1.1 Introduction
Malaria is a major public health problem and cause of suffering and
premature deaths in tropical and sub-tropical countries (Cheesbrough,
1998). It is endemic in 91 countries
with about 40 % of the world’s population at risk (WHO, 1995, 1996).
300-500 million clinical cases of malaria occur. Ninety per cent of these are
found in Africa. This results in 1.5 – 2.7 million deaths, mostly children
under 5 years (WHO, 1995, 1996). There are at least 500 million cases of
clinical malaria by Plasmodium falciparium each year in the world (Snow et
al., 2005), that result in 1 million deaths in Africa alone (WHO, 2003;
Taylor and Molynuex, 2003).
On the average, each African child
experiences one clinical attack of malaria per year and this represents about
200 million episodes of clinical malaria annually (Taylor and Molyneux, 2003).
Malaria in pregnancy is a common cause of severe
maternal anaemia and low birth weight babies (Taylor and Molyneux, 2003). Low
birth weight is one of the main risk factors for infant mortality (McCormick,
1985) and this is seen in all parities of non-immune women. In the area of
moderate or high transmission, the association between placental malaria and a
reduction in birth weight is most apparent in primigravidae, the effect
decreasing as parity increases, though an increased risk in grand multiparae
has also been described (Morley et al., 1964; Greenwood et al.,
Maternal Vitamin A deficiency is
increasingly being recognized as a major public health problem in many
developing countries, but its consequences have so far been assumed to be
mainly related to infant health status, morbidity and mortality. Vitamin A
deficiency disorder affects large numbers of young children and women of child-
bearing age throughout the developing world.
Older reports (Sommer, 1982., Dixit,
1996) and recent surveys (Katz et al., 1995; Christian et al., 1998) indicate
that night blindness from vitamin A deficiency is common among pregnant women
in India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal and elsewhere, particularly during the
later half of pregnancy.
However, Vitamin A supplementation
has become a successful remedy to vitamin A deficiency especially in many
developing countries with poor dietary habits. Reports of reduction in infant
malaria parasitaemia and morbidity by vitamin A supplementation are scanty.
However, childhood diseases such as measles, diarrhea and respiratory diseases
are being reported as being taken care of by the supplementation. Shankar et
al., (1997) reported a significant vitamin A reduction of malaria attack of
20 – 50 % in a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial in New Guinea while
Barreto et al., (1994) reported a reduction in the severity of diarrhoea
disease by vitamin A supplementation. Because of the dearth of information in
this topic, this research aims at bridging the information gaps.
1.2: Aims and Objectives of the Study
The study aims to determine the
effects of the supplement (vitamin A), on malaria parasitaemia and morbidity
Infants born by
women at different months of pregnancy, starting from the 6th month.
Infants born by
women of
the above – mentioned ,at different parities and
(b) -
To determine the effects of the supplements on the weights of the infants mentioned above.
1.3 Justification of the Study
The study is worth carrying out
because if the supplement (vitamin A) is efficacious in reducing infant malaria
parasitaemia and morbidity, it can be recommended to be included as one of the
prophylactic measures in malaria control programmes in children.
The supplement will render dual
purpose services, since apart from its effects on malaria parasitaemia and
morbidity; it will be nutritionally beneficial to pregnant mothers in reducing
night blindness which occurs in many poor rural villages; as a result of poor
dietary habits.
Vitamins are complex organic
compounds which must be present in the food in minute amounts to enable growth,
health and life to be maintained (Keele and Nail, 1971). They are found in
plants and animals and in foods made from them and are needed in small amounts
for the proper functioning of organism’s chemical process, or metabolism
(Graham et al., 1997). Depending on solubility properties, vitamins
are divided into two groups – the ones that are soluble in fats (Vitamin A, D,
E and K), called the fat soluble vitamins and those soluble in water (vitamin B
and C) known as the water soluble vitamins.
Vitamin A, a fat soluble vitamin, is
a term comprising two forms: a retinoid, a preformed vitamin A originating from
animal tissue, and, Beta –carotene, a provitamin A compound originating from
plant tissue. Beta – carotene is a
caroteniod that occur naturally in foods such as carrots, meats and dark green
leafy vegetables. Beta carotene is converted in the body to the retinol form of
vitamin A and this conversion does decreases substantially when large amounts
of Beta carotene are ingested (Eugene et al., 1996). This therefore
implies that beta-carotene should not lead to toxicity or teratogenicity
because the conversion to retinol form is actually decreased with increasing
amount of beta – carotene.
Vitamin A is transferred from the mother to the embryo
across the placenta; vitamin A concentrations in fetal blood are approximately
half of those in the mother (Azais – Braesco and Pascal, 1998). Retinol binding
protein (RBP) is involved in this transfer from mother to embryo; nevertheless,
its specific metabolism and the existence of other yet unknown binding proteins
in maternal blood, the placenta, and
foetal blood requires further study (Sklan et al., 1985; Dancis et al.,
1992; Torma and Vahlquist, 1986).
Vitamin A is essential for the normal functioning of
the retina and for growth and differentiation of epithelial tissue as well as
necessary in embryonic development, reproduction and bone growth (Eugene et
al., 1996). Vitamin A is transferred
in two ways from mother to offspring: via the placenta during gestation, and
via the mammary gland (breast milk) during lactation. Adequate transfer of
Vitamin A is essential during both of these periods of development. Animal
models of Vitamin A deficiency have shown that maternal Vitamin A deficiency
during pregnancy results in placental dysfunction, stillbirth, and congenital
malformations (Stoltzfus, 1994). Maternal Vitamin A deficiency during lactation
rapidly disposes the nursling to severe Vitamin A deficiency (Stoltzfus, 1994).
Vitamin A deficiency is defined by the WHO as the
tissue concentration of Vitamin A low enough to have adverse health
consequences even if there is no evidence of clinical xerophthalmia (WHO,
1996). It is estimated that Vitamin A
deficiency, defined as a low serum retinol concentration (<0.70 µmol/L),
affects 190 million pre-school age children and 19.1 million pregnant women,
the majority in Africa and South-East Asia (WHO, 2009). Sub-clinical Vitamin A
deficiency (low plasma retinol or liver stores in the absence of ocular signs
is associated with increased mortality from infection (McLaren and Frigg,
Improving Vitamin A stores during infancy will help to
protect children from xerophthalmia during weaning. The weaning period is
typically when young children are at risk of xerophthalmia because breast milk
is replaced by foods that are often low in Vitamin A (Stoltzfus, 1994).
Furthermore, weaning food may be contaminated with infectious agents, putting
the weanling child at the risk of infectious diseases that may precipitate
xerophthalmia. Vitamin A stores accumulated during breastfeeding provide a
margin of safety during this nutritionally vulnerable transition period
(Stoltzfus, 1994)
Vitamin A deficiency in animal models of
malaria infection is associated with increased parasitaemia and increased
mortality (Krishnan et al.,1976;
Stoltzfus et al., 1989) and in
apparent agreement with this, a randomized controlled trial of Vitamin A
supplementation showed a decreased risk of clinical malaria in children in
Papua, New Guinea (Shankar et al., 1999)
although no effect was reported in an earlier trial in Ghana (Binka et al., 1995) and one study observed
that even low baseline Vitamin A status was associated with increased risk of
parasitaemia (Sturchler et al., 1987).
Vitamin A has been reported to be often
deficient in individuals living in malaria endemic areas, and is known to be
essential for normal immune function and has been suggested to play a part in
potentiating resistance to malaria (Shankar et
al., 1999). Pregnant women are at particular risk of Vitamin A deficiency
(West, 2002). And are also at increased risk of pregnancy associated
complications including maternal anaemia, stillbirth, and low birth weight
(McGregor et al.,1983; Steketee et al., 2001). Vitamin A seems to
decrease the severity of some episodes of diarrhoea in children especially when
the administration is in combination with zinc (Rahman et al., 2001). A slight significant reduction of active placental
malaria infection at delivery was reported in a study from Ghana, when Vitamin
A supplementation was administered in pregnancy (Cox et al., 2004). Micronutrient supplementation may cause an increase
in maternal appetite, which may lead to increased food intake and/or reduced
morbidity. Deficiency in one or more micronutrients may be due to inadequate food
intake, poor dietary quality, or when micronutrients are not readily released
from foods, not absorbed efficiently, or a combination of these factors (Pojda
and Kelly, 2000).
Since Vitamin A deficiency can occur
sub-clinically, and could at that level, render the risk groups (pregnant women
and children) susceptible to various infectious diseases, supplementation with
high doses was recommended. As at 1997, supplementation of women with 200,000
IU Vitamin A postpartum came into action in greater than or equal to 15
countries, as a national programme, recommended by the WHO for all areas where
Vitamin A deficiency is a public health problem (WHO/UNICEF/IVACG, 1997).
Recently, the WHO through its informal technical consultation recommended that
the postpartum dose be increased to 400,000 IU administered twice as 200,000 IU
each, within the safe infertile postpartum period (Ross, 2002).
Recent experiments using animal and various cell lines
suggest that vitamin A and related retinoids modulate many different immune
response elements, including expression of keratins and mucins, lymphopoiesis,
Apoptosis, cytokine production, function of neutrophils, natural killer cells,
monocytes or macrophages, T-lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, and production of
immunoglobulin (Ig) (Semba, 1998).
Liver vitamin A stores are usually sufficiently high
to withstand low or no vitamin A supply for a limited period, provided that
usual intake is adequate. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on vitamin
A status than on vitamin A intake, yet this is difficult to do because of lack
of a satisfactory biomarker for accessing the vitamin A status of individual or
population except in the case of extreme hypovitaminosis A (Underwood, 1994).
Vitamin A deficiency has great consequences during
pregnancy and early childhood. Vitamin A deficiency disorders (VADD) encompass
the full spectrum of clinical consequencies
associated with sub-optimal vitamin A status. These disorders include
reduced immune competence, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality
(largely from increased severity of infectious diseases); night blindness,
corneal Ulcers, Keratomalacia and related ocular signs and symptoms of
xerophthalmia; exacerbation of anaemia through sub- optimal absorption and
utilization of iron, and other conditions not yet fully identified or clarified
(e.g retardation of growth and development) (Sommer and West, 1996).
Clinical and sero-epidemiological studies and surveys
indicate that vitamin A deficiency is widespread throughput the developing
world. Studies in Africa where it has been less well recognized indicated that
a large proportion of paediatric blindness was due to acute deterioration in
vitamin A status during measles and similar childhood infections (Chirambo and
Ben Ezra, 1976; Foster and Sommer, 1986). The extent and distribution of
vitamin A deficiency and its consequences are remarkedly well established.
Numerous local and nutritional surveys have been conducted. In countries where
they have not been conducted, data from nearby countries with similar
characteristics (under – 5 year mortality, poverty, diet) allow for judicious
extrapolation (Sommer, 2001). Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health
problem in Nigeria. Nigeria has been identified by the World Health Organization
as one of the countries with the highest risk of vitamin A deficiency (Adelekan
and Adeodu, 1998).
The prevalence of marginal Vitamin A deficiency is
reported to be 50 % in Nigeria, compared with 33 % in South Africa, 66 % in
Zambia and 20 % in Namibia (Vitamin Information Centre, 2002).
Intervention trial shows that vitamin A deficiency
poses a significant problem in more than 70 countries (Grant, 1995). Recent
calculations suggest that roughly 150 million children are deficient and that
10 million children develop xerophthalmia, while 500,000 children are
permanently blinded from xerophthalmia and 1 to 2 million children die
unnecessarily (Humphrey et al., 1992). In 1995 the WHO estimated that
250 million children were at risk of vitamin A deficiency.
Children begin life with an urgent need for vitamin A.
Full term infants – even those of well nourished mothers in wealthy countries
are born with barely enough vitamin A to sustain them during the first few days
of life. During the first six months of life, they need at least 125 mg of
retinol equivalent(RE) daily to prevent xerophthalmia and about 300 mg to
thrive (and accumulate adequate liver stores of 20 mg per gram of liver)
(Humphrey and Rice, 2000).
Breast milk (or equivalent formulas) is the only
significant source of vitamin A to young infants. Except when mothers suffer
from severe protein energy malnutrition, the quantity of breast milk is similar
around the globe, but the concentration of vitamin A in that milk varies
dramatically with the vitamin A status of the mother (Humphrey and Rice, 2000;
Stoltzfus et al., 1993). When mothers are vitamin A deficient, breast
milk concentrations will be low and without supplementation with vitamin A,
their children will become deficient.
