This is concerned with developing and applying models and concepts that may prove useful in helping to illuminate management issues and solve managerial problems, as well as designing and developing new and better models of organizational excellence. The application of these models within the corporate sector became known as management science. The models used can often be represented mathematically, but sometimes computer-based, visual or verbal representations are used. 

The range of problems and issues to which management science has contributed insights and solutions is vast. It includes scheduling airlines, both planes and crew, deciding the appropriate place to site new facilities such as a warehouse or factory, managing the flow of water from reservoirs, identifying possible future development paths for parts of the telecommunications industry, establishing the information needs and appropriate systems to supply them within the health serviced and identifying and understanding the strategies adopted by them within the health service, and identifying and understanding the strategies adopted by  companies for their information systems.
            Management science is the application of statistical or mathematical methods and principles to business decision-making and problem-solving processes. Applying scientific-style methods to common management situations can help companies develop a deeper understanding of business scenarios and how to approach these issues from a managerial standpoint. Management science may also take a more theoretical approach to making business decisions or solving problems rather than relying on a managers personal judgment or perception of business situations. Management science may use the principles of managerial economics when approaching various business situations. Managerial economics relies on statistical tools, such as risk analysis, pricing analysis, capital budgeting, regression analysis or correlation, to determine the best opportunity companies should choose when making business decisions.
            Management Science is also a branch of traditional   operations research  used   in   business management. Operations research applies mathematical or quantitative techniques to the decision-making process. This management process typically uses computer analysis models that allow managers to input various pieces of data and use a mathematical formula to compute best case scenarios based on the data. Using computer analysis techniques may also allow companies to enter several variations to the original data; these variations allow the computer program to quickly change the outcome based on the new information.

            ln1967 Tafford Beer characterized the field of management science as "the business use of operations research". However, in modern times the term management science may also be used to refer to the separate fields of organizational studies or corporate strategy.
            Like operational research itself, management science (MS) is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics devoted to optimal decision planning, with strong links with economics, business, engineering, and other sciences. It uses various scientific research-based principles, strategies, and analytical methods including mathematical modeling, statistics and numerical algorithms to improve an organization's ability to enact rational and meaningful-management decisions by' arriving at optimal or near optimal solutions to complex decision problems.
            In short, management sciences help businesses to achieve their goals using the scientific methods of operational research.
            The management scientist's mandate is to use rational, systematic, science-based techniques to inform and improve decisions of all kinds. Of course, the techniques of management science are not restricted to business applications but may be applied to military, medical, public administration, charitable groups, political groups or community groups.

Andreski, Stanislav (1972). Social Sciences as Sorcery. St Martins’ press ISBN 014-0218165
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