Movements of people whether from rural to urban areas
or from one country to another often alter the characteristic epidemiological
disease profile and at the same time new disease appear or old ones reemerge.
In the wake of industrial reform in the 1970s, mostly in developing countries,
peasants started moving into towns with prosperity and better living conditions
in mind slowly but steady there was growth in urban population.
Presently, the
population of urban areas in developing countries is estimated at 3,000 million
inhabitants (Houmsou, et al; 2000). The world is becoming urban. The UN
predicts that the World’ Urban population will almost double from 3.3 billion
in 2007 to 6.3 billion in 2050. (Emilie et al; 2011). Most
of this increase will be in developing countries. For the first time in history
more than 50% of the world’s population lives in urban area. By 2050, 70% of
the world’s population will be living in towns and cities.
Exponential urban growth is having a profound effect
on global health. According to Dr Jacob Huaresan, the director world health
organization’s centre for Health development based in kobe, Japan, “The world
is rapidly urbanizing with significant changes in our living standards,
lifestyles, social behaviour and health”.
Because of international travel and migration cities
are becoming important hubs for the transmission of infectious diseases. Urban
living continues to offer many opportunities including potential access to
better health care, today urban environments can concentrate health risks and
introduce new hazards.
Urbanization can be defined as the rapid and massive
growth of cities. It is equally seen as the social process whereby cities grow
and societies become more urban. It can be described as urban drift which is
the physical growth of urban area as a result of rural migration and even
suburban concentration into cities. It is closely linked to modernization, industrialization
and the sociological process of rationalization. United Nations defines
Urbanization as the movement of the people from rural to urban areas with
population growth equating to urban migration.
The rapid
urbanization of the world’s population over the twentieth century is described
in the 2005 Revision of the United Nation World Urbanization prospects report.
The global proportion of urban population rose dramatically from 13% (220
million) in 1900 to 29% (732 million) in 1950 and to 49% (3.2 billion)
in 2005.
The same report projected that the figure is likely to
rise to 60% (4.9 billion) by 2030 (United Nation 2005).
According to the United Nation State of the world
population report, (2O07) sometime in the middle of 2007, the majority of
people world wide would be living in towns or cities for the first time in
history. This is referred to as the arrival of the “urban millennium” or the
tipping point. In regard to future trends, it is estimated that 93% of urban
growth will occur in developing nations with 80% of urban growth occurring in
Asia, and Africa. Urbanization rates vary between countries. The United States
and United Kingdom have a far higher urbanization level than China and India.
Although most developed nations already show high rates of urbanization, tropical countries are experiencing a remarkable expansion of their urban agglomerations. The population of namely, Niger for example increased from 250,000 people in 1980s to almost 1 million today (Emilie et al; 2011). By 2050, the world’s urban population is expected to reach 6.3 billion. Almost all of this growth will be in low income regions. In Africa the urban population is likely to triple and in Asia it will be more than double (UN World Urbanization prospects, 2009)
Although most developed nations already show high rates of urbanization, tropical countries are experiencing a remarkable expansion of their urban agglomerations. The population of namely, Niger for example increased from 250,000 people in 1980s to almost 1 million today (Emilie et al; 2011). By 2050, the world’s urban population is expected to reach 6.3 billion. Almost all of this growth will be in low income regions. In Africa the urban population is likely to triple and in Asia it will be more than double (UN World Urbanization prospects, 2009)
Although Latin America became mostly urban in the
early 1960s, sub-Saharan Africa remains mainly rural and is not expected to
pass urban tipping point before 2030 (UN-HABITAT, 2011). Nearly half of
the increase will be in small urban centers (less than 500,000 inhabitants),
most mega-cities in Europe and Northern America will grow by less than 0.5%.
High-growth rates are expected in Lagos of Nigeria, Dhaka of Bangladesh and
Karachi of Pakistan. This world wide increase in urban population results from
a combination of factors including natural population growth of rural urban
migration, government policies, infrastructure development and other major
political and Economical forces, including globalization.
