how to go about it.

2018/2019 FCSC Recruitment | Federal Civil Service Forms Download - Apply Now (Download FCSC Forms):

This is no joke because thousands of new email accounts (especially Yahoo Mail and Gmail) will be created during this registrations period due to email rejection Issues on the portal, Nevertheless some applicants were able to apply successfully and others are still finding it difficult to register.

From research, we have come to understand on the processes involved especially how the recruitment portal works. We are ready to share this information with you free of charge simply for you to register successfully, you must avoid using mobile phone to register instead use strong browser like google chrome on laptop or desktop computer.

Did you know that some feature will not appear on your mobile phone even though the FCSC portal website functionality was optimize for easy access by applicant but the site is still under strong security protection that is why a lot of applicant are having problem to register.

How to Register Successfully for FCSC Recruitment 2018

  1. First and foremost, go to or Click Here
  2. Secondly, you are required to Click on Register an Account to start filling in your information on the box provided and Click Register.
  3. Note that you will receive either of this popup reply "your registration is successful", check your email inbox to activate your registration or this email have already register.
  4. Next; Check your email box to activate the email sent to you, if you didn't receive any email don't panic wait for some hours and keep checking your email inbox and spam.
  5. When you finally receive the activation email in your inbox click on it, it will lead you to FCSC Recruitment login page, login with your Username which is the email you register with and password.
  6. When you successfully login, check for the available position you want to apply for and click on apply button it will take you to the next page to start filling your information. There are 18 form pages which you will have to fill.

Related: National Sports Commission Recruitment Login 2018/2019 | (NSC) See How To Apply

Note: As an applicant for a federal job in Nigeria, while filling your form on the recruitment portal there will be some huddles like LGA not displaying or date box not functioning try this strategies:
When you click on state origin wait a little before clicking on the LGA box or click on another state origin and check the LGA then try to fill in your own state origin the LGA will show. For those who are finding it difficult to Register don't give up keep trying it will sure get through.

Click here to view the jobs: Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) Massive Job Recruitment.

Successfully Apply for FCSC Recruitment Login [Federal Civil Service Commission Abuja]

Finally, in this article, we talked about the Current open jobs Federal Civil Service Commission for 2018 in Nigeria. We are willing to share more light on the Latest ongoing recruitment and job openings in Federal Civil Service Commission, simply subscribe your email for updates.
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