Children in developing countries are at risk of
consuming a vitamin A deficient diet throughout life, not just during early
infancy. The reason is that as their counterparts in the developed countries
receive abundant preformed vitamin A from animal products, they rely on
beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A found in dark green leafy vegetables,
carrots, and colour fruits (mangoes and papaya). The beta -carotenes are poor
substitutes for animal source of the preformed vitamin. In addition to being
poor sources, many children do not like to eat vegetables; fruits are often
costly or highly seasonal, and many vegetables bind beta – carotene tightly to
their cellular matrices, yielding little during digestion. It has been recently
reported that the bio-availability and bio- conversion of dark green leafy
vegetable sources of beta – carotene is lower than previously supposed (de Pee et
al., 1995) with perhaps no more than 2 % to 4 % being absorbed, converted
to vitamin A, and made available to meet metabolic needs. Children in
developing parts of the world need more vitamin A than do their counterparts.
This is because diarrhea, childhood exanthematous diseases and respiratory
infections are more common in poor rural population, thereby enhancing the
reduction of Vitamin A absorption (diarrhea) while increasing utilization
(measles) and excretion (respiratory infections). Women in developed countries
are often vitamin A deficient because they feed on unvaried diets that are
deficient in good source of preformed vitamin A. Pregnancy and lactation place
additional burden on their meager vitamin A store. Other consequences of
pregnancy probably explain why deficiency is more severe and night blindness
most common during the later half of pregnancy (Azais –Braesco and Pascal,
1998). Correcting mild to moderate vitamin A deficiency at the community level
is thought to lead to at least 23 % reduction in mortality rates among young
children (Beaton et al., 1993). To access community risk of vitamin A
deficiency, the Hellen Keller International Food Frequency Method is the
simplest and most innovative method (Rosen et al., 1993). This method is based
on weekly intakes key foods among pre-school children (i.e. diet of children,
1-6 years of age). A score is assigned to each child based on the number of
animal or plant sources rich in vitamin A that were consumed during the past
week, ignoring amounts. Nearly all the food taken into consideration contain at
least 100 retinol equivalent (RE) per 100g. Food frequency methods have been shown
to have predictive power in relating the intake of food to risk of disease
(Willet et al., 1995).
To amend vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy, vitamin A
supplementation should be made available to the pregnant mothers according to
the World Health Organizations (WHO, 1998) Recommended Dietary Allowances
(RDAs). According to WHO (1998), during pregnancy a daily supplementation
should not exceed 10,000 IU (International Unit) or (3,000 RE) (Retinol
Equivalent) and a weekly supplementation should not exceed 25,000 IU (7,500
RE). The foetus starts to accumulate Vitamin A during the third trimester of
pregnancy, and needs several months of sufficient intake after birth to build
up an adequate hepatic store (Ortega et al., 1997) . When the baby is breast fed,
the vitamin A content of the breast milk is of primary importance. The
composition of breast milk is influenced by the vitamin A status and serum
concentration of the mother during the last trimester of pregnancy (Ortega et
al., 1997). Colostrum and early milk are extremely rich in vitamin A and
even the milk of a mildly undernourished woman may meet the physiological needs
of the new born during the first weeks (West et al., 1986; Humphrey et
al., 1992). After this time, however, a rapidly- growing infant may exhibit
negative vitamin A balance, with severe consequences for health.
Malaria is prevalent in all countries extending from
40 0S to 60 0N of the equator, covering a large
proportion of the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Highly endemic areas are
often seen in the tropical regions where humidity and temperature are
favourable for breeding of the anopheline mosquitoes and growth of the parasite
in the insect vector (Ichhpujani and Bhatia, 2005). Malaria, the most important
parasitic disease in the world today, is disproportionately prevalent in
tropical Africa, where approximately 10 % of the world’s population suffers
more than 90 % of the world’s malaria infections (Anderson and May, 1991).
The sub-Saharan African region has the greatest number
of people exposed to malaria transmission and the highest malaria morbidity and
mortality rates in the world (WHO, 1996). Estimates from the WHO in 2008 showed
that 243 million cases of malaria (around 90% caused by P. falciparum) resulted in 863,000 deaths of which more than 80%
occurred in children younger than 5 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa (WHO,
2009). Malaria affected 3.3 billion or half of the world’s population, in 106
countries and territories (US Embassy in Nigeria, 2011). Thirty countries in
sub-Saharan Africa account for 90% of the global malaria deaths. Nigeria,
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia and Uganda account for nearly 50%
of the global malaria deaths. Malaria ranks second to HIV/AIDS as being cause
of mortality, resulting in 1 out of every 5 child deaths. It accounts for 60%
of outpatient visits and 30% of hospitalizations among children under five
years of age in Nigeria (US Embassy in Nigeria, 2011).
falciparum is responsible for most
malaria- related deaths worldwide and is the predominant Plasmodium species in sub-Saharan Africa. Young children have the
highest morbidity and mortality in malaria stable transmission areas because
they do not have acquired protective immunity that is sufficient against severe
disease. Immunity to malaria occurs over several years of exposure to repeated
infections and it may take years to develop immunity to the full range of
antigenic variations of the parasite (Baird, 1998). The immune responses
against the parasite consists of antibody- mediated immunity, cell- mediated
responses, and non- specific immunity. But complete immunity against
re-infection is unknown (Semba, 1999).
The life cycle of Plasmodium
begins with the inoculation of the sporozoites in the saliva of a biting anopheline
mosquito, into the blood of the human host, and within minutes, the sporozoites
reach the liver and invade the hepatocytes. During the pre-erythrocytic cycle
in the liver, a sporozoite can develop into a mature schizont, which can burst,
releasing thousands of merozoites into the bloodstream. The merozoites infect
human red blood cells and initiate the erythrocytic cycle. Also, in the
erythrocytic cycle, the merozoites mature into blood schizonts which burst,
producing eight to thirty two new merozoites that can invade more erythrocytes.
The rupture and destruction of the red blood cells lead to the development of
symptoms, such as headache, fever, and malaise. Within 10-12 days, the sexual
forms of the parasite (male and female gametocytes) appear in the peripheral
blood and can be taken up by the mosquito during a blood meal. In the mosquito,
the gametocytes undergo development into zygotes, ookinetes and oocysts, and
finally sporozoites. The cycle is completed by the inoculation of the sporozoites
in the saliva of the mosquito during another blood meal.
Malaria infection in pregnancy has been reported to be
highest among the primigravidae and secundigravidae with lower rates in later
pregnancies (Brabin, 1991). Malaria infection in pregnancy leads to parasite
sequestration in the maternal placental vascular space, with consequent
maternal anaemia (Shulman, 1996) and infant low birth weight (McGregor, 1984;
Sullivanet et al., 1999) due to both
prematurity (Steketee et al., 1996)
and intrauterine growth restriction (Brabin, 1991).
Malaria in infants aged under six months is not a rare
occurrence in endemic areas and its burden may be underestimated (D’Alessandro et al., 2012). Awareness by health
professionals should increase so that any infant aged under six months brought
to a health facility in a malaria endemic area, with unexplained fever should
be systematically screened for malaria. Current policy for malaria diagnosis
dictates that all fevers in all age groups and settings should be tested for
malaria before treatment is commenced (D’Alessandro et al., 2012). Young infants infected with malaria parasites may
have different clinical manifestations (Sehgar et al., 1989) and lower parasite densities than older infants. But
even low parasite density infections (1-500 parasites/µL) in infants can result
to anaemia and may become life threatening if untreated (Afolabi et al., 2001).
In Nigeria,
malaria is hyper endemic with stable transmission (Ofovwe and Eregic, 2001).
The pattern of the disease in Nigeria is that of intense transmission and
remarkable stability. Malaria transmission is intense all year round in the
forest belt but in the dry Savannah, transmission is relatively low during the
dry season (November to April). Malaria symptoms appear about 9-14 days after
the infective mosquito bites; although this varies with different Plasmodium
species. The clinical features of malaria vary from mild to severe and
complicated malaria, according to the species of parasites present, the
patient’s state of immunity, the intensity of infection and also the presence
of concomitant conditions (Ichhpujani and Bhatia, 2005).
Malaria in pregnancy is a common cause of severe
maternal anaemia and low birth weight babies, and these are more common in
primigravidae than in multigravidae (Shulman and Dorman, 2003). The reasons for
the increased susceptibility of primigravidae compared to multigravidae are
poorly understood. Parasites isolated from pregnant women and their placentae
cyto- adhered to chondroitin sulphate A (CSA), a ligand present at a high
concentration on the surface of the syncytiotrophoblast which covers the
placental villi and is the equivalent of endothelium in the maternal vascular
compartment of the placenta. Parasites isolated from non-pregnant women and
from men in the same geographical area do not express binding to CSA. This
raises the possibility that a clone of parasites capable of binding to CSA is
selected for during pregnancy. Incubation with sera from multigravidae inhibits
the binding of these parasites to CSA in vitro, providing a possible
explanation for why multigravidae are less susceptible to malaria infection
than primigravidae. (Shulman and Dorman, 2003). Malaria infection of the
placenta seems to result in a higher susceptibility of infants to the parasites
(Hesran et al., 1997).
Infants born with low birth weight (less than 2500g)
suffer from extremely high rates of morbidity and mortality from infectious
diseases, and are underweight, stunted, or wasted beginning in the neonatal
period through childhood (ACC/SCN,2000). The two main causes of low birth
weight are prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation. Most low birth
weights in developing countries are caused by intra-uterine growth retardation.
The causes of intrauterine growth retardation are complex and multiple, but
centre on the foetus, the placenta , the mother and combination of all three.
Maternal environment is the most important determinant of birth weights and
factors that prevent normal circulation across the placenta cause poor nutrient
and oxygen supply to the foetus, thereby restricting growth. Such factors may
include maternal undernutrition, malaria anaemia (Cameron and Hofvander, 1983).
At least, 17 million infants are born every year with low birth weight,
representing about 16% of all newborns in developing countries (ACC/SCN,2000).
About 15% and 11% are born full term with low birth weight and intrauterine
growth retardation in Middle East and Africa respectively, and approximately 7%
in the Latin America and the Carribean regions (ACC/SCN, 2000). Infants born
with low birth weight are at risk to develop acute diarrhoea, or to be
hospitalized for diarrhoea episodes at a rate almost two to four times greater
than their normal birth weight counterparts (Bukenya et al., 1991). They are also two times more than their normal birth
weight counterparts in contracting respiratory infections (Victoria et al., 1989; Victoria et al., 1990).
Evidence exists that suggests that infant outcomes can
be improved by improving the maternal nutritional status. Vitamin A has been
reportedly stated to be effective in increasing the infant birth weights.
Reports of the effects of Vitamin A supplementation on birth weights have been
published by Jaya and Shatrugna, 1976; Panth et al., 1991, and Kumwenda et
al. 2002.
Infant malaria
can be categorized as uncomplicated, moderate and severe, depending on the
presenting symptoms. Parasitic patients with symptoms such as fever or history
of fever, headache, cough, rapid breathing, myalgia, vomiting and diarrhea (in
the absence of altered consciousness, respiratory distress, repeated
convulsions, hypoglycaemia, acidosis, vomiting, prostration and severe anaemia
are defined as having uncomplicated malaria (Newton and Krishna, 1998).
Children who have the symptoms of the uncomplicated
malaria and require parenteral treatment but are unlikely to progress to severe
disease are said to have moderate malaria (Newton and Krishna, 1998). The
following features characterize severe malaria in African children: altered
consciousness, convulsions, hypoglycaemia, acidosis and anaemia (Taylor and
Molyneux, 2003). Hypoglycaemia, (blood glucose concentration of less than 2.2
mmol/l, or 40 mg/dl) occurs in many paediatric illnesses. In falciparum malaria,
it is associated with poor outcomes (Taylor et al., 1988) and should be
considered in any comatose or convulsing child. It is recommended that
intravenous fluid that contains dextrose in concentrations equal to or more
than 5 percent should be administered to the children.