1.2.1 URBAN: - There is no universally accepted definition of urban. Some countries use a basic
administrative definition (e.g. living in the capital city). Others use
population measure (e.g. size or density) or functional characteristics (e.g.
economic activities).
In industrialized nations, urbanization has
contributed to an overall improvement of health and to a major shift in disease
patterns towards a rise in chronic diseases. However, in many low income
countries growth does not keep pace with the rise in urban populations. Many
nations and municipal governments do not have the resources to cope with the
steady influx of migrants or with the explosive demographic growth of urban
centers. The urban sectors share of the poor is therefore on the rise. In Sudan
and (Central African Republic, more than 94% of urban residents live in dismal
conditions in shanty towns UN-HABITAT,2OO8).
In 2001, 924 million urban residents lived in slums
and in formal settlements. This number is expected to double to almost 2
billion by 2030. Urbanization of low-income countries raise new health
challenges for the international community. Several rural pathogens have
adapted to urban environments and others have emerged or re-emerged in urban
Movements of people whether from rural to urban areas
or from one country to another often alter the characteristic epidemiological
disease profile and at the same time new diseases appear or old ones reemerge.
Such is the case of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, yellow fever, dengue, and many
other parasitological diseases like amoebiasis. For example the large-scale
migrations to Costa Rica in the 1980s, stemming from conflicts in other Central
American Countries, produced a palpable increase in the prevalence of malaria
and other parasitic diseases, especially along border area.
At the same time, Urbanization is associated with
changes in diet and exercise that increase the prevalence of obesity with
increased risk of type 11 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Among migrants,
mobility related risk include poverty, vulnerability to sexual abuse and
exploitation and dangerous working conditions. Many of these conditions affect
the most vulnerability segment of the population:-women, children and the
Almost everyone who has taken course in epidemiology
will have come across John snow” classic studies of choleria in London in the
1840s, with its attendant images of poor sanitation and contaminated waters.
This history find a resonance in contemporary Concerns about the impact of
cities and urbanization on health today. First there are the health and social
problems of inner city areas of high income countries such as drug addiction,
violence and HIV/AIDS.
Secondly there is concern about the health and welfare
of the growing number of people in low and middle income countries that are
living in urban areas many of whom are in what are classified as slums
Thirdly as reported by WHO (2007) is that increasing
global urbanization is classed as a threat to public Health security as the
unprecedented level of population agglomeration may facilitate the spread of
epidemic disease.
Fourthly there is the plausible connection between
urbanization and rising level of non - communicable diseases in low and middle
income people.
Urbanization is a process of global scale, changing
the social and environmental landscape on every continent. The world is rapidly
urbanizing with significant changes in our living standards, lifestyles, social
behaviour and health. While urban living continues to offer many opportunities,
including potential access to better health care, today’s urban environments
can concentrate health risk and introduce new hazard’s (Jacob, 2OO7).
A Health challenges particularly evident in cities relate to water,
environment, violence and injury and non-communicable diseases (Cardiovascular
diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases).
In developing countries, population growth,
rural-urban migration and development of the urban physical environment have
facilitated the spread of many parasitic diseases such as malaria, amoebiasis,
geohelminthiasis, filariasis, leishmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis. The
increasing morbidity and mortality from these parasitic diseases have caused
several negative consequences such as decreasing economic productivity, low
performance in school and increasing medical costs (Houmsou et al 2O10).
Some of the health problems confronting million of
rural migrants to slums, shanty towns and squatter settlements of developing
countries need to be mentioned. According to a study by Crompton et al;
(1993), about a third of the population of the cities in developing countries
lives in slums and shanty towns. About half of the 7 million inhabitants of
Dhaka, Bangladesh live in slums and only 6% of them have access to primary
education and 3% to primary health care.
The prevalence of infections caused by Entamoeba
histolytica and Giardia intestinalis and the prevalence and
intensity of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection
may increase among the rural populations who are migrating to these urban and
suburban settings owing to favourable conditions for transmission.
