Like every other law or program, the Act and the Privatization and Commercialization Program is bound to have effects on our legal system and even on the entire strata of socio-political system. Some of these effects will be favorable and some adverse. So I shall discuss the points in this chapter under two heads, is favorable effects and adverse effects.

(i)          Nigeria has been a mixed economy, that is, some factors of Production has been owned by individuals while some owned by the State. It is a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism. If the indices that regulate demand and supply are in good function, they will determine equitable price in a mixed economy. Then since most Public Enterprises are not profit oriented, their goods and services come cheaper than those from Capitalist. This will mean lower prices and higher demands for the public goods and services. Since the Capitalist are always in competition with the Public Enterprises, they are forced to reduce their own prices too. It is always a lease of life to customers. But in the Nigerian example, the Public Enterprises are not efficient and can so not make its goods and services cheaper. This means that we do not have need of them. The Act has effect of returning us to capitalism. Let us watch it unfold.
(ii)       The second favorable effect and contribution of the Government of its shares, is the enterprises making it spend less or nothing on them anymore. What is saved in this way is channeled to areas like health, education and other infrastructure. This will bring about socio-economic growth and development.
(iii)     The Act will invariably solve the unemployment problem in Nigeria. It is hoped that companies after Privatization will become more efficient with absorption of more labor.
(iv)     Privatization and Commercialization are bound to create new investment. Most of the core and strategic investors that buy up shares in these companies are Foreign Investors. If they taste it and like it then we will have invariably regained faith and confidence which the Nigerian investment has lost before now.
(v)        Privatization and Commercialization brings about competition, and competition will on the long run bring about steady supply of goods and services at lower prices. The telecommunication sector has started working this miracle. We see today that “simpacks” of telephone service providers which were selling for Twelve Thousand Naira (N12,000.00) some years back, now sell for One Hundred Naira (N100.00) only.