MMM Founder - Sergey Mavrodi Writes to Nigerian Journalists & Bloggers MMM Founder - Sergey Mavrodi Writes to Nigerian Journalists & Bloggers - The founder of MMM, Sergey Mavrodi recently wrote an open letter to Nigerian Journalists to stop spoiling the name of MMM and he also described it as bad press against the wonder-bank ,Mavrodi Mundial Movement (MMM) and all kinds of experts who according to him are guilty of causing unnecessary panic and tension among MMM participant in the country.

MMM inventor Sergey Mavrodi who expressed his disappointed about the way MMM is being painted in the media, said emphatically that “MMM will be back in January”  he angrily stated that the rumour about the scheme collapse should stop. MMM will come back after the one month freezing, “Mavros” notice was sent to MMM Nigeria participants on Dec 12, 2016. Sergey Mavrodi went ahead to describe articles from Nigerians journalists and bloggers as “provocative and worthless.  His statement read: “Dear journalists, “analysts” and all kinds of “experts”! Please stop using MMM to gain cheap popularity. Leave us alone and let us work without interference.

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I'm so astonished by your irresponsibility and cynical attitude. And your low Interests for millions of people, your fellow citizens are at stake. Don’t you have any sympathy for them? Why are you fueling hysteria around MMM and provoking a panic? Why are you doing this so diligently and persistently, what is your purpose? “In fact, absolutely all your provocative and worthless articles and “analyses” (I said “worthless” because you do not have any real information about what happens in the System, and might have never had; you simply invent everything, fabricate it) are merely negative: 

Nigerians note that MMM has not collapsed and will safely resume its work in January, as announced. Suspension of work for holidays is a usual thing, merely working moment, no more than that. It would have remained a normal, just a part of the usual routine, and might have gone almost unnoticed but just because of your totally cynical and irresponsible attempts to advertise yourself, create a scandal out of nowhere, and make the most of this news topic in any possible way. “Again, leave MMM alone and let us work. Nothing has collapsed, and MMM will perfectly resume its work in January. We Can Change the World!”