1.Microbiology-- a study dealing with the structure and existence of microorganisms, which are tiny life forms such as a bacteria or a virus.
2.Zoology-- which is the study of animal life
3.Botany-- which is focused on plant life

4.Physiology-- Study of the vital functions and basic activities of living organisms - cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems - and their parts, in relation to the whole.
5.Embryology--Study of the formation and development of organisms from the zygote, or fertilised egg. Confined mainly to multi-celled organisms.
6.Taxonomy--Hierarchical classification of natural organisms indicative of their structures and differences.
7.Genetics--Study of inheritance and variation in organisms, and mechanisms by which these operate; causes of similarities and differences among related individuals.
8.Ecology--Study of relationships between organisms and their environment; the interactions of individuals within groups and with their suroundings.
9.Morphology--The study of the shapes of plants and animals.
10.Molecular Biology--Study of chemical processes at the level of large organic molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.
11.Biochemistry--Study of the chemical processes within living systems as a whole.

12.Bioarchaeology--The systematic study of past life by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence, such as bones, petrified animal or plan imprints, etc.
13.Biogeochemistry--The study of the relationship between the geochemistry of a region and the animal and plant life in that region.
14.Cytology-- Study of cells.
15.Orinthology-- Study of birds.
16. homology--That relation between parts which results from their development from corresponding embryonic parts, either in different animals, as in the case of the arm of man, the foreleg of a quadruped, and the wing of a bird; or in the same individual, as in the case of the fore and hind legs in quadrupeds, and the segments or rings and their appendages of which the body of a worm, a centipede, &c., is composed. The latter is called serial homology. The parts which stand in such a relation to each other are said to be homologous, and one such part or organ is called the homologue of the other. In different plants the parts of the flower are homologous, and in general these parts are regarded as homologous with leaves.
17.Herpetology- The study of reptiles and amphibians.
18. Histology- Study of tissues.
19. Osteology: study of bones.
20.Gynecology:Study of the health of the female organs of reproduction and diseases thereof.