Urbanization can lead to environmental noise and air
pollution, reduction of soil moisture, intensification of carbon- dioxide
emissions, strain in the cities’ infrastructure, unplanned and congested
residential areas, shortage of safe drinking water, and environmental changes
which can affect food systems. Experts say that twenty percent of Europeans are
subject to stress from noise. Air pollution also takes its toll on human
health. Huge sums of money are spent on health care due to air pollution and
many deaths resulting from respiratory diseases.
The reproductive system of pregnant women is
especially vulnerable to environmental contaminants (Chelala, 2010). Each step
in the reproductive process can be altered by toxic substances in the
environment that increase the risk of abortion, birth defects, fetal growth and
premature death. Many studies have shown that exposing pregnant women to carbon
monoxide can damage the health of the fetus, (Chelala, 2010). In addition the
developing fetus is susceptible to environmental factors for example through
the mother’s exposure to toxic substances in the workplace. Children are
especially susceptible to disease when they are born and develop in an
environment characterized by overcrowding, poor hygiene, excessive noise, and
lack of space for recreation and study. They suffer not only from hostile
physical environment but from stress and other factors such as violence that
such environments create. The pollutants that originate from motor vehicles
particularly Nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbon, ozone, and particulate matter,
account for a substantial proportion of air pollution in cities and serious
impact on health. Land particles released as a result of gasoline combustion
also pose a significant potential threat to children whose behavior and
psychological development can be affected.
Most urban neighborhoods are crowded combined with
poor sanitary condition and inadequate waste disposal which create conditions
favourable to the spread of infectious diseases.
The rules, regulation and laws governing a particular
city or country will be a reflection of the priority that the government
attaches to providing good services and a healthy environment to the
Given the serious effects that urbanization can have
on health, it is essential to include health considerations into policy making.
Because many of the negative effects are suffered by the poor and minorities,
it is equally essential to view the challenges incorporating
consideration of social justice and equity. The Economic situation is a key
determinant in the decision, resolve and capacity of the authorities to tackle
environment problems effectively. As Herbert Giradet, an expert on urban
sustainability has stated “if we are to continue to live in cities, indeed if
we are to continue to flourish on this planet, we will have to find a viable
relationship between cities and the living world, a relationship not parasitic
but symbiotic or mutually supportive”.
The urbanization process has
marked effects on the natural and cultural environments, on housing arrangement
and social networks, as well as on work and employment patterns, not only in
the cities but also in the rural areas. Access to health care, social services
and cultural activities are in many cases better in the cities.
The Urbanization promote market
integration and globalization. Globalization means flow of economic capital,
labour, goods and services, as well as ideologies across national borders.
The primary advantage of
urbanization is that when population is concentrated in cities, people have less
distance to travel to work and less distance to travel for most other purposes
(such as shopping). An urban environment creates an opportunity for bigger and
better community resources such as libraries, theatres, sports arenas etc. Big
cities can afford things that small towns can’t other positive effects of
urbanization includes jobs for people, wealth, and resources availability.
Urban life can be rich and fulfilling since it is more diverse, stimulating and
full of new opportunities. Individual and family mobility make it easier to
escape from oppressive social relationships. Cities are sources of ideas,
energy, creativity and Technology. They can for example foster enlightened
congenial and multicultural living WHO (2005). The most prominent
feature of urbanization is the difference in lifestyle.
Health wise, there are several examples of urban
growth triggering the decline of infectious diseases. Air and water pollution
which exist in many cities, can hinder vector proliferation. A study examining
phiebotomies proliferation in Marrakech showed that urbanization generally
decreased sandfly population (Emilie et al; 2011). Evidence for
transmission of malaria has been found in most cities in sub-Saharan Africa but
levels of transmission are generally lower in well planned urban area than in
rural areas (Robert et al; 2003). Estimates predict that among
the 0.6 billion people from Africa who are at risk of malaria, about 200
million are urban dwellers (Kaiser et al; 2004,). In urban
environments, Anopheline vectors are less abundant and less likely to be
infected with Plasmobium spp. Furthermore, urban dwellers experience
reduced biting rates. Destruction of vector habitats, improved housing
condition and improved access to preventive and curative measures all partly
account for this decreased transmission. Other benefits of urbanization include
improvement in Economy, growth of commercial activities, social and cultural
integration, efficient services and resources of utilization.
