1.1 Background
to the Study
In the traditional Nigeria society,
there exists the degenerate believe that women are second class citizens
(Enyere, 1991). Aoman is considered as a man’s property or pleasure object. She
is also considered as a “Machine” meant for producing children. This situation
has resulted in unfair treatment of women especially with regards to education.
The average rural Nigeria parent would rather invest in the education of son
rather than the daughter (Ada, 1992). (Enjere 1991) further avers that gender
inequality in Nigeria is promoted by religious and communal customs. Young
girls particularly in Northern Nigeria are denied the benefit of education.
This has grave consequences for both the individuals and the society at large.
Education is the process through
which individuals are made functional members of the society (Ocho, 2005).
According to a (Agbo, 2012) in a radio programme says that education means to
be domestic, growth, and contribution. (Offorms, 2009) said education is a
process through which the young acquires knowledge and realizes her
potentialities and uses them for self-actualization.
Education has been described as the
most important aspect of human development, a key to a successful living,
especially girl child education (Michael, 2011). Denying the girl-child access
to education implies making her a dysfunctional member of the society.
Statistics show that many girls are not enrolled in school. The global figure
for our of school children is estimated at 121 million, 65 million are girls
living in sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria (UNICEF, 2007), Action Aid international (AAIN) cited by Kiki (2010)
reported that, not until recently, in a school of 150 students in Northern
Nigeria, only 2-3 students in Northern Nigeria, only 2-3 students are girls.
This trend has minimally improved with the introduction of sharia judicial law
system (Islamic Law) in most states in Northern Nigeria. The advert of the law
necessitated the creation of separated schools for girls. Even at that, girls
in this region do not have the rights to choose education. Kike (2010) cited an
example in Jega Local Government Area of Kibbi state in the Northern part of
Nigeria where females were not allowed to go to school until recently when the
local Government council chairman enacted a bye law, making female education in
In order to improve girls enrolment in
schools, government and non government agencies shave initiated various
progrmmes. The federal ministry of Education and United nations children
Education fund (UNICEF) have been leading the campaign for girl-child education
fund (UNICEF) have been leading the campaign for girl-child education in
Nigeria with some measure of success. Also, the unity FM a radio station also,
the unity FM a radio station also contributes to enrolment of the Girl-child
with a programme title “Mum and Mum to be”. According to (Oko 2012) she sited
that a girl child should be educated because she equally have her right in the family
and once the education is denied from her, she cannot afford to defend her
family and challenges in her nation. (Edeh 2012). Commented that without a
qualify training, the girl-child will engaged to damage and it will effect the
next generation because they are blind and nothing new will be known to hem.
Obugado (2012) in his commentary in
Radio Nigeria Unity fm make it known that a girl-child needs education.
He went further indicating that if a
girl child is deprived from education the girl-child will then engaged Learning
and learning of trades, beggars, truck pushing, working in farms with empty
However, it is high time libraries
and information centres got involved in the campaign for the girl-child
Education is a vital tool for
empowerment that allows meaningful contributions to society. According to
(UNICEF 2007), girls education dos not only bring the immediate benefit of
empowering girls, but is seen as the best investment in a country’s development
education helps girls to develop essential life skills including self
confidence, the ability to participate effectively in society and protect
themselves from HIV/AIDS and other sexual exploitations. UNICEF further asserts
that girls education also helps in cutting children and maternal mutability
rates, contributing to National wealth and controlling diseases and health
status. (Agbo 2012) also said that without the parent giving their girl child a
sound education she will main at the lower state. He used Ukamaka Egwu wife of the
former governor of Ebonyi state for example in the sense that if not she was
trained by her educated mother she wouldn’t have been once a governor’s wife
that she would have got married to a palm wine taper
(Oko, 2012) also commented that home training of a girl-child by her
parent is the best education any family can give to their child. She sited an
example of a young lady who got married and put to birth and she does not know
how to handle the bay or feed the baby. She said that every woman must be
educative in order to know her responsibility at any giving time.