Anaemia is a serious symptom of malaria especially in
pregnancy and infancy. Anaemia is defined as a haemoglobin concentration lower
than the established cut-off value defined by the World Health Organisation
(WHO). This cut-off ranges from 110 g/L for pregnant women and for children 6
months to five years of age, to 120 g/L for non- pregnant women, to 130 g/L for
men (WHO, 2001). Worldwide, anaemia is the commonest red cell disorder that
occurs when the concentration of haemoglobin falls below what is normal for a
person’s age, gender, and environment, resulting in the oxygen- carrying
capacity of the blood being reduced (Cheesbrough, 2010). It is graded as mild
when the haemoglobin concentration is 10-11 g/dL, morderate, when it is 7-<10
g/dL and severe when <7 g/dL.
Anaemia can result from malaria infection even at an
assymptomatic level (Douamba et al.,
2012). In Kano metropolis, a positive correlation between malaria and anaemia
was reported by Imam (2009) and a high prevalence of malaria- induced anaemia
was more among under 5 years old children. Anaemia was related to parasites
density, with direct relationship between severity of anaemia and higher
parasite density (Imam, 2009). Abanyie et al. (2013) reported that anaemia was
highly prevalent among Nigerian pre-school children and that it correlated with
malaria. Maternal Vitamin A supplementation can influence the haemoglobin
status of unborn infants. Kumwenda et al. (2002), reported that Vitamin A
supplementation to Malawian women reduced anaemia in their infants when born.
Malaria causes anaemia through cytokine-mediated suppression of haematopoesis,
and in addition when infected with P. falciparum, the erythrocyte
changes and becomes vulnerable to clearance (Biggs and Brown, 2001).
Proper nutrition is very important in protection
against many parasitic diseases and is vital in protective immunity. When a
child is undernourished, he or she may be unable to mount an appropriate immune
response to malaria parasite due to the reduction in T-lymphocytes, impairment
of antibody formation, and atrophy of thymus and other lymphoid tissues, among
others (Scrimshaw and SanGiovanni, 1997).
Vitamin A plays an essential role in the immune
response and eye health (Sommer and West, 1996). Severe vitamin A deficiency is
rare and most vitamin A- associated morbidities result from mild to moderate
deficiency. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to improve general eye
health as well as decrease diarrhoea, and all-cause mortality (Sommer and West,
1996; Beaton et al., 1993). Vitamin A deficiency is common in malaria
endemic regions of the world. Studies in rats indicated that vitamin A-
deficient rats were significantly more susceptible to the rat malaria parasite,
P.berghei than were those rats
with adequate vitamin A intake and overall animal studies suggest that vitamin
A- deficient animals are more vulnerable to malaria morbidity and mortality
(Krishnan et al., 1976). The fraction of malaria morbidity attributable
to vitamin A deficiency was determined to be 20 % worldwide and more than 90 %
of the 187,000 malaria deaths worldwide attributable to vitamin A deficiency
occur in Africa. (Rice et al., 2004). Current intervention strategies
include supplementation, fortification of a variety of foods, and education
regarding the importance of vitamin A- rich foods in the diet.
2.1 The Study Area
The research was conducted at some
Health Centres and rural villages within the communities of Ebonyi State. The study
cut across the three senatorial zones of the state.
The vegetation characteristic of the state is that of
tropical rain forest. Two distinct seasons – the wet and dry exist. The former
takes place between April and October, while the later occurs from November to
March. Artisans, petty traders and subsistence farmers dominate the population
of the communities. The communities are of low socioeconomic status with few
people having attended tertiary institution, while the majority of the educated
inhabitants are within the primary education level.
Study Population
The study population were pregnant
women of varying age groups who were malaria parasitaemic and seronegative to
HIV infections, whose pregnancies had mature up to the sixth month, and their
seronegative infants when delivered. The
participants were divided into two study groups: the trial group and the
control group. For any woman to be enrolled in the study she must have tested
positive to the malaria parasite, negative to HIV infections, and must also be
at the sixth month of pregnancy. The infants of the women that were
seronegative at the third month postnatally , were followed up. A total of 152
mother-infant pairs, 76 in the trial group and 76 in the placebo group were followed up to the
end of the study.
Design of the Study
studied population was divided into two – the trial group and the placebo
group. Trained health personnel including medical laboratory scientists, nurses
and village-based health workers (VBHWs) were involved in the execution of the
Ethical Considerations
The study protocol was approved by
the Department of Zoology of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and by the
Primary Health Care Unit of Ebonyi State Ministry of Health. Informed consents were obtained from the
participants (pregnant women), who also consented for their infants after birth
before their enrolment in the study.
2.5 Design of Placebo
syringe of 1 ml capacity was used to pierce and drain the active ingredients of
the soft gels of both 10,000 IU and 100,000 IU of vitamin A that were
administered antenatally and postnatally respectively. The same syringe was
also used to introduce drinkable water into the gels, so as to rinse them
properly. This was repeated so as to properly get rid of the active
ingredients. The gels were then inflated with water to regain their shapes and
make them appear identical with the ones containing the active ingredients.
Supplement (Vitamin A) Administration and
Vitamin A supplements within a safe dosage of 10,000
IU was administered to the pregnant women of the trial group, three times
weekly, starting from their sixth months into pregnancy. Placebo was also given
to the placebo group thrice weekly. The regimen was continued until the women
delivered. On delivery of the babies the trial group received 200,000 IU (2
gels of the 100,000 IU) between the 6th and 8th weeks
postpartum. This was continued every other 3 month, until the study was over.
Placebo was administered at equal strength to the placebo group. Village-based
health workers (VHBWs) were involved in the administration of the supplements.
Direct observed therapy (DOT) was in most cases ensured especially, when
supplements were being administered to the illiterate women. Also, to ensure
appropriate drug administration and compliance where DOTs were not possible,
the dosage of the supplements were also boldly indicated on the drug envelops.
The illiterate women had their own supplements dispensed into different
envelops, indicating dosages. Compliance with the study regimen by each
participant was determined by adding the number of tablets taken by each
participant during visitations and dividing them by the total number of tablets
the participants should have taken throughout the period of the study.
2.7 Estimation of Risk of Vitamin A
Deficiency of Infants
food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) modified from Hellen Keller International
(HKI) food frequency questionnaire was used to estimate the risk of vitamin A
deficiency among infants in the study area. The questionnaire was administered
through the mothers or caregivers of infants within 1-5 years of age. The
infants were infants born by the same mothers (secundigravids or multigravids)
who are the subjects of this study or infants born by other mothers.
Infant Monitoring and Follow- up:
Follow up was carried out monthly at
health centres, village squares and at homes. At birth, midwives or other
trained health workers determined the weight of each infant. This was recorded
to the nearest 0.1 kg. At each monthly follow - up, enquiries were made
concerning the health and the breast feeding status of the infants during
preceding periods. The axillary temperatures and physical examinations of each
infant was taken and observed respectively at each visit.
Blood films were obtained from the infants every three
months. The presence of peripheral blood Plasmodium parasitaemia was
assessed by thick and thin blood smears stained with Giemsa. The mothers were
instructed to always take their infants to the health centres any time they
develop febrile episodes or feel ill. On such out of schedule visits, blood
films were made from such infants and their Plasmodium
parasitaemia status determined and the appropriate treatment given.
2.9.1: Preparation and
Examination of Thin and Thick
Blood Smears:
Thin and thick blood films were made and examined for parasitaemia. The
method followed Cheesbrough (1998).
Thin and thick blood smears were prepared in situ. For the preparation of thin film, one drop of
blood was smeared on to a frosted end grease-free microscope slide and a
smooth-edged spreader was used to spread the blood. The slide was labeled with
the infant’s name, sex and date of collection. The film was air-dried with the
slide held in a horizontal position. Thereafter, the blood film was fixed with
two drops of methyl alcohol for 1-2 minutes. After fixation, the alcohol was
tipped off and the film was allowed to dry.
Following drying, the films were
stained with Giemsa and were placed in racks and transported to the Department
of Medical Laboratory Science Laboratory, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,
for examination. At the laboratory, a drop of immersion oil was applied to the
film and it was then examined under the microscope, using x40 and x100
objectives respectively. The Plasmodium species present were identified and recorded.
The procedure was the same for the
preparation and examination of thick films, except that a larger quantity of
blood (about 2 drops) was used, that fixation was not carried out, and that
longer staining period is required,.
2.9.2 Determination of Malaria Parasite Density
Parasite number per microlitre (µl)
of blood was estimated from number of parasites per 200 leucocytes with a
standard leucocyte count of 8,000 (Cheesbrough, 1998; WHO, 1991; WHO, 2010).
A part of thick film where the white
blood cells (WBC) were evenly distributed and parasites well – stained was
selected. With the use of oil immersion objectives, 200 white blood cells (WBC)
were systematically counted. At the same time, the number of parasites
(asexual) in each field was estimated. The procedure was repeated in two other
areas of the film and an average of the three counts was taken. The number of
parasites per microlitre (µl) of blood was calculated as:
WBC count X parasites counted against 200 WBC
Haemoglobin (Hb) Estimation
The haemiglobincyanide
(cyanmethaemoglobin) method was used to estimate the heamoglobin concentration
of the infants every three months. The procedure followed Lewis et al. (2006).
A one (1) in 201 dilution of well-mixed EDTA anticoagulated venous blood was
made by adding 2 0 µl (0.02 ml) of blood to a test tube containing 4 ml of Drabkin’s neutral diluting
fluid (pH 7.0-7.4). The tube was stoppered and inverted several times to allow
the solution to mix well. The test sample was left standing at room temperature
for 5 minutes. Thereafter, it was poured into a cuvette and the absorbance was
read in a spectrometer at a wavelength of 540 nm against a reagent blank. The
absorbance of a commercially available HiCN standard was also compared to a
reagent blank in the same spectrometer and their values recorded. The heamoglobin
(Hb) concentrations were calculated and expressed in g/dl as follows:
(g/dl)= A540 of test sample X Concentration of standard
X Dilution factor (201)
A540 of standard 1 1000
Where A = Absorbance
2.9.4 Blood Glucose Concentration
The blood glucose concentration of
infants was determined in situ with the use of a glucometer (ACCU-CHEK®
Advantage). This is a glucometer with strip test. About 25 µl of blood was applied
to cover the test strip area as instructed by the manufacturer. Thereafter, the
strip was inserted in the meter. The result was digitally displayed after 12
seconds and was expressed in mg/dl (Cheesbrough, 1998).
2.10 Statistical Analysis:
Regression models will be used to analyze the
relationship between parasite densities in the infants and months of
pregnancies of the mothers, and parasite densities in the infants and the
gravida of each participant mother.
The Chi square analysis will be employed to test whether there is a
significant difference in levels of parasitaemias and morbidities between the
infants of mothers who took the vitamin A supplement and the controls.
The Chi square analysis will also be
used to determine whether there is significant difference between parasite
densities and gender of the infants.
Correlation analysis will be used to
determine the association between age (in months) and Parasite densities, blood
glucose concentrations and parasite densities, and haemoglobin concentrations
and parasite densities respectively. The relationship between vitamin A
and the birth weight of the infants
will be determined by the use of relative risk.
study populations were malaria parasitaemic and HIV sero-negative pregnant
women of varying age groups, who were at least at the 6th month into
the gestation period, and their infants when delivered.
total of 195 women with the above mentioned inclusion criteria were enrolled in
the study. Ninety eight (98) of them were in the trial group while ninety seven
(97) were in the placebo group. Before delivery, fourteen (14) (14.29%) from
the trial group withdrew through relocation and voluntarily. Among the placebo
group, 11(11.34%) withdrew because of relocation and voluntarily too (Table 1).
1: Prepartum baseline population and withdrawal reasons
Group (N=98) Placebo
Group (N=97)
withdrawn (%) withdrawal reason Number withdrawn (%) withdrawal reason
5(5.10) relocation 6(6.19)
withdrawal 5(5.16) voluntary withdrawal
(Reasons unspecified)
= 14(14.29) 11(11.34)
four (84) and 86 from the trial and placebo groups respectively were
followed-up until delivery. Eight children, 1(1.19%) neonatal death, 2(2.38%)
infantile mortality, 3(3.57%) cases of relocation to unknown residences and
2(2.38%) cases of HIV seropositivity reduced the trial group number of children
to 76. The number was followed up to the end of the study. Ten (10), 1(1.16%)
case of stillbirth, 2(2.33%) neonatal
death, 3(3.49%) infantile death, 1(1.16%) case of relocation and 3(3.49%) cases
of HIV seropositivity, reduced the number of placebo group infants to 76
also.The number was also followed up to the completion of the study.