The negative consequences of urbanization include
poverty, overcrowding and diseases. Increased population leads to more waste
garbage and by products.
Also Natural habitats are destroyed for housing
purposes. Thirdly poor waste management causes the spread of diseases and
pollution. Fourthly, food demand increases and more land needs to be cleared
for food production. Fifthly high density of people can lead to conflicts and
the quick spread of health problems as a result of over population’ it will be
hard to find jobs for jobless ones.
In developing countries like Nigeria the migration of
people to cities depletes the country side of the required labour force to grow
the crops for national nutritional needs as well as export Jardel (1991).
Urbanization industrially produces pollution and acid
rain it can cause loss of cultural identity and languages and homogenization.
In summary, a range of economic, political, social, cultural and environmental
factors are the effects of urbanization. Urbanization is encouraged socially
and culturally through the media.
In the aspect of social-cultural impacts, cities have
a strong socio-cultural impact on their surrounding rural areas. City life is
depicted to be superior to rural life.
In the aspect of socio- economic impacts, as city
grows, the cost of housing and infrastructure also grows, since there are less
water, land and building material available and greater congestion problems. As
a city decays in this way, governments often do not meet the service, needs of
residents and urban development is dominated by private capital. Also
unemployment grows, as do drug abuse, crime and homelessness.
The environmental impacts in urban large cities are
waste management. Also air pollution results from over dependence on motorized
transport and from burning of coal to supply energy. Water pollution results
from poor sewage facilities and disposal of industrial heavy metals into water
ways. Traffic congestion and noise pollution are major environmental impacts of
large cities.
Finally there is increasing competition for facilities
due to high standard of living in urban areas, which has triggered several
negative effects such like slums and its consequences of overcrowding, lack of
sanitation, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and crime. Global warming, air
pollution, water scarcity and pollution and loss of forest cover, agricultural
land and depletion of wild life as a result of urban sprawl pose serious
threats to the environment.
The challenges facing the world today is to minimize
the negative effects and build the benefits. Infrastructure needs to be
improved; opportunities should be created within rural areas to prevent
migration to cities. (Kent et al; 2010).
A parasitic disease is an infectious disease caused or
transmitted by a parasite. It is a successful invasion of a host by an organism
that uses the host for food and shelter. Some parasites do not cause diseases
and are therefore termed free-living. Parasitic diseases can affect practically
all organisms, including plants and animals. A parasite is organisms that live
on or inside another organism (the host) and harms the host.
Although organisms such as bacteria function as
parasites, the usage of the term “parasitic disease” is usually more restricted
to diseases caused by protozoa, and helminthes (Nematodes, Trematodes,
Cestodes) The three main types of organisms causing these conditions are
protozoa (causing protozoan infections, helminthes (causing helminthiasis) and
the ectoparasites. Protozoa and helminthes are usually endoparasites (usually
living inside the body of the host) while ectoparasites usually live on the
surface of the host.
CAUSES: Mammals
can get parasites from contaminated food, water, insect bites and sexual
contact etc.
Portal of entry includes the mouth by ingestion,
through the skin by close contact (e.g. with pets) can lead to parasite
infestation as dogs and cats are host to many parasites. Other risks that can
lead people to get parasites are walking bare feet, inadequate disposal of
feaces, lack of hygiene, close contact with some one who carries specific
parasites, eating under cooked foods and meat. Insects and animals spread some
parasitic diseases; mosquitoes for instance spread malaria, tsetse flies spread
African trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness), Domestic animals spread
beef and pork tape worms.