This paper here, examines the
various roles parent and radio programmes could play in eradicating or reducing
discriminations against the girl child and ultimately improve girl child education
in origins.
1.2 Statement
of the Problem
In most part of the country today,
Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State in particular women is
educationally backward in comprise with their male counterpart. This ugly
situation has defiled all government effort since independence to see to the
improvement of women’s education.
In spite of all the various effort
towards improving the literacy level among women in Igboeze the result obtain
form recent research and survey shows that much have not been achieved. One
outstanding reason that accounts for low women participation in education in
Igboeze, results from phobia being developed by Igboeze people towards women’s
In spite of all the various effort
towards improving the literacy level among women is Igboeze the result obtain
from recent research and survey shows that must have not been achieved. One
outstanding reasons that accounts for low women participation in education in
Igboeze, results from phobia being developed by Igboeze people towards women’s
education such can seen in these ways-parents preference for females house
help, early marriage and attendant withdrawal of teenage brides form school.
From studies conducted on issues
relating to women’s education, it is obvious that the much-expected economic,
social and political emancipation of the nation cannot be achieved without
improved women literacy. This research is calmed out to identify the problem
and possible ways of creating improved woman literacy level in Igboeze and Ebonyi
Various cultures see formal
education of women as unwarranted exposure and therefore antithetical to
upholding their cultural values which is apprehensive of creating opportunities
for women to rub shoulders with men. Against this backdrop, the problem now is
how do parents. Who are products of these cultures, religions and environment
perceive the education of their Girl child? In view of the various campaigns
encouraging giving both boys and girls equal educational opportunity do parents
still have the tenderly to discriminate against their girl children?
To what extend does poor financial
status makes the parents to pay priority attention to their male children over
their female counterparts in terms of sponsoring them to obtain formal education:
What of the unduly held belief that family sizes determines the extent women
who hail form such families with obtain formal or western in education in line
with the tendency that the male children would be considered first.
These and lots of other issues are
the problems this research will attempt to solve. Empowering Women for
excellence initiative (EWEI) RC 28137A is a CAC registered Non-governmental
organization which provides multi-sectoral interventions with a gender
sensitive focus and has a vision of enlighten women b giving them access to
vital simplified information that will help them achieve their life’s goals,
expose them to various opportunities, encourage women of alleges to imbibe the
virtue of hard work and account ability, encourage reading culture and
professionalism amongst women, encourage IT literacy, encourage women
participation in policy formulation and governance encourage and promote girl
child education in Nigeria, hold accountable various organizations whose
mandate is to address women’s needs, encourage girl child education in Nigeria
and work towards the achievement of MDGs 2,3,4 and 5. We design and deliver
relevant developmental ineffective sand use creative means to build self-esteem
and confidence in girls and women and youth in general.
1.3 Objectives
of the Study
In reference to the stated problems
of this, it aims and objectives are
1. To
know if radio programmes enlighten girls and women on the need to improve their
2. To
find out if some programmes, some radio stations offer have any effect in the
girl child.
3. To
discover if the financial background of parents affect girl-child education.
4. To
know if radio programmes influence the attitude of girl child towards
1.4 Significance
of the Study
The study will be significant when
completed in the following areas:
1. Through the use of radio, the finding
of the study will prove information that will serves as a guide on how to
eliminate problems hindering girls participation in adult literacy programme.
This study is significant to the
extend that it will unravel the extend the various views and speculations
against the education of the girl-child would have been addressed. It is on
record that a most 50% of the country’s population are women. There is the
widely held view that even the last population census in Nigeria which was
largely manipulated from every indications, placed the population of women
below that of their male counterparts, irrespective of this, global events or
globalization and its attendant consequences can no longer exclude women. These
is every indication that ht campaign on equal opportunity for the female and
male participation in every Endeavour including educational attainment is
succeeding, so Nigeria cannot be an exception.
