Total Quality Management (T.Q.M) is a quality
improvement body of methodologies that are customer-based and service oriented.
T.Q.M was first developed in Japan, and then spread in popularity. However,
while T.Q.M may refer to a set of customer based practices that intend to
improve quality and promote process improvement, there are several different
theories at work guiding TQM practices. They are the different theories of
Total Quality Management. (Ifechukwu 2007).
Deming’s Theory
Deming’s theory of Total Quality Management rests upon
fourteen points of management he identified, the system of profound knowledge,
and the Shewart Cycle Plan-Do-Check-Act). He is known for his ratio - Quality is
equal to the result of work efforts over the total costs. If a company is to
focus on costs, the problem is that costs rise while quality deteriorates.
Deming’s system of profound knowledge consists of the following four points:
• System
Appreciation - an understanding of the way that the company’s processes and
systems work
• Variation
Knowledge - an understanding of the
variation occurring and the causes of the variation
• Knowledge
Theory - the understanding of what
can be known
• Psychology Knowledge - the understanding of human nature
• Psychology Knowledge - the understanding of human nature
By being aware of the different types of knowledge
associated with an organization, then quality can be broached as a topic.
Quality involves tweaking processes using knowledge.
The fourteen points of
Deming’s theory of Total Quality Management are as follows:
1. Create constancy of purpose
2. Adopt the new philosophy
3. Stop dependencies on mass inspections
4. Don’t award business based upon the price
5. Aim for continuous production and service improvement
6. Bring in cutting-edge on the job training
7. Implement cutting-edge methods for leadership
8. Abolish fear from the company
9. Deconstruct departmental barriers
l0. Get rid of quantity-based work goals
2. Adopt the new philosophy
3. Stop dependencies on mass inspections
4. Don’t award business based upon the price
5. Aim for continuous production and service improvement
6. Bring in cutting-edge on the job training
7. Implement cutting-edge methods for leadership
8. Abolish fear from the company
9. Deconstruct departmental barriers
l0. Get rid of quantity-based work goals
11. Get rid of quotas and standards
12. Support pride of craftsmanship
13. Ensure everyone is trained and educated
12. Support pride of craftsmanship
13. Ensure everyone is trained and educated
14 . Make
sure the top management structure supports the previous thirteen points
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA is a cycle created for continuous improvement, in the planning phase, objectives and
actions are outlined. Then, you do your actions and implement the process
improvements. Next, you check to ensure quality against the original. Finally
acting requires that you determine where changes need to occur for continued
improvement before returning to the plan phase.
There are many different theories of Total Quality
Management, when learning about total quality methods, it is important to
remember that these are guidelines. What is important is that you and your
company practice consistent steps towards improving quality in your
organization and processes. Using the tools that have been shown to work and
make a commitment. Committed leadership means committed employees. (Shane