Symptoms of parasitic infections may not always be
obvious, however, the symptoms vary widely, and many parasitic infections cause
fever, fatigue, intestinal problems such as diarrhea, bowel obstruction
(blockage of the intestines). Some of the symptoms caused by several worm
infestation can include itching; abdominal pain, weight loss, increased
appetite and vomiting. There may be sleeping problems, allergies, anaemia,
aching muscles and joints, general malaise and nervousness.
The effects caused by parasitic diseases range from
mild discomfort to death. Examples of nematode parasites, Necator americanus
and Aucylostoma duodenal cause human hookworm infection which leads
to anaemia and protein malnutrition. This infection affects approximately 740
million people in the developing countries including children and adults
specifically in poor rural areas located in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America,
South-East Asia and China. Chronic hookworm in children leads to impaired
physical and intellectual development, school performance and attendance are
reduced, pregnant woman affected by a hookworm infection can also develop anaemia
which results in negative outcome both for mother and the baby
Parasitic diseases are widely spread in Africa, South
Asia and central and South America especially among children. Rural dwellers
are more infected. Some Nations in these areas are too poor to take measures
that could prevent parasitic infections- such as building water and sewage
treatment plants, controlling mosquitoes, or providing adequate medical care.
At the same time, in some places parasitic diseases make so many people weak, ill
and unable to work that they slow economic development and help keep regions
impoverished. Some parasites are found worldwide even in cooler climates and in
wealthier nations, including the United States.
Many impoverished nations are undergoing urbanization
which leads to crowding together into fast growing cities (slums) that may lack
sewage treatment facilities. Row (untreated) sewage may be dumped into rivers
whose water is also used for drinking, bathing, washing and cooking. Parasitic
diseases spread easily in such conditions.
Some of the parasitic-infectious diseases inc1ude,
Trypanosomiasis, (African sleeping sickness), Amebiasis, Ascariasis, Babesiosis, Bed Bugs, infestation, Blastocystis, Cercariasis (Swimmers’ itch), Chagas Disease, Cryptosporidiosis, Cyclosporiasis, Cysticercosis, Filariasis (Elephantiasis), Giardiasis, Hookworm infection, leishmaniasis, Lice infestation, Malaria, Onchocerciasis (River blindness), Pinworm infection, Schistosomiasis, Dipylidium infection (dog and cat flea tapeworm), Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis, Trichomoniasis, Paragonomiasis,
Trypanosomiasis, (African sleeping sickness), Amebiasis, Ascariasis, Babesiosis, Bed Bugs, infestation, Blastocystis, Cercariasis (Swimmers’ itch), Chagas Disease, Cryptosporidiosis, Cyclosporiasis, Cysticercosis, Filariasis (Elephantiasis), Giardiasis, Hookworm infection, leishmaniasis, Lice infestation, Malaria, Onchocerciasis (River blindness), Pinworm infection, Schistosomiasis, Dipylidium infection (dog and cat flea tapeworm), Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis, Trichomoniasis, Paragonomiasis,
The most common parasitic diseases include ascariasis,
estimated to infect I billion people although it often does little damage.
Secondly is malaria caused by Plasmodium spp. It is estimated to cause
300 million to 500 million illnesses a year and about 2 million deaths
annually. About half of those deaths occur in children under 5years (WHO 2O10).
Schistsome blood fluke spp. causes schistosorniasis which is estimated to
cause 120 million illnesses.
Other parasite diseases that are estimated to cause a
million or more cases of illness are Filariasis, amoebiasis, chagas disease,
leishmaniasis and African sleeping sickness (trypanosomaniasis).
Parasitic infection can be diagnosed through laboratory
analysis of specimen collected from infected victims. Such sample includes,
blood, urine, stool, sputum, skin, CSF, Pleural fluid, etc.
The presence of parasites can be detected
microscopically. However, immunodiagnostic technique and PCR techniques appears
to be more sensitive.