What about the common slogan in the
educational parlance that “if you educate a females, you educate a nation and
if you educate a man you educate an individual” this even gives credence to the
need to give priority attention to education of the Girl child over her male
Similarly, if the role of education
as a medium that will help to develop the whole man, physically, politically,
mentally, socially, morally and technological, to enable him function
effectively in any environment is any thing to go by, it means that parental
attitude towards the education of their children should not discriminate
against any sex. There is obvious indication that in the last few decades, move
parents may have changed form the earlier disclaim o the educating of he girl
child, hence the likely increment in the enrolment of the female children in
educational institutions. This research work is significant form the point of
view of the fact that its findings would definitely be useful in support of the
continuous campaign for parents to change their over-all attitude towards the
discrimination against the education of the girl child.
Over all, the research work serve as
a reference material for other researcher who will like to carryout their
research on related fields.
1.5 Research
1. How
does radio prgrammes enlighten girls and women on the need to improve their
2. How
does the programmes aired in some radio station effect the girl child.
3. Does
the financial background of parents affect girl-child education.
4. Does
radio programmes influence the attached of girl-child towards education.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
H0 Radio
programmes do not enlighten girl and women on the need to improve their
H1 Radio
programmes enlighten girl and women on the need to improve their education.
H0 Some
programmes offered by some radio stations does not have any effect on the
H2 Some
programmes offered by some radio stations have any effect on the girl-child.
H0 The
financial background of parent, does not affect girl-child education.
H3 The
financial background of parent, affect girl-child education.
H0 Radio
programmes does not influence the attitude of the girl-child towards education.
H4 Radio
programmes influence the attitude of the girl-child towards education.
1.7 Definition of Terms
transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency
especially those carrying out sound messages.
Parent – (from lain: Parent = parent) is a caretaker
of the offspring in
their own species.
According to the oxford dictionary a
parent is a person’s father or mother. But they must have two biological
parent. Biological parents consists of the male who sined the child and the
female who gave birth to the child.
Girl - A
girl is any female human from birth though childhood, adolescence to attainment
of adulthood.
In its broadest, general sense. Is the means through which the aims and habits
of a group of people lives in from one generation to the next. It is also the
formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated.
According to Dewey (1916) Education
is life it involves the transmission of rues knowledge and skills required for
living (Life skill).
According to the oxford advanced
dictionary defines education as systematic training and instruction (especially
the young in the schools).
Girls’ education can be seen as
various ways of transferring communicating of these rules, knowledge and skill
acquired for effective living in the society to girls.
This study the term “girls
education” is applied in its. Communicative sense in learning. Messages are
transfused from one person to another. There is the questions to who transfers
knowledge to the other, the educator’s transfers to the girls.
1.8 Assumption
The study is based on the following
1. The response given by the respondent
are after due cross examination of their opinion.
2. The six villages that is in Onicha are
rural but with basic amenities like electricity, water, schools-primary and
post primary and a health center.
3. That the respondent can read, hear and
understand the data collected instruments and responds to its questions.
4. The lack of defined processes and the
priority constraints is not satisfactory.
5. The blue print provided by the federal
ministry of education will since as adequate provisions upon which reasonable
comparison regarding girl child education can be made.
6. But the current state of girl education
in Onicha local Government Consequent upon the various social cultural
religious and economic constraints would be acceptable by the Onicha Local
Government Educational authorities for implementation.
1.9 Scope
and limitation of the study:
Scope of the study: the study will
only be limited to Onicha local government Area in Ebonyi State. The blue print
on girl-child education will serve as a reference frame work that has to do
with the targeted population.
Specifically there should be
randomly selected female student institutions and radio programmes that is also
needful in Onicha local Government like “every woman” “mum and mum’s to be”
which as well “Comprises illiterate girls as well as girls’ adult education
programme will be incorporate in the study other individuals who are indirectly
involved in girls’ educational programmes for rural girls’ and model
educational centers.
Limitations of the Study
Certain constraints will definitely
affect the standard of this research work firstly, absence of standard library
and means of getting information materials on the topic.
