The result of the water analysis for Ca, Mg, k, P, N02 B, FC, C, 2 So4 for irrigation  water in Ekoli Edda is provided in tables2.
     The water Contain1 68.0,81.0,131.81 and 152.1mg/L of calcium  in Achiogbo,. Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyi Anyaoji respectively. The result show that the water is suitable for surface compared with the standard (0-20mgll).
     The magnesium content are 5.7,6.2,5.9 and 51mgll for Achiagbo, Oloekoli, Iminakaa and Iyianyaoji respectively. The value show that the water is good for irrigation when compared to the standard value (0.5mg/L Magnesium is also used in reducing soil acidity.

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     The value of potassium in Ekoli Edda surface water is 28.91,20.1,38.4 and 72.0mgll for Achiogbo Oloekoli with the standard value for irrigation which is 0.2mg/l) Potassium encourages the development of stronger root system in plants. This helps to prevent lodging and increase the resistance o plants to bacteria and fungi disease.
            The value of Nitrogen in the irrigation water is 41.8,72.01, 56.84 and 86.0mg/l in Achiogbo, Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyianyaoji irrigation water respectively. The result shown that the nitrate content is higher than standard (0.10mg/l). The large value of nitrate will contributed large amount of Nitrogen for whatever crop that will be planted, when nitrogen is low in the soil, the high level will help to amend the soil Nitrogen.
     This will reduce the cost of acquiring Nitrogen fertilizer also in calculating the nitrogen to be added to the soil the nitrogen level in the irrigation water should be put into consideration.
     The value of boron in the irrigation water 45.1,51.4, 21.0 and 18.1mg/L in Achiogba Olekoli, Iminika and Iyianyaoji surface water respectively. The result showed that boron contents of the water is within the standard value required for irrigation 10.1.03mgll for sensitive plants, below (0.3-0.6mgll) for semi-tolerant plants and below )1-0kmgll) for tolerant plants. Boron is a micro-nutrient which is taken in by the plant in   form of borate anions. It is important in protein synthesis, it aids in Nitrogen and carbohydrate utilization, it facilitate the development of root and formation of fruits and seeds.   

The result of the heavy metal content for zinc (zn) cobalt(co) cadmium(Cd) and lead (Pb0) of the underground water of Ekoli Edda is presented in table 3. The value of zinc was 60.2, 41.6, 92.1 and 89.4mg/L. In Achiogba, Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyianyaoji irrigation water respectively. It shows there is low zinc content compared to the standard value (2.0mg/L).
     The water does not require treatment before used as irrigation water source, because the level is safe for irrigation purpose.
     The cobalt content in the irrigation water was 3.1,4.2,5.8 and 6.8 mg/L in Achiogba, Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyianyioji irrigation water respectively the Cobalt value of the water rate was high compared with the standard (0.50mg/L). Therefore, it needs treatments before using it for irrigation purpose, Cobalt is essential for leguminous crops it is essential for the symbolic fixation of nitrogen   in the legumes.
     The type of Nitrogen fixation is reduced when cobalt is deficient the soil.
Cadmium content of the underwater was 0.41,0.84, 1.4 and 0.21mg/L in Achiogbo, Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyianyioji respectively the result of the analysis show that the cadmium is lower than the standard 0.010mg/L). The low level makes it ideal for irrigation purpose.
     The surface water contained 0.37,0.84,0.71 and 0.25mg/L of lead is contained in Achiogba, Oloekoli, Iminika and Iyianyioji respectively based on the standard it slow that the water is this location s contain very low lead compared with standard (5.0 mg/L). Therefore the water is safe for irrigation without the fear of lead contamination   and poisoning.

5.1       SUMMARY
            The result of the Chemical analysis of water source for irrigation in Ekoli Edda shows that the solube salt is slightly low, but moderate in some areas, eg Iminika in Ekoli Edda of Ebonyi state has the EC value of 9.00 Mg/L. The sodium value (Na) of the underground water in Ekoli Edda is good. Therefore the use of this water for irrigation will not pose any problems. It is noted that the sources of water used for irrigation good management practices will not lead to salinity because all the parameters measured fall within the standard value recommended for irrigation.
            The RSC value of the sauces of water in Ekoli Edda is unfavorable (<1.25). This value will pose problems when used for irrigation. The elemental toxicity of the sources of water in Ekoli Edda L G A falls within the standard.
            The cobalt value of the underground water is high the cadmium content is favourable low. And the quantity of lead is low on the whole the quality of underground water of Ekoli Edda is ideal for irrigation purposes.

 5.2      Conclusion
            The source of water in Ekoli Edda is good for irrigation the elemental composition of the water compares favourable with standard value for irrigation.
5.3       Recommendation
            The values of the parameters measured in the underground water indicates that the underground water in Ekoli Edda if used for irrigation under proper management practices will be favourable for irrigation because all the parameters measure compared favourable with the standard recommended irrigation water. This means that the underground water in Ekoli Edda is good for irrigation it is therefore recommended for irrigated agriculture in Edda 

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