- Public authorities that build sewage and water treatment
- Public authorities that build sewage and water treatment
system play a major part in preventing these diseases.
- Controlling
the insects (vectors) that spread same parasitic
diseases also is important.
- Educating people always on the need to
wash their hands
thoroughly after using the toilet and before handling
C.D.C.(year 2010?)
Several rural pathogens have adapted to urban environments and others have emerged or re-emerged in urban areas. Some that were traditionally thought of as rural have adapted to the urban environment and are now common in cities. The heterogeneity in health of urban dwellers, increased rates of contact, and mobility of people results in a high risk of disease transmission in large urban populations. Cities become incubators where all the conditions are met for outbreaks to occur. However urban development has also reduced the transmission of other diseases (Emilie et al,2011).
Several rural pathogens have adapted to urban environments and others have emerged or re-emerged in urban areas. Some that were traditionally thought of as rural have adapted to the urban environment and are now common in cities. The heterogeneity in health of urban dwellers, increased rates of contact, and mobility of people results in a high risk of disease transmission in large urban populations. Cities become incubators where all the conditions are met for outbreaks to occur. However urban development has also reduced the transmission of other diseases (Emilie et al,2011).
According to (Bradley et al, 1998), many surveys have
demonstrated a high prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in children
of slums, shanty towns and squatter settlements. It was discovered that the
most frequently encountered intestinal parasites in urban communities include Entamoeba
histolytica, Giardia lamblia (intestinalis), Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris
trichura (Cromptom et al;1993).
Each of these species has a direct life cycle, being
transmitted from human to human by the feaca-oral route during which cysts or
eggs are discharged in human stools. Widespread contamination of the
environment occurs and eventually infective stages are swallowed by new hosts.
This is usually as a result of lack of sanitation, shortage of clean drinking
water, poor standard of public and personal hygiene and inadequate health
education. All these promote the spread of such parasites.
Intestinal parasitic infections persist and flourish
wherever poverty, inadequate sanitation, insufficient health care and
overcrowding are entrenched. Ascariasis is a mirror of socio economic status, a
reflection of environmental sanitary practices and an indicator of the
presence, or lack of health awareness and health education. (Crompton et al,
In the poor urban habitations, environmental factors
promote the survival and transmission of intestinal parasites in urban slums.
Migration Influence: - several of the reflected tropical diseases that were
once most common in rural, remote areas, are now frequently found in cities.
Leishmaniasis is a growing health problem and rapid urbanization contributes to
this increase (Desjeux; 2001)
In Kabul, Afghanistan, cases of cutaneous
leishmaniasis increased from 14,200 in 1994, to 65,000 in 2002, and in uagadougou
Burkina Faso, the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis increased from 28 cases
in 1995, to 2375 in 2000. (Desjeux; 200l). Visceral leishmaniasis has become an
important issue in several latin American cities including Teresina Belo,
Horizonte, Sao Luis, and Salvado de Balia in Brazil. (Costa et al; 1990). Several
other processes that contributed to the urbanization of this disease Include:
Rapid urban expansion: rapid urban expansion might bring populations into
contact with zoonotic cycles established in adjacent rural areas. For example,
cutaneus leishmaniasis has established itself in the periphery of Manus,
Brazil, Bella-vista, Argentina, Marrakech, Morocco and Khartoum, Sudan
(Barrette et al; 1989,) and Moroccan Ministry of Health (2005).
Secondly migrations have probably contributed to the
urbanization of visceral leishmaniasis. In North East Brazil, prolonged
draughts have triggered massive population movements towards the outskirts of
large cities. Rural migrants settled in shanty towns and brought chickens, pigs
and dogs with them, creating ideal conditions for the establishment of an urban
transmission cycle (Desjeux; 2001). Similarly the emergence of visceral
leishmaniasis in Khartoum in 1988 likely resulted from influx of people from
Western Upper Province, Southern Sudan, who had fled the civil war in the South
(De Beer et al; 1999). Poor sanitary conditions and changes in vector
ecology also contributed substantially to the spread of visceral leishmaniasis
and high sandflies were recorded in several cities (Costa et al; 2005).