The is also the problem of limited
time frame. A research of this nature in view of the research questions
presented above requires a reasonable time, to enable the researcher carryout exhaustive
Finance of course is an obvious
constraints, collection of the necessary data and reading out forthright
respondents, as well as sourcing the required materials will required materials
will require some money vis-à-vis my very limited funds.
Lastly, exigencies of duty that is
my official assignment as teacher will make it somehow difficult to pay full or
adequate attention to this research work. All these envisaged constraints and
limitations are no doubts source of worry to the researcher.
“Even the shadow of a man is
preferable to no man at all” that is how the international ideas news (December
2002 edition), captured an Arabic commons saying. It is a statement of fact
that the Nigerian state, Africa and indeed the world over habe been chaperoned
by the concept of patriarchy. In simple terms, patriarchy emerges from a
combination of latin and Greek terms. In latin, the word “Parter” means father,
while “Arche” means rule in Greek. Patriarchy thus connotes “male rule” Drawing
from this connection therefore, social anthropology notes that patriarchy
depicts a concept which the family and
the entire socials system is centred around the man, who has absolute authority
over women, children, dependents and property.
It belabours the obvious to point
out that arising from the above assertion that families in most parts of the
world that have no male children feel unfulfilled. Most marriages in Africa
that are not able to produce male children face the danger of instability. This
prelude explains the position of the girl child in our society. It is
definitely clear to state that no society has achieved socio-economic,
educational or political equality between the girl child and the male. There
remains pockets of discriminatory policies that give the male child advantage
his sister.
However there are relative
differences between countries, with the gap between men and women generally
greater in the least developed states than in the economically development
countries. It is high time Radio programmes and parents got to involved in the
campaign for the girl-child education and the various roles radio and parent
could play in eradicating or reducing discriminations against the girl-child
and ultimately improve girl child education in Nigeria.
Within the contest of the Nigeria
environment, several definitions of the child exist. The National child Welfare
policy 91989) as cited by (Ada 2007) defines the girl-child as person below 14
years of age. (Offorma 2009) defines the girl child as a biological female offspring
form birth to eighteen (18) years of age. This period is made up of infancy,
child hood, early and late adolescence stages of development. The girl-child is
seen as a young female person, who would eventually grow into woman and marry.
She is conditioned to look after the young ones, the home and the kitchen. She
is taught to be obedient and to internalize the notion that she is someone’s
property and responsibility at childhood and her husband in adulthood. The
gender apartheid places the girl-child in
disadvantaged position. Her potentials are suppressed and self
actualization is not achieved Education is the process of providing information
to a person to help him or her develop mentally, socially, emotionally,
spiritually, politically and economically (Offorma, 2009). Education is one of
the fundamental rights of individuals Article 2b of the Universal declaration
of human rights, which was adopted by the united Nations General Assembly as
cited by (Nwangwu 1976) stipulated that:
i. Everyone
has the right to education – this shall be made free in the elementary and
primary stages.
ii. Elementary
Education shall be made compulsory while technical and professional educational
shall be made generally available.
iii. Higher
education shall be equally accessible on the basis of merit.
iv. Parents
have a prior right to choose the kind of Education that shall be given to their
Education is a vital tool for
empowerment that allows meaningful contributions to society. According to
(UNICEF 2007), girls’ education does not only bring the immediate benefit of
empowering girls, but is seen as the best investment in a country’s
development. Education helps girls to develop entails life skills including self
confidence, the ability to participate effectively in society and protect
themselves from HIV/AIDS and other sexual exploitations. UNICEF further asserts
that girls’ education also helps in cutting children and material mortality
rates, constituting to National wealth and controlling diseases and health
status. Children of educated women are likely to go to school consequently,
this has exponential positive effects one education and poverty education for
generations to come. One very important aim of every family is to raise healthy
and productions individuals who will contribute meaning full to society. This
can be achieved through the education of the girl-child who is the mother of
Access to education: Access implies the right to education. It has to do
ith the opportunity provided for the girl-child to be educated. It is observed
that many state and local governments do not take cognizance of the
peculiarities of the girl-child in the provisions for education for the
citizenry (Ada, 2007). Consequently, many girls do not have access to
education. Girls’ access to basic education especially in Ebonyi states has
remained low. Only 20 percent of women in Onicha Local government are literate
and have attended school (UNICEF, 2007). Okeke, Nzewi and Njoku, (2008)
identified child labour, poverty and lack of sponsorship, quest for wealth, bereavement,
truancy, broken home and engagement of children as house helps, as factors
inhibiting children especially girls’ access to education in Nigeria. One of
the most prevalent impediments to the girl-child education is child labour.
