World mental
Health Day is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy.
It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the world federation for
mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in
more than 150 countries. This day October, thousand of supporters come to
celebrate this annual awareness program to bring attention to mental illness
and its major effects on people’s life worldwide. In some countries this day is
part of the larger.
Mental illness Awareness week (MIAW)
(also know as mental Health Awareness week) was established in 1990 by the U.S.
congress in recognition of efforts by the National.
Alliance on
mental illness (NAMI) to educate and increase awareness about mental illness.
It takes place every year during the first full week of October. During this
week, mental health advocates and organizations across the U.S join together to
sponsor a variety of events to promote community outreach and public education
concerning mental illness such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder
and schizophrenia. Examples of activities held during the week include
art/music events educational sessions provided by healthcare professional,
advertising campaigns, health fairs movie nights, candlelight vigils, and
benefits runs. An estimated 26.2 percent of Amen cans pea 18 and older-about
one in four adults suffers from a diagnosable mental illness in any given year.

Minister of communication and
Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson worried about low patronage of locally
developed software by Nigerians and foreign investors that are operating in
Nigerian. The federal government is planning to groom 250 local software
companies that will begin to develop local software that are of international
Minister of Communication Technology,
Mrs. Omonola Johnson said, there are many local software compares that play on
the fringes, but are not during very well to make their products acceptable in
the market.
She said: “In one of the Small and
Medium Enterprises (SME) conference that was recently organized in the country,
most of the participants were frank enough to say they will rather buy foreign
software than buy locally made software because the local software does not
meet our business standard. They were of the view that local software full of
errors and with security issues so we working with selected local software
companies to ensure that they develop software with high quality that will meet
international standards. We are building an ecosystem of software that would be
able to address the needs of the people by the end of 2017.
She said to achieve this; government
is currently talking wire international software companies coke International
Business Machine (IBM) and Microsoft, to partner local software companies for
training and development
“We are in talk with IBM and they must
completed there Innovation center in Equatorial Guinea. We hate a big economy
and we need to grow it to a standard.
Were also discussing with Microsoft to ensure that it builds local
companies partner local companies they will begun to grow the local content we
are talking about.