My Case is Different is Shiloh 2016 Theme - Bishop David Oyedepo

DECLARING THE PROPHETIC THEME OF SHILOH 2016 - ‘From Glory to Glory’ greetings in Jesus’ name. Today all over the world, we see the end-time prophecy of woes, terrors and horrors being fulfilled before our very eyes.  Jesus speaking of these times said, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things, must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” – Matt. 24:6-8.

But God has ordained to exempt His people from the evils of this hour – 1 Pet. 2:9/ Ps 91:1-16
These prophecies notwithstanding, we discover from scriptures that:
  • The last days, are prophetically the greatest days of the church of Christ on earth – Mic. 4:1-2/ Ps 87:1-9
  • God will be raising an army of saints that will make a difference in the midst of these horror Joel 2:1-11/ Obd. 1:21
  • The present economic meltdown shall continue to grow worse, but God’s covenant people shall not feel the heat thereof – Mal. 4:1-4/ Ps 112:1-10
  • But for every one who is walking in the covenant of abundance, when men shall say there is casting down, we shall be saying there is lifting up – Job. 22:21-29/ Ps 33:18-19/ Ps 37:18-19
  • In these last days, God will be putting a difference between those who are serving Him and those who are not – Mal. 3:17-19/ Job 36:11/ Gen. 47:15-27

Furthermore, we understand from scriptures how God exempted the children of Israel from the plagues that came upon Egypt, which includes exemption from:
  • swarm of flies, which connotes decadence and stench 8:20-24
  • death of cattle, which represents collapse of businesses and careers – Exo. 9:1-7
  • destruction by hails and tempest, which connotes devastation and destruction – Exo. 9:18-26
  • gross darkness, which connotes confusion, stagnation and frustration – Exo. 10:21-23
  • the scourge of death in every Egyptian home – Exo. 11:4-7/ Exo. 12:29-31

But thank God, our exemption from the evils of the day has been established by redemption                      – 1 Pet. 2:9 
Therefore, the same way God exempted the children of Israel from the plagues that came upon Egypt, God shall be separating the redeemed from all the evils of these last days.
At Shiloh 2016, which is the 18th Shiloh, God shall be setting a seal of exemption upon the fore-heads of all His people and that will not allow the destroyer to come near our habitation                                 – Ezk. 9:6/ Ps 105:13-15

My Case is Different is Shiloh 2016 Theme - Bishop David Oyedepo

Therefore, the theme of Shiloh 2016 is: MY CASE IS DIFFERENT – Gen. 47:15-27

  1. It shall be a highly prophetic event. Every participant shall return with his/her own inheritance and the land shall be further subdued before us – Jos. 18:1-3
  2. It shall be a mountain of encounters indeed, in the name of Jesus Christ!
  3. We must begin to get ourselves set in order to make the most of this mountain of life.
  4. I shall be looking forward to seeing everyone of you at Shiloh either on ground here in Canaanland or in all our viewing centers around the world.

Remain ever blessed
Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo

Watch Shiloh 2016 Live Broadcast Here

TESTIMONY - Marital Breakthrough via Soul-winning!

“Before I joined this Commission, I believed God for a life partner. When the soul-winning project for 2013 started, I didn’t participate at all. On the last week of the project, I keyed in to it and went on evangelism.

One Saturday morning, I went for evangelism with a sister in my zone. On our way back, it was drizzling. Then, a woman on my street called me and said, ‘You people are disturbing yourselves. Somebody like you cannot get married in Winners’ Church; they are just deceiving you. Go elsewhere and look for your husband.’ Immediately, the other sister started crying. I determined not to cry because I knew that God heard what she said.

That year, I met my husband. Surprisingly, immediately my ‘aso-ebi’ was available, the same woman who mocked my God was the first person to buy it.
As if that was not enough, after my registry wedding on October 17, 2014, that woman knelt down before me and said, ‘The God Who has beautified you should beautify my children.’ Amazingly, two months later, her daughter also got married. To the glory of God, on October 18, 2015, I celebrated my wedding anniversary. Indeed, the God of Bishop Olaniyi Oyedepo answers prayer!” —Damilola Babalola

Prophetic Focus for November 2016

Prophetic Focus for November 2016 - From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.
As a church, we have witnessed the majestic presence of God in our midst this year, in terms of massive salvation of souls, both in our church services and the various outreaches we engaged in. We have also harvested lots of humbling testimonies from among God’s people. Indeed, our from glory to glory prophetic word has been validated in the lives of many and in this Commission this year. To God be all the glory. For many that may not have taken full delivery of their minimum four quantum-leap prophetic word for the year 2016, it is not late yet. This is why by the prompting of the Holy Spirit; we shall be engaging the power of praise that will enable everyone of us take the delivery of the balance of our four-quantum leap prophetic package. We discover from scriptures that praise warfare is a most vital weapon for provoking fulfilment of prophecies. As it is written, “This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18/ 2 Chr. 20:14-24)

For example:
  • Through praise warfare, Abraham saw prophecy fulfilled with the supernatural birth of Isaac – Rom. 4:16-21
  • Through praise warfare, Jehoshaphat saw prophecy fulfilled in grand styles – 2 Chr. 20:14-24
  • Through praise warfare, Hezekiah took delivery of fulfillment of prophecy – Is. 38:1-5/20
  • Through praise warfare, the early church continued to grow supernaturally – Matt. 16:18/ Acts 2:47/ Acts 4:4/ Acts 5:14/ Acts 6:7/ (Jer. 30:19)

However, we should be reminded of the following:
  • When we praise God for who He is, we provoke His interventions in our affairs Acts 16:25-35
  • When we engage in high praises, we provoke God’s vengeance in the camp of our enemies 149:6-9)
  • When we praise God indeed, He takes over the battles of our lives 20:17-24
  • But only the truly thankful can be praiseful, this is because only the genuinely thankful, can be truly joyful; and we know that joy is an essential requirement of the praise that works 5:14 /Deut. 28:47-48)
  • Therefore, thanksgiving and praise must become our lifestyle, if we must make the most of our adventure in the kingdom 34:1 / 1Sam. 30:6/ 1 Thess. 5:18/ Heb. 10:36
From all the above, we can conclude that praise is a proven turnaround weapon in the hands of God’s people Hab. 3:17-19.

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of November 2016 is:
This month of November shall be a turnaround month for every Winner as we engage the weapon of praise extensively both as individuals and as a church. I believe this shall provoke the delivery of the balance of everyone’s quantum-leap order of testimonies for this year in Jesus’ name.

Therefore, for everyone who has been engaging faithfully in the ongoing Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda, either on the prayer altar or on the go in soul winning, the month of November shall be a month of fulfilment of prophecies among others in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Recommended books of the month authored by David O. Oyedepo include:
* Understanding the Power of Praise                * Wonders of Praise
Jesus is Lord!


Our Mandate speaks of liberation in all facets of human existence, we focus mainly on destinies that have been afflicted, battered, beaten, tattered, deformed and subsequently in groaning and agonies, as a result of pains, pangs and crying. This is the mandate.
The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the word of faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task.

Today, testimonies of liberation through our messages, books, tapes, magazines and other periodicals are most humbling. The word of faith is working like fire for the liberation of mankind across the nations.

  1. Living Faith Church Worldwide International:
  2. Shiloh 2016 Prophetic Theme and Date
  3. watch Shiloh 2016 Live Online
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  6. living faith church live broadcast
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  9. living faith church ota live service
  10. shiloh 2016 dates
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