Many families often send their daughters out to work at a young age to get
additional income needed to exist beyond subsistence level and finance the
education of male child.
British Broadcasting corporation
(BBC) news (2006) reported that African societal view point favours boys over
girls because boys maintain the family lineage. That their mothers were not
educated is another reasons that makes them feel that their daughters do not
need education. Some families justify the denial of girls of their right to
educating to prevent them form bringing shame to the family through early
pregnancy. Others believe that women who are not same level of education as the
men may not find marriage partners among their countrymen and may end p marring
foreigners. For such families, early marriage is best way to prevent this and
at the same time preserve traditions (Offorma, 2009).
2.4 School
Retention and Dropout
In Onicha local government, the
number of girls out of the school each year has risen form 20,000 in 1990 to
24,000 in 2002 (Offorma, 2009). There exist wide variations across the local
government presenting the worst sceneries. The tables below paint a correct
picture of the situation.
2.5 Efforts of government, non
governmental/agencies and radio at encouraging girl-child education
The Federal Governmental through the
Universal Basic Education (UBE), programme, is making effort at accelerating
girl-child education. The programme has made some progressing increasing school
enrolment for girls in Onicha (Ndeokwelu, 2010). In November, 2009, the UBE
commission unfurled (POWA) on child education and children with special needs
(Compass, 2009). The united Nations children Education fund (UNICEF) has also
initiated several programmes to accelerate girl-child education in the country.
The “strategy for acceleration of girls’ Education in Nigeria” (SAGAN) was
launched by UNICEF and the federal Ministry of educating in July, 2003. SAGEN
gave rise to girl child to the Grils’ Education project (GEP) launched is
December, 2004 and currently under implementation. An evaluation of GEP is
March, 2006 showed that Girls’ school enrolment is up by 15% and in GEP
schools, actual girls attendance is up by 25% (with 12000 more girls regularly
attending school than before) and gender gaps are about half of their previous
level. To data, 900 schools is Nigeria are getting direct support from UNICEF (UNICEF,
2.6 Girl-Child
Education and Radio-What Role?
Radio are derivative agencies. They
rise from particular needs within society and their types and functions
reflects the diversity within that society. The principal types are public,
special, academic and school studies.
Radio are agents of social
communication. They are vehicle which help to bridge the awareness gap among
members of the society. Barriers to girls’ education in Nigeria have been
identified as poverty, early marriage and teenage pregnancy, cultural and
religious misconceptions lack of models as well as teenage pregnancy and early
2.7 The
Role of Radio
Public radio are established to
provide and create access to information to all members of its community and beyond irrespective of age,
sex, religions, ethnicity etc. Kargbo (2002) out lines the functions of the
public radio to include:
* To support
and re-enforcing programmes of adult and fundamental education.
* To
provide effective service for children and young people including requisite
services for schools.
* To
provide much needed information and reference serves.
* To promote and stimulate reading for
pleasure and recreation.
* To provide, here needed, adequate
services for special groups, the is women, language groups, the disadvantaged
Radio programmes, help to reduce or
eliminate barriers to girls-child education through public awareness campaigns.
Rural dwellers, rational and religious bigots need to be educated on the ills
of not sending their girls to school.
This can be done through the
following services:
1. Radio programmes could organize public
rallies in various communities, speaking to the indigenes in their local
dialects on the need to send their children to school. This may also involve
inviting important personalities and role models to address both parents and
children in the community on the importance of education.
2. Awareness campaigns to schools,
addressing girls on the need to shun easily marriage and teenage pregnancy in
order to remain in school.
