Nine Rice varieties (IRR8, CP306, FARO 15, IRR8, MARUWA, were gotten from the Abakaliki rice mill. The sample were analysed for their starch, amylose and amylopectin contents, cooking and sensory qualities.
3.1                   CHEMICAL ANALYSIS
            The method described by Onwuka, (2005) will be use to determine the starch content of the sample.

Two point five grammes (2.5g) of the samples with 50ml cold water will be mixed. After allowing it to stand for one hour (1hr), 20ml concentrated HCL and 150ml distilled water will be added, then refluxed for 2hrs in a 250ml round bottomed flask, 5N NaoH will b used to cool and neutralize the mixture, distilled water will be used to make up the mixture of the mark.
            The glucose content will be determined using anthrone reagent.
            Series of glucose solution will be prepared such that 1ml contains 0.04-0.2mg, these solutions will be used to calibrate the glucose stand and curve.
Five milliliter (5ml) of anthrone reagent will be added to 1ml each of standard solution and a test sample in test tubes and then will be mixed properly.
            The tubes will be covered and boiled in water bath for 20 minutes for the odour to develop. The tubes will be cooled and the absorbance will be read/red at 620nm against a blank containing only 1ml of water and 5ml of anthrone reagent.
            The concentration of the test sample will be obtained by calculation involving the concentrations and dilutions made the mass of starch will be consequently obtained from the mass of glucose using the relation.
Mass of glucose x 0.9 = mass of starch

            The method of Juliano (1971) will be used. 0.1g of starch will be weighed into a test tube, 1ml of 95% ethanol and 9ml 1N NAOH will be added. The mouth of the tube covered with paraffin to mix content very well. 0.5ml of aligout will be used in the analysis. 0.1ml of acetic acid solution and 0.2ml of solution shall be added to make up 10ml of 9.2ml of distilled water and allowed for 20minutes for colour development and the % amylose shall be calculated as follows.
% amylose =%Amylose of standard x Absorbance of sample
Absorbance of standard
% Amylopectin = 100 - % Amylose

3.2                        PHYSICAL ANALYSIS
3.2.1               SENSORY EVALUATION
Sensory evaluation of the cooked rice varieties were carried out  20 untrained panelists drawn from amongst the students of the department of food science and Technology. in a special room prepared for the purpose They were requested to express their feelings about the sample by scoring the following attributes: colour, odour, texture and taste. Sensory scores we based on a nine point hedonic scale, where 1 is dislike extremely and 9 is like extremely(Ebuehi et al., 2004).
3.3                   COOKING PROPERTIES
3.3.1               COOKING TIME
            Using Anonymous (1997) method the cooking time was determined.
-           weight 5g of the sample into a beaker containing 25ML distilled water.
-           Note the time cooking stated and the time it ended.
Cooking time            =          time cooking -           time cooking
(minutes)                               ended                         Started
3.3.1   Solids in Cooking water
            This was determined by drying an aliquot of the cooking water in a tarred evaporating dish to evaporate the water as steam. The weight of the empty Petri dish was measured and recorded (W1). This was followed by measuring the weight of the Petri dish and aliquot (W2). The weight of the Petri dish and the dry aliquot was measured (W3), The amount of solid in cooking water of empty Petri dish, W2 = weight of empty dish + dry aliquot (W3).
3.2.2   Grain Elongation during Cooking
            This was determined by first measuring the initial grain length (L­o­) before cooking. The final length (LO) after cooking was then measured. the grain elongation during cooking was then calculated as: L1 – Lo, where Lo = initial grain length before cooking, l1 = final length after cooking.
3.3.3   Gelatinization time and Gelatinization
-           2og of the samples is weighed and poured into 100ml distilled water in a measuring cylinder after which it is transferred quantitatively into a beaker and heated in a heater that is set at its maximum range of 10.
            The heating continues until the sample gels and the temperature at which is started gelling was determined by a thermometer and recorded as the gelatinization temperature.
-           The difference between the time cooking started to the time at which gelatinization occurs is gelatinization time.
-           Water Absorbed During Cooking           the drained cooked sample is weighed using mettler balanced to determine the water absorbed during cooking. The difference in the weight of sample after cooking and that before cooking is taken as the water absorbed during cooking water absorbed 
=          weight of         -          weigh of
Cooked sample         fresh sample
            The method of FAO (1985) shall be used 10g of the milled raw rice shall be bulk together. It will be picking at random and a representative sample shall be selected. Length and width shall be measured using vernier caliper calibrating in millimeter (mm).
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