World health organization (WHO) (2009) stated that early child-hood is the most intensive period of brain development during the life span. Adequate stimulation and nutrition are essential for development during the first three years of life. It is during these years that children brain is sensitive to the influence of the external environment.
            Early stimulation is one way of enhance motor development, cognitive, social & emotional development of our children but also must respect the individual development & predisposition baby. Initially the activities focus on strengthening the emotional bond, message & sensory stimuli, respecting the natural development of the baby & the natural instinct of the parents. (walid 2012).

            The key to stimulating emotional & Intellectual growth in your child is your own behaviour – parental behaviour what you do, what you don’t do, how you scold, how you reward and how you show affection (lipari 2010).
            Learning begins well before a child enters primary school: It begins at both and in the home. Comprehensive Early child hood care and Education (ECCE) foster holistic development learning of young children form birth to eight years of age. “Care” includes health, nutrition and hygiene in a secure and nurturing environment. “Education” includes stimulation, socialization, guidance, participation, and learning developmental activities “Care” and “Education” are inseparable: both are needed and reinforce each other to create a strong foundation for children’s subsequent life long learning and wellbeing.
(United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) I995-2012) .
            Just by watching mothers or fathers face, hearing soothing word sounds and having the sensations internalize kick-start the initial process of acquiring language. Soft songs, rhythmic rocking a pleasant experience seal in these moments, babies express their needs and feeling through sound and cries, baby movement and facial expression. Your baby will begin using words sometimes around one year. By the time she is three, she will be speaking short (3 – 5 words) sentences .
To assist in language development at this stage, you can watch and listen to the ways your child communications, what she is thinking and feeling. When you hear her making sounds, words or part of word repeat the sound and develop a back and forth communication,   having a sort of conversation, singing together with the child gives him additional chance of understanding the meaning of new word
(Tehvani 2009).
SCOIAL DEVELOPMENT: Walker (2007) noted that constant interaction with your child can help you gain a better understanding of the emotional and physical needs which you should than cater to whistle pushing for intellectual development and challenge. This kind of interacting and stimulation will ultimately improve your child social skills and help emphasize the important of emotional intelligence as supplement to social and academic intelligence.
            Winkler (2008) Also noted that children need support and presence of their parent to develop a good self-esteem and social skill for feature life. You can support your child by:
*          Offer help and support whenever needed.
*          Be positive model for handling negative feelings.
*          Respect the privacy of your child.
*          Respect your child as an individual and very social person.     
*          Welcome your child in your arms.
*          Invite your child to spend time with your every day
*          Talk to him or her and support the verbal expression of emotions
*          Try to understand why the child feels like he or she feels and validate feelings.
*Admire creative thinking and individual problem solving of your child.
Be interested in hobbies and strength of your child.
·                     Encourage responsibility and social awareness.
Lynch (2010) noted that not only pre-school aged children can benefit form sensory stimulation but forms of pre-natal stimulation can also be effective. Ways to introduce this can include playing soft, low-volume music through headphones placed 180 degrees apart against the mother’s skin. Talking or reading to the unborn child. Gentle massages.
Phils (2012) outline the ways to create a mentally stimulating environment of your child.
Hold your baby frequently.
Use extensive facial gestures.
Have your child read age-appropriate stories out loud from newspaper or magazines.
At least once a week, take your children to the library, where they can read on they own or attend story telling groups.
Take your children to appropriate cultural event through the year, such as plays and concerts.
Travel to new places, including local museums.
Use dinner time for mental stimulation.      

Benefits of stimulation:
            Early childhood stimulation promotes intellectual and sensory development in pre-school age children. Proving this stimulation allows the brain to develop more extensively and at a faster rate than non-stimulated children. Stimulated children tend to be happier and betted adjusted overall according to numerous clinical studies. Teachers at the pre-school and primary school level also note a higher level of social and educational integration among children who have some type of early development stimulation. (Lynch 2010)
            Conclusion: The general goal of stimulation is not accelerating development, forcing the child to achieve goals that are not prepaid to meet. But to recognize and encourage the potential of each individual child and present challenges and appropriate activities to strengthen their self esteem, initiative and learning.   

Phils B (2012) increasing your child’s intellectual performance. Bliss.com
Tehrani .K. (2009) Infant Stimulation on Early Child Hood Education.
UNESCO(1995-2012) what is  ECCE / education. WWW.uncesco. Org /../ what is –ecce/.
Walid (2011) Early Stimulation the Development of the baby shill month and month. Early Child Hood Education websites. Blo……
Walker .R. (2007) Stimulatry Child And Development.
Winkler .M. (2008) encourage your child: stimulate emotional and social development.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2009) Early Child Development.

WWW. Community of Mindful Parents. Com/s……
Stimulating Emotional and Intellectual Growth in children.
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