2.8. The
Role of the School Radio
Some of the reasons given for girls’
dropout of school include, teenage pregnancy and lack of role models. The
school radio can play a role in dealing with these challenges. School radio
programmes services involve both availability and accessibility of Library
facilities and services to students and the willingness and ability of the
students to use the facilities and services.
The school radio programmes should
carryout the following function to encourage girl-child education.
1. It should provide specialized and
individualized services to girls. This implies providing motivation aloud
counseling services as for girls’, so as to awaken and sustain their interest
in education.
2. Inviting
authors and subject specialists for lecturers and talks on topics of interest
to girls.
3. Organizing
educative and entertaining film shows and documentaries on the ills of
illiteracy and lack of education, as well as the benefits of having a good
4. Inviting
female celebrities who may serve as role models to talk to the girls.
5. Work
with public radios, community workers and other relvant agencies sin executing
programmes geared towards encouraging girl-child education.
However, for Radio to effectively
carryout these functions, there is the need for adequate funding and
willingness of libraries to be committed to the cause of the girl-child
education. Public and school radio do not function in isolation, they depend on
their parent organizations/institutions for financial is experiencing economic
melt down. This has led to budget cuts especially in the education sector
(Mordi, 2008). Consequently, radio would need to seek for funds from external
source sin order to execute planned programmes and ensure effective and efficient
service delivery. Such external sources of funds include international and
other non governmental agencies.
2.9 Issues in Girl-Child Education in
Nigeria- Implication for Library and Information
Girl-child education has become a
matter of concern to stakeholder sin Nigeria. This study examines the concept
of and crucial issues in girl-child education. It identifies social-cultural
patterns, religious misconceptions. Poverty, teenage pregnancy and early
marriage amongst others as factors militating against the girl child education.
The paper advocates that public and school libraries must begin to play
relevant roles and contribute to the eradication of discriminations against
women. It outlines the roles public and school libraries must play in order to
improve girl child enrollment in school as well as reduce school drop-out. In
order to effectively play their role, the study suggests that libraries should
source for funds form external agencies rather that depend only on their
2.10 Nigeria’s
Strategy for Girls
Building on existing child friendly
school initiative which is supported by UNICEF, Nigeria has developed the
strategy for the Acceleration of Girls’ Education, which evolved. Into SAGENT
and now being reinforced by the new Girls Education Project (GEP). This is a
substantial Joint undertaking by the Federal Government of Nigeria. DFID and
UNICEF to boost girls’ schooling in Northern Nigeria and accelerate progress
towards the MDGS, especially with respect to gender equity.
2.11 Recent
Achievements and Impact
As a result of increasing government
commitment, greater awareness has been created nationwide on girls’ education
with the launch and dissemination of the SAGEN in JULY 2003 and a pledge by my
ministry to mainstream girls education in the EFA plan.
Some part in Onicha in Ebonyi State
have already promulgated eduts to support the promotion of girls’ education for
example in Eziga in Onicha Local government Area promulgated an edict against
the withdrawal of girls from schools, while Oshiri and Isu have removed
financial disincentives affecting girls’ enrolment in secondary schools. Those
who have dropped out as result of early marriages and/or teenage pregnancy are
encourage to return to school, as is the case with the women Day College in
Onicha in Onicha Local Government Area.
The effort of state government and
UNICEF in promoting the girl-child education initiative (AGENT) (2002-2004)
which was found by the Norwegian government, recorded remarkable progress in
terms of enrolment and retention. The AGEI Evaluation Retention (GER) and 80%
decrease in dropout rate for Girls’ in the (6) six plot primary schools
supported by the programme. The gender gap in states that benefited from the
AGEI reduced appreciately, for example Ukwawuu the gender gap fell form 41% to
38%, which AGEI ensured that more communities assumed ownership of schools,
through increased vibrancy of schools mothers clubs, the tracking of school age
children not enrolled in schools, advocacy for HIV/AIDs protective behaviour,
and the abolition of harmful traditional practices.