2: Postpartum baseline population and withdrawal reasons
Group (N=84) Placebo
Group (N=86)
withdrawn (%) Reason Number
withdrawn (%) Reason
1(1.19) Neonatal death 1(1.16)
still birth
2(2.38) Infantile mortality 2(2.33) Neonatal death
3(3.57) Relocation
3(3.49) Infantile death
2(2.38) HIV
1(1.16) Relocation
3(3.49) HIV
seropositivity 3(3.49) HIV seropositivity
8(9.52) 10(11.63)
the number of women who were followed up to the delivery of their infants was
stratified by gravidity, 21(27.63%), 24(31.58%), and 31(40.79%) that
represented primigravids, secundigravids and multigravids respectively, were in
the trial group.
the placebo group, 21(27.63%), 21(27.63%) and 34(44.74%) respectively,
represented the primigravids, the secundigravids, and the multigravids
respectively (Table 3)
3: Population of follow-up mothers stratified by gravidity
Trial group
(N=76) Placebo
group (N=76)
Primigravids 21(27.63%) 21(27.63%)
24(31.58%) 21(27.63%)
31(40.79%) 34(44.74%)
76(100%) 76(100%)
the infants whose mothers received the supplement (the trial group), a total of
3(4.7%) had low birth weight. This was observed in the 7th month
3(21.4%). Within the placebo group, low birth weight was observed in all the
months, with the highest being observed among infants whose mothers took the
supplement at the 8th month. The overall low birth weight was
13(20.3%) Generally, the percentage of low birth weight was more in the placebo
group than in the trial group.
the primigravids, no low birth weight, 0(0.0%) was recorded among the trial
group. In the placebo group, 1(33.3%), 0(0.0%), and 3(42.9%) and 1(25.0%) low
birth weights were recorded among infants whose mothers received the
supplements in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months respectively. The total low birth weight was 5(26.3%).
the trial group of the secundigravids, 1(16.7%) low birth weight was observed
only among infants whose mothers started taking the supplement at the 7th
month. Within the placebo group, low birth weights 1(33.3%), 1(20.0%), and 1
(16.7%) were observed in the 6th, 7th and 8th
months respectively. No low birth weight was observed in the 9th
month. The total low birth weight was 3(15.8%).
the multigravids, low birth weight 2(28.6%) was observed among the infants of
mothers who received the supplement at the 7th month. No low birth
weight was observed in any other month. But low birth weights of 1(50.0%),
2(22.2%), 1(12.5%) and 1(14.3%) were observed respectively in the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months within the placebo
group. The overall low birth weight of the supplemented and placebo groups in
the multigravids were 2(8.7%) and 5(19.2%) respectively.
4: Percentages of infants with low birth weights (BW˂ 2.5 kg)
Trial Placebo
Month Number examined LBW (%)
Number examined LBW (%)
7 0(0.0)
8 3(37.5)
14 3(21.4) 19 3(15.8)
8th 23
0(0.0) 21
20 0(0.0)
16 2(13.3)
TOTAL 64 3(4.7) 64 13(20.3)
6th 4 0(0.0) 3
2 0(0.0) 5
8th 9 0(0.0) 7 3(42.9)
9th 6 0(0.0) 4
TOTAL 21 0(0.0) 19 5(26.3)
1 0(0.0) 3
7th 6 1(16.7)
5 1(20.0)
8th 6 0(0.0) 6
9th 8 0(0.0) 5
TOTAL 21 1(4.8) 19 3(15.8)
6th 2 0(0.0) 2 1(50.0)
9 2(22.2)
8 0(0.0) 8 1(12.5)
6 0(0.0) 7 1(14.3)
22 2(8.7) 26
frequencies of malaria fever episodes in the overall trial group were 12(9.8%),
37(30.1%), 38(30.9%) and 36(29.3%) for infants whose mothers started receiving
the Vitamin A supplement at the 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th months of pregnancy respectively. Within the placebo group,
the frequencies were 28(16.0), 54(30.9), 52(29.7), and 41(23.4) respectively
for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months. The total frequencies were 123 and 175 for trial and placebo groups
respectively (table 5). The mean malaria fever episodes were also higher in the
placebo group when compared with the supplemented group (table 16). Frequencies
of malaria fever episodes were higher among infants of the placebo group than
in those of the trial group.
the trial group of the primigravids, the frequencies of malaria fever episodes
were 6(16.7), 7(19.4), 12(33.3) and 11(30.6), for infants whose mothers started
receiving the supplements from the 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th months of pregnancy respectively. In the placebo group, the
frequency of the malaria fever episodes were 13(23.6), 14(25.5), 19(34.5) and
9(16.4) for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months respectively. The frequencies of the fever episodes were higher in the
placebo group in the 6th, 7thand 8th months.
But for those that started the supplement at the 9th month, the
frequency of fever episodes was higher in the trial group than in the placebo
the secundigravids, the frequencies of the malaria fever episodes in the trial
group were 1(2.5), 15(37.5), 9(22.5) and 15(37.5) for the infants of mothers
that started the supplement in their 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th months of pregnancy respectively. In the placebo group, the
frequencies were 8(17.4), 13(28.3), 12(26.1) and 13(28.3) for the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months. The frequencies were
higher among infants of the placebo group at the 6th and 8th
months but were lower in the placebo group at the 7th and 9th
months respectively.
the multigravids, infants of mothers that started receiving the supplement from
the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th months
had fever frequencies of 5(10.6),
15(31.9), 17(36.2) and 10(21.3) respectively. Among the placebo group, the
frequencies were 8(10.7), 27(36.0), 21(28.0) and 19(25.3) for 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively. There were generally
higher frequencies in the placebo group than in the trial group.
5: Frequencies of malaria fever episodes among infants
Trial Placebo
12(9.8) 28(16.0)
37(30.1) 54(30.9)
38(30.9) 52(29.7)
36(29.3) 41(23.4)
TOTAL 123(100) 175(100)
6(16.7) 13(23.6)
7(19.4) 14(25.5)
12(33.3) 19(34.5)
11(30.6) 9(16.4)
TOTAL 36(100)
1(2.5) 8(17.4)
15(37.5) 13(28.3)
9(22.5) 12(26.1)
9th 15(37.5) 13(28.3)
TOTAL 40(100) 46(100)
6th 5(10.6) 8(10.7)
15(31.9) 27(36.0)
8th 17(36.2) 21(28.0)
10(21.3) 19(25.3)
TOTAL 47(100)
Values in parenthesis indicate percentages.
total frequencies of coughs were 60, 15, 20, and 25 respectively for the
overall, primigravids, secundigravids and multigravids in the supplemented
group, and 65, 23, 18 and 24 respectively for overall, primigravids,
secundigravids and multigravids of the placebo group
overall frequencies of malaria- associated cough among infants from the trial
group women indicates 10 (16.9), 13 (20.3), 18 (30.5) and 19 (32.2) for women
who commenced the Vitamin A administration from the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively. In the placebo group,
the frequencies of 11 (16.9), 16 (24.6), 24 (36.9) and 14 (21.5) were observed
for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months groups respectively. The result indicates that there were greater
frequencies of cough from the 6th month through the 8th
month among the placebo group in comparison with the trial group. However, in
the 9th month, a higher frequency was observed in the trial group
when compared with the placebo group.
the primigravids, the frequencies of malaria- associated cough among the trial
group were 4 (26.7), 1 (6.7), 3 (20.0) and 7 (46.7) from the 6th
month through the 9th month groups respectively. In the placebo
group, the frequencies of cough among the infants were 6 (26.1), 1(4.3),
11(47.8) and 5 (21.7). In comparison, greater frequencies of cough were
observed in all the months except at the 9th month, to be in the
placebo group than the trial group.
the secundigravids, the frequencies of malaria- associated coughs recorded in
the infants of the trial group women were 1 (5.0), 7 (35.0), 5 (25.0) and 7
(35.0), respectively for the 6th, 7th, 8th and
9th month groups. Among the placebo group, the frequencies were 3
(16.7), 4 (22.2), 6 (33.3) and 5 (27.8) for the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th month groups respectively. The frequencies
were higher in the placebo group in infants whose mothers started the
supplement in their 6th and 8th months of pregnancy. On
the other hand, the frequencies were higher among the trial group in infants of
women who received the supplement in the 7th and 9th
frequencies of the malaria- associated cough were 5 (23.1), 5 (19.2), 10 (38.5)
and 5 (19.2), for the trial group infants whose mothers started taking the
vitamin from the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively in the multigravids.
Within the placebo group, the frequencies of 2(8.3), 11(45.8), 7(29.2), and
4(16.7) were observed among infants whose mothers commenced the Vitamin A
supplement intake from the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months respectively. Throughout the months, with the exception of the 7th
month, the frequencies of malaria- associated cough were greater in the trial
group than in the placebo group.
7: Frequencies of malaria- associated cough among infants.
Trial Placebo
8th 18(30.5)
TOTAL 60(100)
4(26.7) 6(26.1)
1(6.7) 1(4.3)
3(20.0) 11(47.8)
7(46.7) 5(21.7)
TOTAL 15(100) 23(100)
7(35.0) 4(22.2)
5(25.0) 6(33.3)
7(35.0) 5(27.8)
TOTAL 20(100)
5(23.1) 2(8.3)
7th 5(19.2) 11(45.8)
5(19.2) 4(16.7)
TOTAL 25(100)
values in parenthesis indicate percentages.
the overall, the frequencies of malaria- associated diarrhea among the infants
of women in the trial group were 1 (4.3), 10 (43.5), 8 (34.8) and 4 (17.4) for
the mothers that started taking the vitamin A supplement from the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months respectively. Within
the placebo group, the frequencies were 9 (19.1), 10 (21.3), 18 (38.3) and 10
(21.3). This is also respectively for the 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th month groups. Although the frequencies were equal in both
groups in infants whose mothers received the supplement at the 7th
month, there were higher frequencies in the placebo group than in the trial
group across the other months.
frequencies were 0 (0.0), 1 (14.3), 4 (57.1) and 2 (28.6) in the trial group of
the primigravids that started taking the supplement at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively. Within the placebo
group, the frequencies of diarrhea episode were 6 (40.0), 5 (33.3), 3 (20.0),
and 1 (6.7) for the infants whose mothers started receiving the supplement from
the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th months
respectively. The episodes of the diarrhea was higher among the placebo group
whose mothers received the supplement at the 6th and 7th
months of pregnancy respectively but was higher in the trial group for those
that their mothers commenced the supplement at the 8th and 9th
months respectively.
episodes of malaria- associated diarrhea among the trial group of the
secundigravids were 0(0.0), 5(71.4), 0(0.0), and 2(28.6), for infants that
their mothers commenced the vitamin A supplement at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months of pregnancy respectively. Among the
placebo group, the infants of mothers that commenced the vitamin A supplement
intake at the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months of pregnancy had the frequencies of 1(7.7), 1(7.7), 6(46.2), and 5(38.5)
respectively. Apart from the infants of mothers who took the supplement at the
7th month that had higher episodes in the trial group, the placebo
group had higher episodes of diarrhea across other months when compared with
the placebo group.
the multigravids, the frequencies of diarrhea were 1 (16.7), 4 (66.7), 0 (0.0),
and 0 (0.0) for the trial group whose mothers started taking the supplement at
the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th months
respectively. The frequencies were 2 (10.5), 4 (21.1), 9 (47.4) and 4 (21.4)
among the placebo group for the months of 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th respectively. There was
generally higher episodes of diarrhea within the placebo group when
compared with that of the trial group.
8: Frequencies (%) of malaria- associated diarrhea among infants.
Trial Placebo
1(4.3) 9(19.1)
10(43.5) 10(21.3)
8(34.8) 18(38.3)
4(17.4) 10(21.3)
TOTAL 23(100)
0(0.0) 6(40.0)
1(14.3) 5(33.3)
4(57.1) 3(20.0)
2(28.6) 1(6.7)
TOTAL 7(100)
0(0.0) 1(7.7)
5(71.4) 1(7.7)
0(0.0) 6(46.2)
2(28.6) 5(38.5)
TOTAL 7(100)
4(66.7) 4(21.1)
0(0.0) 4(21.1)
TOTAL 9(100) 19(100)
Values in parenthesis indicate percentages.
the overall, the frequencies of malaria- associated vomiting among the infants
of the trial group were 3(37.5), 2(25.0), 0(0.0), and 3(37.5), for the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th month groups respectively.