Chagas disease, the American trypanosomiasis, caused
by the protozoa parasite T. cruzi affects 8 million people every year
(Remme et al; 2OO6). This disease is transmitted by triatomine bugs that
hide in walls, cracks and thatched roofs of rural households.
Chagas disease has long been thought of as a disease
of rural areas, but several reports suggest the existence of transmission foci
in urban and peri urban areas. According to (Albarracin Veizaga et al; 1999),
in 1996, a sero epidemiological survey in Cochabamba, Bolivia, reported
anti-T. cruzi antibodies in 12.5% of the inhabitants. Another survey
showed that 22% of children from Cochabamba aged 5- 13 years were sero-positive
for T. cruzi. (Levy et al; 2OO6).
In Urban settings, T. cruzi can also be
transmitted via blood transfusion or organ transplants. In Latin American
cities, between 1980 and 1989 1.3 - 51.0% of blood units intended for
transfusion were infected with T. Cruzi (Schmunis;1991). Rural-
to- Urban migrants have probably played an important part in the establishment
of chagas disease in cities by transporting vectors from endemic rural areas to
the peripheries of towns where they usually settle. Vector proliferation is
associated with poor socio economic conditions, poor housing, and the presence
of domestic animals in and around houses (Levy; 2OO6). Other
neglected tropical diseases have adapted to the urban environment. Among the
1.2 billion people at risk of lymphatic filariasis, about 29% live in urban
settings. In poor neigbourhoods in Nigeria, Brazil, and India, mismanagement of
waste water, absence of sewage system and accumulation of waste, promote the
proliferation of malaria and Wuchereria bancrofli vectors and increase
biting rates (Terrenella et al; 2006).
Contrary to common perception on malaria transmission
in urban settings, there is an improved health status of properly planned urban
populations compared with rural populations in Africa as observed by many
studies. For example, infant mortality rates and childhood mortality rates are
lower in urban populations compared with rural populations, as shown by 59
national demographic and health surveys conducted in sub-Saharan African
between 1988 and 2002. These same surveys showed that compared with those
living in rural areas, mothers and children living in urban communities have
better nutritional status indicators; fewer morbid events: increased vaccine
coverage; better physical access to health services; and greater use of
insecticide treated nets, (Monasch et al;2OO4).
The most extensive set of investigations on the effect
of urbanization on malaria epidemiology was conducted by (Trape et al; 1980).
In Brazzaville Congo, after a review of the demographical development of
Brazzaville and previous malaria related entomological and parasite surveys, a
series of papers were published that describe how the inhabitant of Brazzaville
were subject to reduced anopheline biting rates (0 -7.36 versus 35 -96
bites per person per night compared with rural Congolese (Trape et al; 1987).
The above findings were corroborated in West Africa,
for example Benin by (Akogbeto et al;1992), Burkina Faso by (Rossi et
al; 1986), Ghana by (Coene; 1993) Niger by (Lebras et al; 1986) and Nigeria by
(Awolola et al;2002). In summary,
there is clear evidence that urbanization affects anopheline species in the
environment - diversity, numbers, survival rates, infection rates with P.
falciparum and the frequency with which they bite people are all affected.
So, fewer people acquired malaria infection, become ill and or die of its
consequences in urban areas. The most common explanation is lower vector
densities that result from a paucity of clean fresh water breeding sites.
However, the process of urbanization effects changes
in indices of mosquitoes and malaria abundance not only by eliminating open
space for breeding, but also by increasing pollution of the remaining breeding
sites, thereby limiting the dispersion opportunities for adult mosquitoes with
increased human densities, malaria exposure per capita also decreases (Smith et
The qualitative evidence described above strongly
indicates that urban population have access to better health, nutrition and
services, and are at lower risk of malaria transmission than rural populations.