Area of the Study
The Onicha area is considered to be
one of the areas of Ebonyi State with high capacity to produce much of the food
needed in the state because of the fertility of the soil.
Onicha Local Government Area support
the state Government of the state policy of free and compulsory primary school
education down to Junior secondary school in Ebonyi State. Nursery/primary
schools were established at the headquarters and some other remote parts of council
area. Though the state still ranks high in the list of educational backward
state, progress had been made in addressing it. The Local Government Area
engaged their workers in service training exercise and approved study leave with
pay for the staff who gained admission into institution of higher learning.
Adult education certers were established in the rural area. The government of
the Onicha Local government Area also distributed instructional materials,
recruited teachers who are paid as when
Theoretical Frame Work
Agenda setting theory is the theory
that mass media have large influences an audiences by their choice of what
story to consider news worthy. It tells us what to think about and then, the
publics get interested from that and begin to have their own options. Mass
media can control the interest of their publics this theory involves two
concepts media agenda and public agenda. Media agenda are issues that are
discussed in media such as television, newspaper, and radio. Public agenda are
issues what are discussed and personally relevant to the public. This research
has focused on three sets of contingent conditions: Characteristics of
audience, the issues, and the media. This agenda setting only happens to certain
people under certain condition to make the public feel that this is a
significant issue in programme, for example in a unity woman commented on the
importance of girl child education. She emphasized the empowerment of the girl
child through education in our country because of her importance in the family,
states and nations in general.
So those who listen to that
particular programmes will se the impotence of girl-child education.
Summary of Literatures
This review of literature has among
other things succeeded in supporting the view that there are various levels of
marginalization of the girl child across cultures, religion et c world over.
Certain parent remain apprehensive on the types of education and exposure the
girls child ought to receive.
Evaluation of this girl further
reveals that women who acquired western education and has the privilege of occupying positions of
authority and trusts which were hitherto regards as purgatives of men,
performed creditably. The review further reveals that the education of the girl
child has however not be given pride of place in the scheme of things despite
various campaigns by various women groups and organizations in support of
proper gender mainstreaming, aimed at achieving equality or equality of
opportunity between the female and her male counter part.
Lastly, it is the expectation of
this study to unravel the extent radio programmes and parental attitudes
supports the education of the girl child, using Onicha Local Government Area of
Ebonyi state as a study.
3.0 Research Methodology
The relevance of this aspect of the
research work cannot be over stated, as the success of the study rests so much
on it. This chapter of the research work aims at describing the pattern of
procedure and techniques which is used in caring out this study on the impact
of Radio programmes and parental in Onicha local government area, Ebonyi State.
3.1 Research
Research Design this is the plan of
activities which the researcher intend to adopt in the research for the subject
of this nature they include all instruments used a achieve the objective of the
study. The set of information or data gathered was analyzed and interpreted
along certain line of thought.
The research by its nature is
investigation and as such as instruments were geared toward findings out the
problems militating against women education and ways of solving the problems.
3.2 Population
of the Study
Onicha is a local government area in
Ebonyi State, Nigeria and situated in Ebonyi South senatorial zone. Onicha
L.G.A is made up of six (6) component towns which includes Oshiri, Abaomege,
Onicha Igboeze, Ukawu, Ugwulangwu and Isu being the headquarters of the Local
Government area. It has an area of 476kg 2 and a population of 236,826 at the
2006 census.
3.2 Source
of Data/Instrumental
Two methods were used in collecting
data for this. They are primary and secondary sources of data.
To arrive at the relevant
information as to the topic: The impact of Radio programmes and parental
attitudes on the girl child education in Onichs L.G.A of Ebonyi state. Data was mainly collected through the
questionnaire and interview. The
questions in the questionnaire were structured for easy understanding by the
respondents to enable them respond correctly.
The mode of distribution was by hand
and administered in the six towns in onichs.
