The physical dimensions of rice kernels are of vital interest to those engaged in the rice industry (Amos, 2007). These dimensions are important in marketing and grading, in developing new rice varieties, in cleaning and grading equipments, in drying operations, and in processing. These include the seed/ and grain size, shape and weight.
These can be determined by careful measurement of the seed and grain of the kernels (Rickman et al., 2006; Slaton et al., 2000). Appearance is also another critical quality attribute for rice. Rice buyers, millers, and consumers judge the quality of the rice on the uniformity of its size and shape as well as the appearance of its overall size-shape relationship (Armstrong et al., 2005). Grouping of varieties is made on the basis of sizes: long, medium or short (Belsnio, 1980). Rice of different sizes adversely affects the milling quality and yield; therefore proper segregation of grain according to sizes is absolutely necessary to improve the milling quality of rice (Belsnio, 1980, Mahadavappa and Nandisha, 1987).

Grain Quality
Li (2003) reported that there are more than 1,200 varieties of rice under cultivation throughout the world. Nguyen (2001) indicated that the differences in varieties were related to morphology of the plants and grains, resistance to falling, precocity, ramification, productivity, as well as resistance and tolerance to biotic and a biotic factor. According to Slaton et al. (2000) rice is marketed under three market types designed as long-grain, medium-grain, and short grain. Varieties of each grain type must conform within narrow limits to the size and shape specifications established for that type. Thus, grain size and shape are among the first criteria of rice quality that breeders consider in developing new varieties for release in commercial production (mutters, 1998). If the variety does not conform to recognized standards for grain size, shape, weight, and uniformity, it is simply not considered for release (Mutters 1998; Anon, 2007).
            In early developmental stages, close visual examination of the grain is made to ascertain that its configuration conforms to that of other commercially acceptable varieties of the same grain type. Inherent grain defects, such as irregularly shaped grains, sharp pointed extremities, over-sized germs and deep creases which cause bran streaks in milled rice, must also be eliminated in early developmental work, as these defects reduce the milling yields of rice and detract from the general appearance of the processed product (Mutters, 1998).
            To the farmer, according to Juliano (1993), grain quality refers to quality of seed for planting and dry grain for consumption, with minimum moisture, microbial deterioration and spoilage. The miller or trader looks for low moisture, variety integrity and high total and head milled rice yield. Market quality is mainly determined by physical properties and variety name; whereas cooking and eating quality is determined by physicochemical properties. Martinez et al. (2005) reported that demand by consumers for rice of better quality can also influence its production. Different characteristics of grain quality of rice largely determine the products’ market price and acceptability. If the consumer does not like the flavour, texture, aroma, appearance or ease of cooking and processing in a new variety, whatever other outstanding traits it may possess loses its value. The quality of rice is closely related to the quality of its milled whole kernel, since all the domestic crop is milled to a high degree (Anon, 2007).
            Hammermeister (2008), suggested that knowing about grain quality starts with knowing the anatomy of a single grain, whether the grain is to be used for feed or for human consumption, the key characteristics of a grain still apply. Research from IRRI (2009) further indicated that rice grain quality was not solely a varietal characteristic but also depended on the crop production environment, harvesting, processing and handling system. Irshad (2001) categorized the quality characteristics in rice into 3 broad areas:
1.   Physical characteristics which include moisture content, shape, size and milling.
2.   The analysis of physico-chemical characteristics of rice including amylose content, protein content, gel consistency, volume of expansion of cooked rice, and cooking time and
3.   The organoleptic quality of cooked rice which include colour, aroma, hardness, stickiness, and consistency.

The length and width of the rice grain are important attributes that determine the classes of rice. Rice grains may be objectively classified into grain-type categories based on three physical qualities; length, shape and weight. Length is a measure of milled rice kernel in its greatest dimension. The shape is determined by a ratio of two of the three dimensions-length, width, and thickness. Richman et al. (2006) classified milled rice grain based on the length-width ratio as slender (>3.0), medium (>2.1<3.0), bold (>1.1<2.0) and round (<1.1).  Belsnio (1980) was able to determine the grain class of rice by measuring the length of the whole grain. He classified the type of milled rice according to the length of the whole grain as: Extra long-milled rice of which 80% of the whole milled rice kernels have a length of 7.0mm or more, long-milled rice kernels have a length of 5.0mm or more but shorter than 6.0mm, and short-milled rice of which 80% of the whole milled rice kernels are shorter than 5.0mm. Some attempts have been made to sub divide the types into finer gradations, such as long-slender and medium-slender. However, these distinctions may not be justified, since there is considerable overlap between long and long-slender and between medium and medium slender types (Belsnio, 1980s).

