WAEC Fishery 2018/2019 Specimen and Practical
Read below for WAEC Fishery Specimen and practical Questions
(i) Identify specimens A and B. [2marks]
(ii) Mention three observable features of specimen A. [3marks]
State five characteristics of specimen B that make it culturable. [5 marks]
Mention five common natural foods that specimen B feeds on in a fish pond.[5 marks].
OBSERVATION: This question was poorly attempted by the candidates. In 1(a)(i – ii), majority of the candidates could neither identify specimens A(Tilapia) and B(Clarias) correctly, nor mention the observable features of specimen A(Tilapia).
However, in 1(b), majority of the candidates were able to state the characteristics of specimen B (Clarias) that make it culturable. But in 1(c), most of the candidates were unable to mention the common natural foods that specimen B (Clarias) feeds on in a fish pond.
The expected answers include:
1(a)(i) Identification of Specimens
A – Tilapia/Tilapia specimen
B – Clarias/Clarias gariepinus/African catfish
(ii) Observable features of Specimen A (Tilapia)
- Presence of mouth
- Presence of scales on the body
- Presence of visible/discontinuous lateral line/lateral line is broken into two sections/divided into upper and lower sections
- Presence of spine on the fin/many spines
- Presence of single pair of nostrils/only one nostril on each side
- Body shape is laterally compressed/flattened
- Presence of eyes
- Presence of operculum/gill cover
- Presence of peduncle
(c) Common natural food for Specimen B (Clarias) in the Pond
- Earthworm/worms - Aquatic weed/macrophytes/plant/benthic plant
- Mosquito larvae/zoo plankton - Young fishes
- Tadpoles - Phytoplankton/algae
- Aquatic weeds - Detritus
- Eggs of insects
(i) Identify specimens J and K. [2 marks]
(ii) State three functions of specimen J in a fish pond. [3 marks]
(iii) Mention four differences between specimens J and K. [8 marks]
Give two methods of applying specimens J and K in a fish pond. [2 marks]
OBSERVATION: This question was poorly attempted by the candidates. In 2(a)(i), most of the candidates were able to identify specimens J (Cow dung) and K (Urea). However, in 2(a)(ii-iii), most of the candidates could neither state the functions of specimen J (Cow dung) in a fish pond nor mention the differences between specimens J (Cow dung) and K (Urea). Also, majority of the candidates could not give the methods of applying specimens J (Cow dung) and K (Urea) in a fish pond as required in 2b.
The expected answers include:
2(a)(ii) Functions of Specimen J (Cow dung) in a fish pond
- Fertilize the pond/provides essential nutrients
- It improves the condition of the pond
- Increases fish production without risk of dietary diseases
- Stimulates growth of natural fish food organism/plankton
(iii) Differences between Specimens J (Cow dung) and K (Urea)
J (Cow dung) K (Urea)
Fertilizer of animal/natural/organic origin Synthesized/man made
Large quantity required to fertilize a pond Small quantity required to fertilize
a pond
Smelly and application can be messy Easy to apply
Locally produced or gotten from the Industrially produced
waste of cattle
Very slow in terms of reaction time in Fast in terms of reaction time in the
the pond pond
Cheap to procure/economical Expensive to procure
More mineral nutrients Nutrient availability is specific
(b) Methods of applying Specimen J (Cow dung) and K (Urea) in a fish pond
> Broadcasting/spraying
> Sac method/spot
Identify specimens L and M. [2 marks]
(i) Give two similarities in the production methods of specimens L and M. [2 marks]
(ii) State two differences in the production of specimens L and M. [4 marks]
Describe the steps involved in the production of specimen L. [5 marks]
List two materials that can be used in the production of specimen M. [2 marks]
OBSERVATION: This question was well attempted by the candidates. Most of the candidates were able to identify specimens L(Smoked fish) and M(Canned fish) as required in 3(a).However, in 3(b)(i-ii), most of them could neither give the similarities between specimens L (Smoked fish) and M (Canned fish) nor state the differences in the production methods of specimens L (Smoked fish) and M (Canned fish).
However in 3(c), majority of the candidates were able to describe the steps involved in the production of specimen L (Smoked fish). Most of the candidates were also able to list the materials that could be used in the production of specimen M (Canned fish) as required in 3d.
The expected answers include:
3(b)(i) Similarities between Specimens L (Smoked fish) and M (Canned fish)
- They are both processed fish products
- They are fishes in preserved forms
- They are fishes in edible forms
- Value has been added
(ii) Differences in the production methods of Specimens L (Smoked fish) and M (Canned fish)
L (Smoked fish) M (Canned fish)
Produced through application f heat Involves steaming and water extraction
Makes use of smoking kiln Industrial processing involves complex machinery
Charcoal or firewood are the main Involves the use of electricity
source of heat energy
Fish form partially changed Fish form completely changed
Variable packaging materials/may Sealed in a can/well packaged
or may not be packaged
Identify specimens Q, R and S. [3 marks]
Draw and label specimen R. [6 marks]
(i) State one material used in making each of specimens Q, R and S. [3 marks]
(ii) State one disadvantage of using each of specimens Q, R and S. [3 marks]
OBSERVATION: This question was fairly attempted by the candidates. Most of the candidates were able to identify specimens Q (Scoop net), R (Fishing trap) and S(Drag net) but majority of the candidates could not draw and label specimen R (Fishing trap) as required in 4(a) and (b) respectively. However, majority of the candidates were able to state the materials used in making specimens Q (Scoop net), R (Fishing trap) and S (Drag net) as required in 4(c)(i). Finally, most of the candidates were unable to state the disadvantages of using specimens
Q (Scoop net), R (Fishing trap) and S (Drag net) as required in 4(c)(ii).
The expected answers include:
Drawing and labeling of Specimen R (Fishing trap)
4(c)(ii) Disadvantages of using each of Specimens Q (Scoop net), R (Fishing trap)
and S(Drag net)
Specimen Q (Scoop net)
- It cannot catch/take large number of fish at at time
Specimen R (Fishing trap)
- The trigger may fail.
- Materials used in constructing it are not durable.
- Cannot catch large quantity of fish at a time.
Specimen S (Drag net)
- It requires skill to operate
- It is labor intensive/cannot be operated by one person
- It is expensive to construct