The respondent were required to choose
from a number of options that corresponds to their response. Hence some questions were close ended while
others are open ended- interviews were conducted by the researcher to get more
information which could not be available through the questionnaire. The researcher interview a random selected
educated and non- educated sons and daughters of Onichs
Data was also collected from
journals, unpublished works, newspaper, madarine, text books and other document
that dealt extensively on the research topic.
The research visited many libraries including that of UNIBEN to collect
data for this work.
The instrument used in coring out this
study is the questionnaire along with interview Alaezi (1991) had it that it is
market by a high degree of personal contacts between the researcher and the
subject such contacts may be made on face to face basis or by telephone. The questionnaire specifically meant to deal
with the research questions would be design and pilot tested.
The questionNnaires was divided into two sections A and B section A are the
respondents personal data. Sections B
has to do with statement to answerer the research questions. The questions to answer the research covered
areas including Negative attitude of girls to education and its effects on
their academic performance in educational institutions, ordering of priority of
onichs girls education, religious of traditional belief effects. The effect of structure of girl child
education in onichs parents economic status as it affects the girl-child. Respondents were required
Their relevance
of this aspect of the research work cannot be over stated, as the success of
the study rests so much on it. This
chapter of the research work aims at describing the pattern of procedure and techniques
which is used in caning out mines and parental attitudes on the girl child
education in Onichs local government Area, Ebonyi state.
Research Design
is the plan of activities which the researcher intend to adopt in the research
for the subject of this nature they include all instruments used to achieve the
objective of the study. The set of
information or data gathered was analyzed and interpreted along certain line of
The researches by its nature is investigation
and as such all instruments were feared toward finding out the problems militating
against women education and ways of solving the problems.
Population of the study
is a local government area in Ebonyi state, Nigeria and situated in Ebonyi
south senatorial zone. Onicha L.G.A is made up of six (6) component towns which
includes Oshiri, Aba Omeye, Onicha Igboez, Ukawu, Ugwulangwu and Isu being the
head quarters of the local government area.
It has an area of 476km2 and a population of 236,828 at the 2006 census.
The Onicha area is considered to be one
of the areas of Ebonyi state with high capacity to produce much of the food
needed in the state because of the fertility of the soil.
Onicha local government Area supported
the state government on the state policy of free and compulsory primary school
education down to junior secondary school in Ebonyi state. Nursery/primary schools and were established
at the head quarters and some other remote parts of the council area. Though the state still ranks high in the list
of educational backward state, progress had been made in addressing it. The L.G.A engaged their workers in service
training exercise and approved study leave with pay for the staff who gained
admission into institution centers were established in the rural area. The government of the Onicha L.G.A also
distributed instructional materials, Necnicted teachers who are paid as when
due. To recommend what should be done so
as to encourage girl child education to give their opinion as to whether girl
–child education end in kitchen. When
you educate a girl-child you educate a nation, girl-child can have access to
polities through acquiring education.
Girls subordinate to men inspite of their level of education and why Onicha
parents prefer educating their male children rather then the female children.
Interview was conducted both on the
respondents and other people versed in the area of this research. Important galts gathered were written down
and this enriched the recommendation of the researched work.
The sample size for this research
work is 210 persons the items in the sample consisted of 20 women and 10 men
selected randornly from the (6) six communities that made up the Onicha L.G.A
and as well as 30 others representing scholars and other individuals who are
verse in the field of study under consideration. The number of women in the study out numbered
that of men because it is mostly a study on women and men’s opinion is mainly
to guard against errors that might occur in the information and facts.
In this study, stratified proportimate
Raidom sampling technique would be used in the selection of male and female
respondents. Denga and ALI (1973:79),
stratified random sampling refers to the selection procedure whereby all the
cases in the defined population have subgwups and have equal probability of
chances of being selected and the selection of each case from the pool of cases
is independent of other cases.
In the analysis objectively was
maintained in order to achieve the objectives of this research. To this effect simple percentage were used in
analyzing data collected. All responses
to items in the questionnaire were converted to percentages so as to compare
the direction of the answers. The research
it from the questionnaires were treated in line with how they relate to the
research questions and were presented in chapter four of this work.