Among the placebo group, the infants of mothers that started taking the
supplement at the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
month had the frequencies of 8(20.0), 13(32.5), 6(15.0), and 13(32.5)
respectively. Generally, there were higher frequencies of vomiting episodes
among the placebo group in comparison with the trial group.
the primigravids, the frequencies of vomiting within the trial group were
0(0.0), 0(0.0), 0(0.0), and 1(100). The
placebo had the frequencies of 3(30.0), 3(30.0), 2(20.0) and 2(20.0) for
infants of mothers that started taking the supplement at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively. There was also a
generally higher frequency of malaria- associated vomiting among the placebo
group in comparison with the trial group.
frequencies of 1(50.0), 0(0.0), 0(0.0)
and 1(50.0) were observed from the trial group of the secundigravids among the
infants that their mothers started receiving the supplement at the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months respectively. Within
the placebo group, 3(21.4), 4(28.6), 2(14.3), and 5(37.5) were the frequencies
of the vomiting episode among the infants of the women that started taking the
supplement at the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months. Very lower frequencies of vomiting were observed in the trial group
when compared with the higher frequencies observed in the placebo group.
the multigravids, the frequencies of malaria- associated vomiting among the
trial group were 2(40.0), 2(40.0), 0(0.0) and 1(20.0) for infants of mothers
that started receiving the vitamin A supplement at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months of pregnancy respectively. The
frequencies of the vomiting episodes were 2(12.5), 6(37.5), 2(12.5) and 6(37.5)
for infants born by mothers who started taking the vitamin A supplement at the
6th, 7th, 8th and 9th months
respectively. Apart from those that started the supplement at the 6th
month that had equal frequencies in both the trial and placebo group, the
frequencies of the episodes were generally higher among the placebo group.
9: Frequency (%) of malaria- associated vomiting among infants.
Trial Placebo
9th 3(37.5) 13(32.5)
TOTAL 8(100)
0(0.0) 3(30.0)
0(0.0) 3(30.0)
0(0.0) 2(20.0)
9th 1(100)
TOTAL 1(100)
1(50.0) 3(21.4)
0(0.0) 4(28.6)
0(0.0) 2(14.3)
TOTAL 2(100) 14(100)
2(40.0) 2(12.5)
0(0.0) 2(12.5)
1(20.0) 6(37.5)
TOTAL 5(100)
Values in parenthesis indicate percentages.
the months and gravidities, there was no record of malaria- associated rapid
breathing among the trial group. Within the placebo group of the overall,
2(10.5), 5(26.3), 4(21.1) and 8(42.1) episodes of malaria- associated rapid
breathing were observed among infants whose mothers started receiving the
vitamin A placebo at the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months respectively.
the primigravids, 0(0.0), 1(16.7), 3(50.0) and 2(33.3) episodes were observed
among infants whose mothers started the supplement at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months respectively.
with 0(0.0), 2(33.3), 1(16.7) and 3(50.0) frequencies were observed among
infants whose mothers started taking the vitamin A placebo at the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months respectively, among
the secundigravids.
the multigravids, 2(28.6), 2(28.6), 0(0.0) and 3(42.8) episodes of malaria-
associated rapid breathing were observed among infants whose mothers started
the placebo from the 6th month through the 9th month
10: Frequencies (%) of malaria- associated rapid breathing among infants.
Month Trial
0(0.0) 2(10.5)
0(0.0) 8(42.1)
TOTAL 0(0.0)
0(0.0) 1(16.7)
0(0.0) 3(50.0)
TOTAL 0(0.0)
0(0.0) 1(16.7)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 6(100)
0(0.0) 2(28.6)
0(0.0) 0(0.0)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 7(100)
with malaria- associated rapid breathing, there were also no cases of malaria-
associated convulsion among infants across all the months and gravidities in
the trial group.
episodes with frequencies of 1(11.1), 3(33.3), 5(55.6) and 0(0.0) of malaria-
associated convulsion were observed among infants in the overall, whose mothers
started taking the supplement at the 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th months respectively.
the primigravids , 0(0.0), 1(20.0), 4(80.0),and 0(0.0) episodes were observed
for the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th month
groups respectively. Infants of the secundigravids whose mothers started taking
the placebo at the 6th, 7th,
8th and 9th months had episodes with the following
frequencies; 1(50.0), 1(50.0), 0(0.0) and 0(0.0) respectively.
the multigravids, 0(0.0), 1(50.0), 1(50.0) and 0(0.0) frequencies of episodes
of convulsion were observed for the infants of mothers that started receiving
the placebo at the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months respectively. Infants of the primigravids had the highest episodes of
the morbid condition. (Table 11)
11: Frequency (%) of malaria- associated convulsion among infants
Trial Placebo
0(0.0) 1(11.1)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 9(100)
0(0.0) 0(0.0)
0(0.0) 1(20.0)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 5(100)
0(0.0) 1(50.0)
0(0.0) 0(0.0)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 2(100)
0(0.0) 0(0.0)
0(0.0) 1(50.0)
0(0.0) 1(50.0)
0(0.0) 0(0.0)
TOTAL 0(0.0) 2(100)
Values in parenthesis indicate percentages.
the trial group of the overall birth weights of the infants, the weight of
infants whose mothers received the vitamin A supplement at the 7th
month was significantly lower (p˂0.05) than those of other infants with
different supplementation periods. In the placebo group, no significant
difference (p˃0.05) was observed when the birth weight of infants whose mothers
received vitamin A placebo at different months was compared. When the trial and
placebo group birth weights were compared, a significant difference (p˂0.05)
was found only in the weights of the infants whose mothers received the
supplement at the 8th and 9th months, with the placebo
group being significantly lower (p˂0.05) than the trial group.
both trial and placebo groups of the primigravids, there was no significant
difference in the birthweights of the infants whose mothers started receiving
the vitamin A supplement at different months (p˃0.05). But when the weights of
the infants in the trial and placebo groups were compared, a significant
difference (p˂0.05) was observed in the infants whose mothers received the
supplement at the 8th and 9th months. Generally, the
birth weights of the placebo group were observed to be smaller than those of
the trial group.
the trial group of the secundigravids, a significant difference (p˂0.05) was
observed only in the birth weights of the infants whose mothers took the
supplement at the 7th month. In the placebo group, there was no
significant difference in the birth weights of the infants whose mothers took
the supplement from the 6th month through the 9th month.
When the birth weights of the trial group were compared with those of the placebo
group, those of the placebo group were generally smaller than those in the
trial group, though no significant difference was observed (p˃0.05).
the trial group of the multigravids, there was no significant difference in the
birth weights of the infants whose mothers received the vitamin A supplement in
all the months. Within the placebo group, there was also no significant
difference (p˃0.05) in the birth weights across the months. When the trial
group was compared with the placebo group, a significant difference (p˂0.05)
was observed only in the birth weights of the infants whose mothers took the supplement
at the 8th month.
12 Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on infant birth weights ( kg)
Trial Placebo
month 2.94±0.39b 2.68±0.39a ns
month 2.64±0.19a 2.58±0.13a ns
month 2.93±0.32b 2.61±0.21a *
month 2.87±0.31b 2.64±0.28a *
2.98±0.46a 2.47±0.06a ns
2.65±0.21a 2.62±0.11a ns
2.82±0.13a 2.50±0.12a *
2.95±0.33a 2.60±0.18a *
3.00±0.00b 2.70±0.30a ns
2.63±0.21a 2.64±0.13a ns
8th 3.03±0.27b 2.73±0.31a ns
2.80±0.33b 2.58±0.08a ns
2.85±0.50a 2.95±0.78a ns
2.79±0.41a 2.53±0.12a ns
2.93±0.37a 2.61±0.15a *
2.93±0.38a 2.69±0.40a ns
values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
overall mean malaria parasite density did not differ statistically in infants
whose mothers received the supplement at the 6th month,7th
month, and 9th month (p˃0.05). However, the mean parasite density of
infants whose mothers received the supplement at the 6th month
differed from that of the infants whose mothers received the supplement at the
8th month. Among the placebo group, there was no difference in mean
parasite density among the infants whose mothers received the placebo at the 6th
and 7th months. There was also no difference among those whose mothers took the supplement
at the 8th and 9th months. When the t- test was used to
compare the difference in mean parasite densities, among the trial and placebo
groups, it was observed that there waere significant differences across the
months, with the placebo group having higher mean parasite densities than the
trial group.
the trial group of the primigravids, there was no difference in mean parasite
densities of infants whose mothers took the supplement from the 6th
month through the 9th month, though mean parasite density was lowest
among infants in the 8th month. Among infants from mothers in the
placebo group, there was no difference in mean parasite densities of infants
whose mothers took the supplement at the 6th and 7th
months. There was also no difference in mean parasite density of infants of
mothers from the 8th and 9th month. However, those in the
6th and 7th months differed from those in the 8th
and 9th months. Malaria parasite density in the trial and placebo
group had no statistical difference in the 6th and 7th
months (p>0.05) while within the 8th, and 9th month,
there was a statistical significant difference between the trial and placebo
groups (p˂0.05). There were generally higher mean parasite densities in the
placebo group when compared with the trial group.
the trial group of the secundigravids, there was no significant difference in
mean parasite densities of the infants whose mothers received the supplement at
the 6th month, 8th month and 9th month. The
mean parasite densities differed among infants whose mothers started receiving
the Vitamin A supplement at the 7th and 8th months
(p˂0.05). In the placebo group, there was no significant difference (p˃0.05) in
the parasite density of infants whose mothers started taking the vitamin A
placebo from the 6th month through the 9th month.
However, when the trial and placebo groups were compared, significant statistical differences were
observed in all the months, with the mean parasite densities being higher among
the placebo groups.
the trial group of the multigravids, difference in mean malaria parasite
densities was only observed among infants whose mothers started receiving the
supplement at the 6th month. Infants in that group also had the
least malaria parasite densities.
the placebo group, the mean malaria parasite density of infants whose mothers
received the placebo supplement at the 6th month differed from those
at the 7th, 8th and 9th months (p˂0.05). Also,
the mean parasite density of those whose mothers received the supplement at the
7th month also differed from that of other months. However, there
was no significant difference in the mean parasite density of infants whose
mothers received the supplement at the 8th and 9th months
(p˃0.05). When the trial and placebo groups were compared, a statistical
significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed in all the months with mean
parasite densities being higher in the placebo group.
Effects of maternal vitamin A supplementation on infant malaria parasite
Malaria parasite densities (μL)
Trial Placebo
910.00±118.93a 1645.60±114.14a*
1351.70±90.19ab 1837.58±76.04a*
1447.38±196.91b 2301.13±125.28b*
1154.86±72.30ab 2350.54±75.03b*
1293.33±293.63a 1830.00±205.03a ns
1660.00±217.39a 1892.00±171.95a ns
1271.30±111.33a 2415.00±125.62b*
1308±152.74a 2476±147.31b*
900.00±140.00ab 1996.67±224.42a*
1328±147.73b 1936.92±139.42a*
897.14±135.79a 2093.85±120.92a*
1104.00±104.51ab 2296.67±129.50a*
708.24±94.54a 1250.53±112.51a*
1232.31±122.84b 1749.43±110.18b*
1237.14±91.34b 2131.43±93.10c*
1065.26±123.54b 2320.00±119.34c*
in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different (p˂0.05).
