ACT: American College Testing Assessment:
There are several standardized tests used for securing admission in different high schools and colleges in the United States and the ACT is one of them. The intent of this post is to assist people searching to find information about ACT test practice; act definition; act web account; act send scores; act army; act meaning; what does act stand for; act therapy; and more...Introduction to American College Testing Assessment: ACT
The ACT (American College Testing Assessment) is one of the two major standardized college entrance tests taken in the United States today, (the SAT is the other). The ACT exam is an all-multiple-choice test with an optional essay writing section designed to assess college readiness of high school students. Unlike the SAT, the ACT is not an aptitude test. The questions on the ACT exam are related directly to the material students have learned in high school. The ACT test is accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the United States. ACT practice tests, ACT prep courses are readily available on the Internet for students to prepare and perform well.
Why Take American College Testing Assessment: ACT?
Standardized tests like ACT are designed to allow college admission officers to judge all students by a common measuring stick. In addition, ACT helps high school students to prepare for college and further helps identify career options. Read below for Act dates, Act registration and ACT prep tips and strategies.
ACT Test Structure
The ACT assessment, tests knowledge in five areas: English, Reading, Math, Science Reasoning and an optional Writing Test. The ACT includes 215 multiple-choice questions. The test is approximately for 3 hours 30 minutes.(There is a optional writing essay for 30 minutes, which few colleges require while others don't.) It is up to the students to decide whether or not to take the writing test based on the requirements of the colleges they are applying to or considering.
Tips and Strategies on Each Focus Area if ACT
English Test Assessment:
- Be on the lookout for sentence fragments, incorrect sentence structure, verbosity and inappropriate use of phrases and idioms;
- Be on the lookout for subject-verb and noun-pronoun agreement;
- Brevity is the soul of wit. The best way to write something is the shortest correct way of writing it;
- Develop the habit of occasionally checking your progress through the test.
- Don't jump on the questions right away. Skim the paragraph for a few seconds, and then start working on the questions.
Math Test Assessment:
- Look for patterns and shortcuts in any given question;
- Think before working on each problem, use common sense to verify your answer choice.
- Understand and analyze the problem before crunching numbers;
- Use your calculator only when you need to;
Reading Test Assessment:
- Always refer to the passage before choosing an answer;
- Answer general questions before detail questions;
- Answer the easy questions for each passage first. Skip the tough ones and come back to them later.
- Concentrate on paragraph opening and closing;
- Do not get caught in the specific details of the passage;
- For fiction passages pay attention to the story and it's characters;
- Mentally outline all major points covered in non-fiction passages, take notes if necessary to find answers quickly;
Science Test Assessment:
- Do not get bogged down by technical terminology, avoid the frills and get to the core of the problem.
- Focus on the questions that require analyzing data from just a single table or graph;
- If the answers are numerical, use estimation to save time;
- In order to comprehend graphs and tables quickly concentrate on nature of data being presented, units of measurement, relationship among variables and perceive trends and pattern in the data;
- Start by scanning the passage. Read the passage or look at the data presentation quickly, just to get a rough idea of what this is all about;
Writing Test Assessment:
- Complete an outline before you write out your actual essay. This is crucial in ensuring that what you write is well thought out and organized.
- Ensure to proofread your essay before you submit it.
- Give specific examples supporting points made wherever possible. Vary the sentence structure, length and word choice. Create smooth transitions from one paragraph or idea to the next. Stay on topic throughout your entire essay.
- Read and reread the writing instructions provided and make sure that you fully understand it.
- Start thinking about how you wish to write the essay. If the topic is asking for your opinion, decide where you stand on the issue. If you have to pick between one side of an issue over the other, make sure to pick just one to support your point.
General Tips and Strategies
- Answer easier questions first, and harder questions later;
- Check answer sheet regularly;
- Develop a strategy for guessing.
- Know the directions and answer sheet ahead of time;
- Read carefully and thoroughly. Avoid careless mistakes;
- There is no penalty for guessing, so ACT takers should fill in an answer for every question;
Score of American College Testing Assessment: ACT
- ACT-takers actually receive 13 separate scores on the ACT: 1 composite, 4 subject scores, 1 writing and 7 sub scores. However the composite – or scaled – score is the most important. It ranges from 1-36. Nearly half of all test takers fall in the 17-23 range. On the ACT, unlike with the SAT, there is no penalty for guessing. So ACT takers should fill in an answer for every question, even if they have no idea of what the correct answer is.
- Scores are available online for the subject areas approiximately 2 weeks after students take the test. While the writing scores take longer and is available after 2 weeks of the subject areas scores being published.
Registration American College Testing Assessment: ACT
Registration for the ACT is simple and quick with their online registration form. Students can usually get an ACT test registration packet from their high school counselor. If no registration packets are available, students or counselors can write or call ACT -
ACT Registration Location
P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243-0414
Tel: (319) 337-1270
8:00 am - 8:00 pm Central Time, Monday - Friday
Fees of American College Testing Assessment: ACT
There is a basic fee of $35 to register for the ACT and $50.50 for Act Plus Writing Test. Additional fees may apply for phone registration, repeat test takers, test date change and/ or for late registration . The basic fee includes having student’s scores sent to 4 colleges of their choice. Please view Act's official site for more details.

National Test Dates of American College Testing Assessment
ACT Dates: 2017-date
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*No test centers are scheduled in New York for the February test date.
ACT Tests are administered at high schools and test centers nationwide. Check with your high school or guidance counselor or contact ACT, Inc. for more information.
International ACT Test Takers
International students can visit ACT's official website to obtain a list of test dates and location based on their country of residence.