As a matter of strong personal principle, I am not good in singing people’s praises. So, without any trace of flattery, but from the innocence of my heart and with the integrity of my spirit, with the deepest measure of humility, I wish to first appreciate our Chancellor- ……………….. I lack the eloquence of diction, the expression of metaphor, and the condensed language of poetry to capture a perfect picture of what he completely embodies.
This is a man of the highest intelligentsia of noble academia who has accumulated the best of knowledge of the legal discipline. Across the eons of paths, time and space, his towering reputation has within and outside Nigeria remain unruffled. I stand to say from this elevates spot to say that the availability of this opportunity enabling me to address this gathering is in the topmost range of my rarest privileges.

Under the warm threshold of this hall today, I congratulate my senior colleagues who are graduating. Pieces of information borne out of analytical, empirical, doctrinal and reliable findings have revealed that studying Law from the earliest times known to record history has been a daunting task. It’s the only discipline where you are expected to know something about everything. My colleagues have confirmed what Mahatma Gandhi of blessed memories said. That:”A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”. In the face of every past impossible odds, you are few kilometers away from being Barristers and Solicitors of Supreme Court of Nigeria. As I look at your faces, I see a wide range network of young men and women who are purpose driven, vision oriented and imbued with an increasing willingness to inject fresh cultures into our age long legal civilization.
The beauty of this event is predominantly reflected in the fact that of no less a personality than the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria ………………………. is in our presence today. Beyond the telling of words Your Excellency, we are bankrupt in gratitude over how to appreciate your coming. I personally have the strongest admiration over how you have constantly extended opportunities to every open heart out of charity and in your belief that it is the surest route to general good of Nigerians.

In your legendary and charismatic disposition towards the offering of selfless services, you have demonstrated through your works within the short frame of time you have served as the peoples President that the problems of Nigeria has never been borne out of absence of sound policies and sensible plans. Rather, it has been chiefly occasioned by a failure of leadership on the side of past administrators, the smallness of our politics, the ease with which majority are swayed by the petty and the trivial, our collective chronic unwillingness to make hard choices, instead, we individually prefer opportunities to score cheap political advantages instead of rolling our sleeves to build a common consensus towards the fixing of our domestic obstacles.
To your credit Sir, you have enviably kept the ship of state afloat in the ever uncertain waters of Nigerian and international politics. So doing, you have sent a message that will ever whisper through the ages that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit and dignifying of an individual character like putting one’s best to a difficult task. In your open willingness to give an objective leadership to the people, you have charted a good course, giving depth to our national togetherness, proving that Nigeria is not an amorphous body of individuals pretending for years to be a happy people or a loose amalgam of contending ethnics. This is manifestly evident by your invaluable contribution towards the gradual resolution of the age long security challenges threatening our corporative co-existence. Today, the enemies of public decorum in our polity, whom in their internally generated backwardness fuel crisis and run unregulated criticism of your policies have learnt that those who love to place their legs on the throat of the peoples liberty will always fall at the cry of justice.

It is a general popular error to imagine that the loudest complainers for the public are the most anxious for its welfare. While of scanty years, being a careful observer of political trends and happenings in Nigeria, for doing your best so far irrespective of the focus of anyones perspective, you are securing a place for yourself in history and …………….University students appreciate you Your Excellency.
I am so happy that in no uncertain terms, you have remained true to yourself Your Excellency, evolved into a brand new brilliant Spartan political tactician, strengthened in your faith in a united Nigeria, sustained by your obsessive driven quest to redeem our image as a people, and spurred by an abiding concern for the well being of everyone under your central administration.
The effervescence of today’s event, I perfunctorily stand to say in clear, simple and unequivocal language is unparalleled. In Afe Babalola University, we domesticate an academic culture of discipline and responsibility which will continue to see us graduate students who can measure with the maximum standard of true educational values cuminternational transparent practices.
     To my history making colleagues, once again, I salute your abilities to bend the ach of history towards the hope of this bright day!
Thank you all and may God bless ……………….. University!


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