No significant difference (p˃0.05), determined by T- test
Significant difference (p˂0.05) ,determined by T- test.
was no significant difference in the overall mean blood glucose concentration
in both the trial and placebo groups of infants whose mothers received the
vitamin A supplement from the 6th month through the 9th
month (p˃0.05). But when the trial group was compared with the placebo group, a
significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed in all the months.
in both the trial and placebo groups, no significant difference in the mean
blood glucose levels of the infants of the primigravids who started receiving
the supplement from the 6th month to the 9th month
(p˃0.05). But when the trial group was compared with the placebo group, a
statistically significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed; with the mean blood
glucose levels being higher in the trial group than in the placebo group.
the secundigravids, there was also no significant difference (p˃0.05) in both
the trial and placebo groups in mean blood glucose concentrations of infants of
mothers who took the Vitamin A supplement from the 6th month through
the 9th month. But when the trial and placebo groups were compared,
statistically significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed in all the months
with values in the trial group being higher than those in the placebo group.
the trial group of the multigravids, no significant difference (p˃0.05) was
obtained in the blood glucose concentrations of infants whose mothers received
the supplement from the 6th month to the 9th month.
the placebo group, the mean blood glucose concentrations of infants whose
mothers started the placebo at the 6th month
differed from those whose mothers started it at the 8th, and
9th months. But when the trial and placebo groups were compared, a
statistically significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed across all the
months, with the mean blood glucose levels of infants in the trial group also
being higher than those in the placebo group.
14 Effects of maternal vitamin A
supplementation on mean blood glucose concentrations (Mg/dl) in the infants.
Blood glucose concentrations (mg/dl)
Trial Placebo
58.72±4.80a 51.81±6.37a*
59.54±5.53a 52.40±5.10a*
59.79±5.02a 52.64±5.70a*
59.28±3.97a 53.51±5.19a*
59.12±4.39a 53.00±5.34a*
7th 60.00±4.67a 52.09±3.74a*
60.05±5.43a 50.77±5.58a*
58.71±3.60a 51.15±4.66a*
59.75±4.50a 55.31±4.79a*
60.97±5.40a 53.21±5.79a*
60.15±4.03a 53.71±4.72a*
58.44±3.90a 50.26±5.40a*
59.29±6.48a 51.14±5.22ab*
58.66±4.27a 53.22±5.28bc*
58.61±3.84a 54.80±5.24c*
in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different (p˂0.05).
No significant difference (p ˃ 0.05) as determined by t- test
Significant difference (p ˂ 0.05) as determined by t- test.
both the trial and placebo groups, there were no significant differences in the
overall mean haemoglobin concentrations of infants whose mothers took the
vitamin A supplement from the 6th month through the 9th
month. But when the mean haemoglobin concentrations were compared between the
trial and placebo groups, significant differences (p ˂ 0.05) were observed across
the months; with the mean haemoglobin concentrations of infants of the placebo
group being smaller than those of the trial group.
the trial group of the primigravids there was no significant difference in the
mean haemoglobin concentrations of infants of the primigravids that received
the supplement from the 6th month through the 9th month.
Within the placebo group, there was no significant difference in the mean
haemoglobin concentration of the infants of mothers that received the placebo
at the 6th, 8th, and 9th months of pregnancy ( p˃ 0.05), but a
significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed in the mean haemoglobin
concentrations of infants of mothers that took the supplement at the 7th
month and 9th months; with that of the 9th month being the
least. When the trial group was compared with the placebo group, significant
differences, (p˂0.05) were observed in the mean haemoglobin concentrations of
those of the 6th, 8th and 9th months. No
significant difference was observed in those at the 7th month
(p˃0.05).The values of the placebo group
were lower in all the months when compared with the trial group.
was no significant difference in the mean haemoglobin concentration of infants
whose mothers took the supplement in the secundigravids group from the 6th
month through the 9th month in both the trial and placebo groups
(p˃0.05). When the trial and placebo
groups were compared, no significant difference was observed in the mean
haemoglobin concentration of infants whose mothers took the supplement at the 6th
month. But significant differences were observed in the mean haemoglobin
concentrations of infants whose mothers took the supplement at the 7th,
8th and 9th months.
the trial group of the multigravids, there was also no significant difference
in the mean haemoglobin concentrations of infants of mothers who received the
vitamin A supplement in all the months. But in the placebo group, the mean
haemoglobin concentrations of infants whose mothers started receiving the
supplement at the 7th month differed only from those whose mothers
started the supplement at the 8th month. However, when the trial and
placebo groups were compared, no significant difference (p˃0.05) was observed
in the mean haemoglobin values of infants whose mothers received the supplement
at the 6th and 8th months, but there was a significant
difference in the haemoglobin concentrations of infants whose mothers started
the supplement at the 7th and 9th months (p˂0.05).
Generally, the haemoglobin concentrations of the placebo group were smaller
than those of the trial group.
Table15. Effects of maternal vitamin A supplementation
on mean haemoglobin concentrations (g/dl) of infants.
Trial Placebo
11.04±1.02a 10.23±0.97a*
11.11±0.90a 10.38±1.02a*
11.07±0.91a 10.49±0.88a*
10.95±0.96a 10.31±0.99a*
11.06±1.16a 9.93±0.49ab*
11.03±0.97a 10.35±0.90b ns
11.01±0.88a 10.09±0.92ab*
10.63±1.16a 9.85±0.75a*
11.08±0.73a 10.16±1.31a ns
10.99±0.88a 10.46±0.97a
11.19±0.90a 10.75±0.74a*
11.05±0.87a 10.30±0.96a*
11.01±1.00a 10.59±0.98ab ns
11.22±0.93a 10.33±1.10a*
11.04±0.95a 10.81±0.78b ns
11.07±0.81a 10.54±1.03ab *
the trial group of the overall, there was no significant difference in the
effects of the supplement on the mean malaria- associated fever episodes among
infants whose mothers started receiving the vitamin A supplement at the 6th,
7th, 8th and 9th months respectively. Although
at the 7th month, there seems to be a relatively higher mean episode
of the morbidity. Also, within the placebo group, there was no significant
difference. But when the trial group was compared with the placebo group,
significant differences (p˂0.05) were observed in all the months except in the
7th month.
the trial group of the primigravids, the effects of the vitamin A supplement on
mean malaria- associated fever episodes among infants was different in infants
whose mothers started receiving the supplement at the 7th month when
compared with those whose mothers started it at the 6th and 8th
months but it did not differ significantly from the infants whose mothers
started receiving the supplement at the 9th month. Within the
placebo group, the differences in the effects of the supplement were observed
among infants whose mothers commenced the supplement at the 7th and
9th months.
the trial group was compared with the placebo group, significant differences
(p˂0.05) were observed among the 7th and 8th month
groups, while no significant difference (p˃0.05) was observed in the 6th
and 9th month groups. The mean malaria fever episodes were in most
cases higher in the placebo group than in the trial group.
the secundigravids, there was no significant difference in the mean malaria-
associated fever episodes from the 6th month through the 9th
month in both the trial and placebo groups. When the trial group was compared
with the placebo group, no significant difference (p˃0.05) was also observed in
all the months at which the regimen commenced, although there seems to be
higher mean episodes among the placebo than in the trial group.
was no significant difference in the mean malaria fever episodes among infants
whose mothers started receiving the supplement at their 6th ,7th,
8th and 9th months into pregnancy in both the trial and
placebo groups. But when the trial and placebo groups were compared,
statistical significant differences (p˂0.05) were observed in all the months
except in the 9th month which had no significant difference
(p˃0.05). There were generally higher mean malaria fever episodes among infants
from the placebo group in comparison with those of the trial group (table 16).
16: Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on malaria-associated fever
episodes among infants.
Trial Placebo
1.33±0.71a 2.55±0.70a*
7th 1.95±0.97a 2.16±0.70a ns
1.52±0.60a 2.36±0.80a*
1.71±0.85a 2.28±0.75a*
1.50±1.00a 1.50±0.58ab ns
3.00±0.00b 1.00±0.00a*
1.33±0.50a 1.83±0.75ab*
1.83±0.75ab 2.25±0.50b ns
1.00±0.00a 2.33±0.58a ns
2.14±1.06a 2.17±0.98a ns
1.50±0.55a 2.00±0.63a ns
1.67±0.71a 2.60±0.89a ns
1.25±0.50a 2.00±0.00a *
1.50±0.80a 2.25±0.62a *
1.70±0.67a 2.56±0.73a *
1.71±0.42a 2.11±0.78a ns
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
was no significant difference in the overall effect of the supplement on mean
malaria- associated cough among infants whose mothers started receiving the
vitamin A from the 6th month in pregnancy through the 9th
month in both the trial and placebo groups. Also, when the trial group was
compared with the placebo group, no statistical significant difference was
observed in the mean episodes of the morbid condition among infants whose
mothers commenced the supplements across the months.
the trial group of the primigravids, there was no significant difference in the
mean episode of cough from the 6th month group through the 9th
month group. Among the placebo group, significant difference was observed
between infants of the 8th and 9th month groups. However,
when the trial group was compared with the placebo group, significant
difference (p˂0.05) was statistically observed among the infants whose mothers
started receiving the supplement at the 8th month.
significant mean episode of malaria cough difference was observed across the
months in both the trial and placebo groups of the secundigravids. When the
trial and placebo groups were compared, there was also no statistical
significant difference (p˃0.05) in mean malaria cough among infants of mothers
from all the groups.
the multigravids, significant differences in malaria coughs were also not
observed across the months in both the trial and placebo groups. And when the
trial and placebo groups were compared, no significant difference was observed
also across the months (p˃0.05). (Table17).
17: Effects of maternal vitamin A supplementation on malaria- associated cough
in infants.
Trial Placebo
1.43±0.53a 1.38±0.52a ns
1.20±0.42a 1.46±0.69a ns
1.38±0.51a 1.41±0.62a ns
1.27±0.60a 1.17±0.39a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.58ab ns
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00ab
1.00±0.00a 1.83±0.75b*
1.75±0.48a 1.00±0.00a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.71a ns
1.75±0.50a 1.67±0.67a ns
1.25±0.50a 1.20±0.45a ns
1.17±0.41a 1.25±0.50a ns
1.50±0.58a 1.00±0.00a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.38±0.52a ns
1.43±0.53a 1.17±0.41a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
was no significant difference in the malaria- related diarrhea episodes among
the trial group of the overall. And within the placebo group, there was no
significant difference in the mean diarrhea episodes of infants whose mothers
started taking the supplement at the 8th and 9th month.
There was also no difference among those whose mothers started the supplement
at both the 6th and 7th months. However, those in the 8th
and 9th months differed from
in the 7th month. When the trial group was compared with the
placebo group, a statistically significant difference (p˂0.05) was only
observed in the mean malaria- associated diarrhea of infants whose mothers
started taking the supplement at the 7th month.
the trial group of the primigravids, there were no significant differences in
the mean malaria- associated diarrhea among infants whose mothers started
receiving the supplement from the 7th month through the 9th
month. However, the mean malaria diarrheoa episodes among infants of mothers of
the 6th month group differed from those of other months. Within the
placebo group, there were no differences in the mean of the episodes among
infants of mothers from both the 6th and 7th months.
There were also no significant differences among those from the 8th
and 9th months. However, the 6th and 7th month
groups differed from those of 8th and 9th months. When
the trial group was compared with the placebo group, a statistically
significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed in the 7th month group,
while the 8th month group had no statistical significant difference
the secundigravids, no significant difference was observed within the trial
group from the 6th month through the 9th month. Also, no
significant difference was observed across the months among the placebo group. However,
when the trial group was compared with the placebo group, a significant
difference (p˂0.05) was observed only among infants from the 8th
month group.
the months in both the trial and placebo groups of the multigravids, there was
no significant difference in mean malaria- related diarrhea episodes among the
infants of mothers of the group. When the trial group was compared with the
placebo group, no significant differences (p˃0.05) were observed in the mean
episodes among infants of mothers of the 7th and 8th
month groups (table 18).
18: Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on malaria- associated
diarrhea episodes in infants
Trial Placebo
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.54ab ns
1.00±0.00a 1.67±0.80b *
1.14±0.38a 1.19±0.40a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
2.00±0.00a 2.00±0.00b
1.00±0.00b 2.50±0.71b*
1.50±0.71b 1.00±0.00a ns
1.00±0.00b 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.20±0.45a *
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.33±0.58a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.29±0.49a ns
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05), determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
the trial group of the overall, there was no significant difference in the mean
malaria- associated vomiting among infants of mothers who started taking the
vitamin A supplement from the 6th month through the 9th
month of pregnancy. Within the placebo group, no significant was observed in
the mean malaria- associated vomiting among infants in the 8th and 9th
months. But significant difference was observed between infants of mothers from
the 6th month and those of the 8th and 9th
month groups. When the trial group was compared with the placebo group, no
significant difference (p˃0.05) was observed in the mean malaria- associated
vomiting episodes of infants from mothers of the 6th and 7th
month groups.
the trial group of the primigravids, there was no significant difference in the
mean malaria related vomiting episodes among infants whose mothers started the
supplement from the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
months. Within the placebo group, infants of mothers who started receiving the
placebo at the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy did not
differ in their mean vomiting episodes. They did not significantly differ from
the infants of the 6th month group. However, they significantly
differed from infants of mothers of the 9th month group.
the secundigravid trials, the mean malaria- associated vomiting episodes did
not differ across the months. In the placebo group, the mean vomiting episodes
differed only among infants of mothers of the 6th month group. When
the trial group was compared with the placebo group, no significant difference
(p˃0.05) was observed in the 8th month group.
both the trial and placebo groups of the multigravids, there was no significant
difference in the vomiting episodes among the infants across the months. Also,
when the trial and placebo groups were compared, no significant difference
(p˃0.05) were observed among infants of the 7th and 9th
month groups, although the mean vomiting episodes were generally relatively
higher among the placebo groups than in the trial group (table 19).
