S.3 of the BPEs Decree No. 78, 1993, provides for the functions of the Bureau. With respect to privatization, the bureau shall;
a.      Implement the Council policy on Privatization.
b.      Prepare Public Enterprise approved by the Council for Privatization.
c.      Advise the Council on further Public Enterprise to be privatized.
d.      Advise the Council on the capital restructuring needs of the Public Enterprise to be privatized.

e.      Carry out all activities required for the successful issue of shares and sale of assets of the Public Enterprises to be privatized.
f.       Make recommendations to the Council on the appointment of consultants, and advisers, investment bankers issuing houses, stock brokers, solicitors, trusted accountants, and other professionals required for the purposes of Privatization.
g.      Advice the Council on the allotment pattern for the sale of the shares of the Public Enterprises set out for Privatization.
h.      Oversee the actual sale of shares of the Public Enterprise, by the issue houses, in accordance with the guidelines approved from time to time by the Council.
i.        Ensure the success of the Privatization exercise taking into account the need for balance and meaningful participation by Nigerians and Foreigners in accordance with the relevant laws of Nigeria.
j.        Perform such functions with respect to Privatization as the Council may, from time to time assign to it[1].

[1] S. 13 of the Public Enterprises (Privatization and Commercialization) Act Cap P. 38 LFN 2004