Thousand Grain Weight
The 1,000 grain weight provides information about the size and density of the grain. Grain of different density mill differently and are likely to retain moisture differently and cook differently (Richman et al., 2006). Uniform grain weight is important for consistent grain quality. The weight of rice kernel can vary considerably with moisture content, the type of soil where the rice is grown, fertilizer treatment, and weather conditions.

Shape is also important in heat and mass transfer calculations, screening solids to separate foreign materials, grading of fruits and vegetables and evaluating the quality of food materials. The shape of a food material is usually expressed in terms of its sphericity and aspect ratio.
Sphericty is an important parameter used in fluid flow and heat and mass transfer calculations (Serpil and Servent, 2006). The sphericity and aspect ratio is used to describe the shape of the seed. The geometry foundation of the concept of sphericity is said to rest on the isoperimetric property of a sphere. The sphericity of solid and material could be measured, after the object has been traced on paper, using the formular below (Figure 2.5).

                        Sphericity = Di
Di = diameter of largest inscribed circle
Dc = diameter of smallest circumscribed circle.
Assuming that the volume of the solid is equal to the volume of a triaxial ellipsoid with intercepts a, b, c and that the diameter of the ellipsoid, the degree of sphericity can also be expressed as follow:
Sphericity      =          (volume of solid) 1/3
                                    Volume of circumscribed sphere
=          (pie/ 6 a b c)1/3     =   ( b c )1/3
    pie/ 6 a 3                      a2
=          Geometric mean diameter   =          ( a b c )1/3
                                                          Major diamet                                  a
       a   =          longest intercept
       b   =          longest intercept normal to a and b

Quality of food material can be assessed by measuring their densities. Density data of foods are required in separation processes, such as centrifugation and in pneumatic and hydraulic transport of powders and particulates. In addition measuring the density of liquid is required to determine the power required for pumping.
The grain density or true density is the density of a pure substance or a composite material calculated from the densities of its components considering conservation of mass and volume (Serpil and Servent, 2006).  According to Deshphande et al; (1993) the true density is defined as the ratio of mass of seed to the solid volume occupied.
Bulk density is the density of a material when packed or stacked in bulk. Bulk density of particulate solids is measured by allowing the sample to pour into container of known dimensions.

Porosity is an important physical property characterizing the texture and the quality of dry and intermediate moisture foods. Porosity data is required in modeling and design of various heat and mass transfer processes such as drying, frying, baking, heating, cooling and extrusion. It is an important parameter predicting diffusional properties of cellular foods. In addition to that, porosity is used for studying the storage of agricultural products and to preview the quality loss of the material until it’s marking time (Ghadge and Prasad, 2012).
According to Mohsenin (1986), porosity is defined as the ratio of the intergranular void space volume and the volume of the bulk grain.

Angle of Repose
Angle of repose is another important physical property used in particulate foods such as seeds, grains, and fruits. When granular solids are piled on a flat surface, the sides of the pile are at a definite reproducible angle with the horizontal. This angle is called the angle of repose of the material.
The angle of repose is important for the design of processing, storage and conveying systems of particulate material. When the grains are smooth and rounded, the angle of repose is low. For very fine and sticky materials the angle of repose is high (Serpil and Servent, 2006).
Note that generally
When angle of repose < 35o :  there is free flow
             35 <  Angle of repose < 450 : cohesiveness
         angle of repose > 550  limited flow

Coefficient of Friction
This property develops an important role on silo wall pressure and grain flowing behaviours. The friction coefficient is defined as the ratio of the friction forces (force due to the resistance of movement) to the normal force on surface of the material used in the wall. For biological products, according to Mohsenin (1986), two types of friction coefficient are considered, the static coefficient determined by the force capable to initiate the movement and the dynamic coefficient determined by the force   needed to maintain the movement of the grains in contact with the wall surface which depends on the type and nature of the material in contact.