19: Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on malaria- associated
vomiting episodes in infants.
Trial Placebo
1.00±0.00a 1.60±0.89b ns
1.00±0.00a 1.18±0.40ab ns
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.71ab
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 2.00±0.00b
1.00±0.00a 3.00±0.00b
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.25±0.50a ns
1.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.58a ns
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
1.00±0.00a 1.50±0.58a ns
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05), determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
the trial group, the overall, all the gravidities, and across the months, no
cases of rapid breathing were observed among the infants. In the placebo group
of the overall, a significant difference was observed only among infants of
mothers of the 8th month group.
the primigravids, malaria- associated rapid breathing among infants of the 6th
month group differed from those of other months. There was no significant
difference between those in the 8th and 9th month groups.
However, those in the 7th month group differed from those in the 9th
the secundigravids, no significant difference was observed in the rapid
breathing of the infants of mothers across the months.
the multigravids, there were also no differences in the rapid breathing of the
infants across all the months (table 20)
20: Effects of maternal vitamin A supplementation on malaria- associated rapid
breathing in infants.
Trial Placebo
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.33±0.58b
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00b
0.00±0.00a 1.50±0.71bc
0.00±0.00a 2.00±0.00c
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
with rapid breathing, the entire trial group had no cases of convulsion. Within
the placebo group of the overall, the absence of episodes of convulsion in
infants whose mothers belong to the 9th month group made them differ
from the rest of the groups.
the primigravids, there were no cases of malaria-related convulsion episodes in
infants of the 6th and 9th month groups. There were no
differences in malaria-related convulsion episodes among infants of mothers
from the 7th and 8th month group. Among the
secundigravids, there were no statistical differences in convulsion episodes
among infants from the groups across the months. Although infants from mothers
of the 6th and 7th month groups appear to differ, the
differences were non- significant.
were also non- significant differences in the cases of the morbid condition
across the months among infants from the multigravids (table 21)
21: Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on malaria associated
Trial Placebo
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00b
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00b
0.00±0.00a 1.25±0.50b
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00b
0.00±0.00a 1.33±0.58b
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
6th 0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 1.00±0.00a
0.00±0.00a 0.00±0.00a
the trial group of the overall, there were no significant differences in the
effects of the supplement on infantile age at first malaria parasitaemia.
Although infants born by mothers who started taking the supplement at the 6th
month seem to harbor the parasites earlier in life in comparison to others, the
differences were insignificant. Among the placebo group, the age (in months) at
which the infants developed malaria parasitaemia for the first time differed
among infants of mothers in the 6th and 7th month groups.
It also differed between the 6th and 9th month groups.
However, there were no significant differences in age at first malaria-
parasitaemia onset among infants of mothers of the 6th and 8th
month, 7th and 8th month and 8th and 9th
month groups. When the trial group was compared with the placebo group,
significant differences (p˂0.05) were observed in the 7th and 8th
month groups, while non- significant difference (p˃0.05) were observed in the 6th
and 9th month.
were no significant differences in age at first malaria parasitaemia across all
the months among infants of the primigravids mothers of the trial group. There
were also no significant differences among infants across the months in the
placebo group. However, when the trial and placebo groups were compared, a
statistical significant difference (p˂0.05) was only observed among infants of
mothers of the 8th month group.
the secundigravids, there was no significant difference in the effect of the
vitamin A supplement on age at first malaria parasitaemia of the infants across
all the months among the trial group. There were also no significant
differences across the months in the placebo group. But when the trial and
placebo groups were compared, significant differences (p˂0.05) in age at first
malaria parasitaemia of the infants were observed among infants born by mothers
in the 6th and 7th month groups. Conversely, non-significant
differences (p˃0.05) were observed in the 8th and 9th
month groups.
the trial group of the multigravids, the infantile age at first malaria
parasitaemia differed only in the 6th and 8th month
groups. In the placebo group, the age at first malaria parasitaemia
significantly differed among infants of mothers in the 6th month
group and those of the 8th and 9th months, but does not
differ significantly when compared with infants of mothers of the 7th
month group. Also, those in the 8th and 9th month groups
do not differ significantly from those of the 7th month.
the trial group was compared with the placebo group, there were non-
significant differences (p˃0.05) across the months. Although there were certain
cases of non significant differences across the gravidities, the age (in
months) at which the infants become infected with the malaria parasites were
generally lower (younger age) in the placebo group than in the trial group.
22: Effects of maternal Vitamin A supplementation on infantile age (in months)
at first malaria parasitaemia
Trial Placebo
4.56±2.24a 3.46±1.04a ns
6.20±1.94a 4.61±1.41b *
6.32±2.60a 4.44±1.70ab *
5.05±2.42a 4.79±1.78b ns
4.75±1.44a 3.75±1.50a ns
5.50±2.50a 4.60±1.52a ns
6.00±1.01a 3.38±1.06a *
5.00±1.00a 4.50±1.73a ns
7.00±0.00a 3.67±1.15a *
6.71±1.70a 4.50±1.38a *
6.29±1.89a 4.83±2.40a ns
4.67±2.40a 4.00±1.55a ns
3.00±0.00a 3.00±0.00a
6.00±2.52ab 4.69±1.44ab ns
6.60±2.63b 5.11±1.26b ns
5.57±2.70ab 5.63±1.92b ns
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
the trial group, the correlations between malaria parasitaemia and glucose
(r=0.018), and malaria parasitaemia and infantile age at first malaria
parasitaemia (r=0.091) were positive, even though the associations were
insignificant (p˃0.05). However, negative correlations that were also not
significant (p˃0.05) were found between malaria parasitaemia and haemoglobin
(r= -0.026) and malaria parasitaemia and fever (r= -0.155). Correlations
between the infants blood glucose and haemoglobin concentrations and blood
glucose concentrations and age at first malaria parasitaemia were positive (r=
0.074 and r= 0.228) respectively.
correlation between glucose and haemoglobin was however not significant
(p˃0.05) while that between glucose and age was significant (p˂0.05). However,
the correlation between fever and blood glucose concentrations was negatively
and non- significantly correlated (r= -0.174; p˃0.05).The haemoglobin
concentrations (Hb) correlated positively but non- significantly with fever
episodes (r= 0.100; p˃0.05) while it correlated negatively and also non-
significantly with age at first malaria parasitaemia (r= -0.093; p˃0.05).
Malaria fever episodes correlated negatively but significantly with age at
first malaria parasitaemia (r= -0.267; p˂0.05).
the placebo group, malaria parasitaemia correlated positively though non-
significantly with blood glucose concentrations, haemoglobin concentrations,
and with age at first malaria parasitaemia (r=0.090, p˃0.05; r= 0.088, p˃0.05;
r= 0.009, p˃0.05) respectively. However, it correlated negatively with fever
(r= -0.220), though not significantly (p˃0.05). The blood glucose concentration
correlated positively and significantly with haemoglobin (r= 0.176; p˂0.05),
but correlated negatively and non- significantly with malaria fever episodes,
and age at first malaria parasitaemia respectively (r= -0.183, p˃0.05; r=
-0.020, p˃0.05). The haemoglobin
concentrations (Hb), correlated
negatively and non- significantly with malaria fever (r= -0.221, p˃0.05).
However, it correlated positively but also non- significantly with age at first
malaria parasitaemia (r=0.041; p˃0.05). Fever episodes correlated negatively
and non-significantly with age at first malaria parasitaemia (r= -0.042,
Table : Correlations of parameters
Trial group
Para Glucose Hb Fever Infantile Age
Para 1 0.018 -0.026 -0.155 0.091
Glucose 0.018 1 0.074 -0.174 0.228*
-0.026 0.074 1 0.100 -0.093
Fever -0.155 -0.174 0.100 1 -0.267*
Infantile age 0.091 0.228* -0.093 -0.267 1
Para 1 0.090 0.088 -0.220 0.009
Glucose 0.090 1 0.176** -0.183 -0.020
Hb 0.088 0.176** 1 -0.221 0.041
Fever -0.220 -0.183 -0.221 1 -0.042
age 0.009 -0.020 0.041 -0.042 1
glucose concentration
age in months
correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed).
correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
the trial group, the mean age of the multigravids differed significantly from
the rest of the gravidities. The primigravids had the least mean age while the
multigravids had the highest mean age.
the placebo group, the mean age of mothers differed across the gravidities,
with the primigravids having the least mean age.
the trial group was compared with the placebo group, a statistically
significant difference (p<0.05) was obtained in the mean age of the
primigravids. The mean age of both the secundigravids and the multigravids
differed non- significantly (p>0.05).
: Mean age of mothers
Trial Placebo
26.93±5.37 26.56±5.50ns
Primigravids 23.24±4.43a 20.00±2.59a *
Secundigravids 25.63±3.37a 27.58±4.20b ns
Multigravids 30.20±4.85b 29.93±3.83c ns
Values in a column with different alphabets as superscripts are significantly
different. (p˂0.05)
significant difference (p˃0.05) , determined by t- test
significant difference (p˂0.05), determined by t- test.
There was no significant effect of
parasitaemia on any of the parameters- birth weight, blood glucose
concentration, haemoglobin concentration and fever in both the trial and
placebo groups. However, parasitaemia had a relatively higher effect though
non-significant on fever, among the placebo group (r=0.220, r2=0.048,
: Regression: Association of parasitaemia with other parameters
Trial Group R R2 P value
weight 0.099 0.001 0.436
Glucose 0.018 0.000 0.789
Haemoglobin 0.026 0.001 0.699
Fever 0.155 0.024 0.171
Placebo Group
weight 0.018 0.000 0.886
Glucose 0.090 0.008 0.102
Haemoglobin 0.088 0.008 0.110
0.220 0.048 0.061
study is a placebo-controlled mother-infant
dyad field trial conducted in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. A total of 76
pregnant women who received 10,000 I.U
of Vitamin A soft gels three times a week and 76 who received placebo in equal
strength were followed up until they delivered their babies. On delivery,
200,000 I.U of the Vitamin A were administered to the supplemented group within
8 weeks post partum and the regimen was continued every three months until the
end of the study after the 12th month. Vitamin A devoid of its
active ingredients was administered to the placebo group at the same periods in
equal strengths and frequencies. The infants were breastfed by their mothers
and were monitored for malaria parasites and for malaria – associated symptoms
and morbidities.
the 64 available birth weight records from each of the supplemented and placebo
groups, a total of 3(4.7%) low birth weights were observed in the trial group
while 13(20.3%) low birth weights were recorded from the placebo groups (Table
4). The mean birth weights that were generally higher in the supplemented group
than in the placebo group (table 12) is in consonance with the findings of
Kumwenda et al., 2002 who reported an
increase in birth weights of infants of human immunodeficient virus (HIV) –
infected women who received Vitamin A with iron and folate when compared with
the placebo group that received daily doses of iron and folate alone. The
findings of this study also conforms with those of Jaya and Shatrugna, 1976;
and Pauth iet al., 1991 who found higher birth weights among the Vitamin A
supplemented group, when compared compared with the placebo group, #though the
result was not significant# the reported insignificant differences, according
to the authors could be attributed to the smallness of the sample sizes.
Kaestel et al., (2005) also gave a
conforming report to this finding, although they used multimicronutrient
some findings disagree with this work. A trial from England conducted among
South Asian immigrants with higher risks of lower birth weights than their
British counterparts, reported no differences in birth weights (Howell et al., 1986). In addition, a randomized
blinded trial conducted among HIV-positive women in Tanzania found no
significant effect in mean birth weight (Fawzi et al., 1998).
total frequencies of malaria fever episodes and the mean malaria fever episodes
were higher in the placebo group (table 5 and 16 respectively). These higher
frequencies in febrile episodes are in consonance with the findings of Shankar et al., (1991), who reported a 30% lower
P. falciparum febrile episodes in the
Vitamin A group, than in the placebo group, on their work on effect of Vitamin
A supplementation on morbidity due to Plasmodium
falciparum in young children in Papua, New Guinea. The findings of this
work also agrees with that of Zeba et al.
(2008), who reported 22% fewer episodes in the supplemented group than in
the placebo group, when they administered combined Vitamin A with Zinc to
Burkina Faso children.
these findings do not agree with that of Idindili et al. (2007), who reported no significant difference in serum
retinol and incidence of illness in the infants of two groups in their work on
randomized controlled safety and efficacy trial of 2 Vitamin A supplementation
schedules in Ifakara in Southern Tanzania. The work is also not in consonance
with that of Fernandes et al. (2012),
who reported that postpartum maternal supplementation with 400,000 I.U of
Vitamin A does not provide any additional benefits in the reduction of illness
in children. Binka et al. (1995) on
Vitamin A supplementation and childhood malaria in northern Ghana found no
effect of the supplementation on death from malaria, fever episodes, malaria
parasitaemia or probable malaria illness. Vitamin A supplementation for breast feeding mothers was reportedly
reviewed to offer limited benefits in the improvement of infant morbidity
(Oliveira-Menegozzo et al., 2010)
the mean malaria – associated fever episodes (table 16), differences in
significant effects in both the supplemented and placebo groups were observed
across the gravidities, with the secundigravids having no significant
difference at all across the months while the multigravids had significant
differences in almost all the months. These differences explain the
gravidity-dependent pattern of infant susceptibility to malaria and its
morbidities as explained by Mutabingwa et
al. (2005), who reported that placental malaria (PM) decreases
susceptibility in the offspring of primigravids and increases the
susceptibility in the offspring of the multigravids. Based on previous
findings, expectations were that the infants of the primigravids should be more
susceptible to malaria infection and the associated morbidities than infants of
the secundigravids and multigravids.
relative greater episodes of malaria cough (table 7) and the greater though
non-significant mean malaria associated cough (table 17) observed among the
placebo group in comparison with the supplemented counterparts is in line with
Gebremedhin et al. (2009), who found
no significant association between Vitamin A supplementation and occurrence of
diarrhoea and symptoms of acute respiratory infections including cough, rapid
breathing/difficulty in breathing. However, the findings of this study is not
in consonance with that carried out in Ghana, that reported no effect at all of
Vitamin A supplementation on probable malaria illness (Binka et al., 1995). The greater frequencies
observed in the primigravidae over other gravidities in both the trial and
placebo groups is in line with the gravidity-dependent explanation of
Mutabingwa et al. (2005).
greater frequencies of diarrhoea episodes among infants of the placebo group
when compared with the supplemented group infants (table 8) and the greater
relative though mostly non-significant (p>0.05) mean malaria- associated
diarrhoea episodes among the placebo group over the supplemented group (table
18) could indicate the potency, though non-significant effect of Vitamin A
supplementation in the prevention of diarrhoea in malaria infected infants.
This finding is in line with the reports of (Lie et al., 1993; Barreto et al.,
1994), who reported 60% and 6% reductions respectively in their works in
China and Brazil. This finding is also in agreement with Beaton et al., (1993), who reported reduction
in diarrhoea disease with Vitamin A supplementation. Rahman et al., (2001), also reported a decrease
in the severity of some episodes of diarrhoea in children especially when
Vitamin A is supplemented with Zinc.
some findings disagree with this work, Bloem et al., (1990), Ghana VAST study team (1993), and Dibley et al., (1996), all reported no effect
of the supplement in the control of malaria diarrhoea while Stansfield et al., (1992) in his work in Haiti even
reported 11% increase in diarrhoea episodes, following Vitamin A
supplementation. The significant differences (p<0.05) observed in the 7th
month group of the overall, 7th month group of the primigravids and
8th month group of the secundigravids could be attributable to
gravidity-dependent absorption mechanisms, which the affected months could be
the months with most efficient absorption potentials and utilization of the
Vitamin A supplement by the bodies of the pregnant women. Although this
generalization is subject to further research and needs to be elucidated more,
the respective affected months all fall at the middle of the third trimester of
pregnancy, the period when the foetus starts to absorb the Vitamin A across the
maternal placenta (Stoltzfus, 1994;
Ortega et al., 1997; Azais-Braesco
and Pascal, 1998).
lower frequencies of vomiting episodes 8(100%) vs 40(100%), 1(100%) vs
10(100%), 2(100%) vs 14(100%), and 5(100%) vs 16(100%) for Vitamin A
supplemented group against placebo group from the overall down to the
multigravidae respectively (table 9), is similar to the findings of Arthur et al., (1992) who reported 13%
reduction in the mean daily prevalence of vomiting in their work when they
supplemented high dose Vitamin A in a 4- monthly schedule in Ghana. The mean
vomitting episodes were also
relatively lower in the supplemented group in comparison with the placebo
group, though no significant difference was observed (p>0.05).
was totally no observed case of frequencies of rapid breathing among infants of
Vitamin A supplemented women. This could be a clear indication of Vitamin A’s
potency in the clearance of respiratory associated infections as has been
documented by some studies.
reductions in the incidence of respiratory infections were observed in children
under 3years of age who received 200,000 I.U of Vitamin A at 6 months interval
(Lie et al., 1993). Tielsch et al., (2008) in their work in India
where they dosed live born infants of night blind women with either Vitamin A
or placebo, reported that infants of night blind women were at approximately
30% excess risk for respiratory infection after adjusting for potentially
confounding factors. Since night blindness is an indication of Vitamin A
deficiency, the reverse of the report by Tielsch et al., (2008) is that Vitamin A deficiency could potentially
reduce respiratory disease by approximately some 30%.
a number of studies report that Vitamin A supplementation has no effect on
respiratory disease. Ramakrishnan et al.,
(1995) reported that supplementin children under 5years old with a single, double or triple dose of
200,000I.U of Vitamin A did not affect the severity or incidence of respiratory
illness. In addition, Coutsoudis et al., (2000)
reported no evidence of improvement in neonatal or post neonatal respiratory
problem associated with Vitamin A supplementation on morbidity of low birth
weight neonates. Both the supplemented and placebo group neonates did not
differ in the occurrence of the respiratory distress.
mean rapid breathing differed most though non-significantly within the
primigravidae. This is in line with normal expectations since the primigravids
are known to be more prone to plasmodium infections
than the other gravidities.
overall total number of episodes of convulsion among infants of the placebo
group is 9 (table 11). This figure could be considered insignificant when
compared to with the total number of 76 infants in that group and with the
episodes of other morbidities. There was almost no significant value observed
in the mean convulsion episodes among the infants (table 21). This
insignificant association of Vitamin A supplementation with convulsion episodes
among the infants is similar to the findings of Mwanga-Amumpaire et al., (2012), who reported no
difference in the resolution of convulsion (p=0.37) among the two treatment
arms of Vitamin A and placebo in their work on the effect of Vitamin A adjuvant
therapy for cerebral malaria in children in Mulago.
of mothers of the placebo group were infected at early months of their lives
during the follow-up period. While those from mothers that received the Vitamin
A supplement were infected at more later
months. The overall range in mean ages of the infants at first malaria parasite
infection (malaria parasitaemia) expressed in months were 4.56±2.24 – 6.32±2.60
and 3.46±1.04 – 4.79±1.78 in both the Vitamin A supplemented group and the
placebo respectively (table 22).
finding agrees with (Zeba et al., 2008),
who reported a longer time to first malaria fever episodes (p=0.015) among
infants of the supplemented group in their work when they administered a single
dose of 200,000I.U of Vitamin Ainc to a group and placebo to another group of
children for six months in Burkina Faso. The reported differences in time to
first malaria infection in this study were significant at the 7th
and 8th months in the overall, and at 7th month in the
primigravidae, 6th and 7th months of the secundigravidae.
It is an established fact that at early post natal months of life, infants
immunity are generally low. This low immunity therefore renders them more
susceptible to infections including that of malaria parasites, especially in a
malaria hyperendemic and stable transmission areas. Vitamin A supplementation
must have been responsible for prolonging time to first malaria infection
observed in the supplemented group. Reports of work on infection in children
within their 12months of life abound. One of such reports is that of Mabunda et al., (2009), who reported peak
malaria infections that was associated with fever in children less than
12months of age in Mozambique.
range of the overall mean malaria parasite densities per microlitre ( µL) of
blood were 910.00±118.93 – 1447.38±196.91 and 1645.60±114.14 – 2350.54±75.03 in
the supplemented and placebo groups respectively (table 13).
in the 7th month of the primigravidae, the mean parasite densities
were statistically significant (p<0.05) in all the months across the
gravidities. The findings of this study disagrees with that carried out in 1995
in Ghana, where Vitamin A was administered to pre-school children but no
statistically significant effect was observed in P. falciparum infection morbidity or mortality (Binka et al., 1995).
evidence of a morbidity or mortality benefit to the infants was reported by
Gogia and Sachder (2010) in their review on maternal postpartum Vitamin A
supplementation. However, the basis of their review might be centred more on
the curative rather than the prophylactic potentials of Vitamin A. this is
because they stated that the utilization of the supplementation programme as an
intervention in public health programmes be made only in the prevention of
infant morbidity or mortality.
the findings of this study is in line with Shankar et al., (1999) in a double blind placebo – controlled trial in
Papua, New Guinea, who reported a 36% lower geometric mean parasite density
with a 30% reduction (p=0.0013) in the frequency of P. falciparum episodes in the Vitamin A group than in the placebo
group of pre-school children. Children aged 12-36 months were reported to have
benefited more by having a 35%(p=0.0023) fewer malaria attacks and a 68%
reduction in parasite density. The parasite clearance efficacy of Vitamin A has
been reported in in vitro studies.
Davies et al., (1998) reported that in vitro addition of free retinol to P. falciparum cultures resulted in the
reduction of parasite replication. Quarterly Vitamin A supplementation to
pre-school children in Tanzania also gave rise to a decreased risk of malaria
mortality (Fawzi et al., 1999).
the overall level, in all the months, and across the gravidities, statistical
significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the mean blood glucose
concentrations of the infants (table 14). The mean blood glucose concentrations
of the infants in the placebo group women were significantly lower (p<0.05)
than those in the Vitamin A supplement group. This lower blood glucose
concentration in the placebo group could be as a result of the metabolic effect
of Plasmodium falciparum parasites
and their disruptive activities on the blood glucose concentrations and
homeostasis of the hosts.
Plasmodium parasites have been
reported to increase glucose consumption by 50-100 folds in infected red blood
cells as compared to uninfected cells and that most of the glucose is
metabolized to lactic acid (Roth, 1990). The parasites are highly dependent on
glucose and very sensitive to oxidative stress (Preuss et al., 2012). The mechanism of glucose metabolism by the P. falciparum in the infected red blood
cells (placebo group) may have been blocked, deleted or reversed in the
erythrocytes of the uninfected cells (Vitamin A supplemented group) by the
Vitamin A supplement.
it is interesting to note that even though the blood glucose concentration
observed among the placebo group in this study did not reach hypoglycaemic
levels (<40mg/dl), the reduced levels might have accounted for the few rapid
breathing and convulsion cases; symptoms of hypoglyceamia observed in this
range of the overall mean haemoglobin concentrations (mg/dl) of the infants of
the supplemented group was 10.95±0.96 – 11.11±0.90 while that of the placebo
group infants was 10.23±0.97 – 10.49±0.88 (table 15) at the overall level,
significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in all the months while
across the gravidities, some but few non-significant cases were also observed.
Also at the overall, all of the infants born by the mothers of the placebo
group had mild anaemia (Hb<11g/dl). But in the primigravids, infants of
women who fall within the 6th and 9th month groups had
morderate anaemia (Hb <10g/dl). Infants of the secundigravidae and
multigravidae all had mild anaemia. No cases of severe anaemia (Hb<7g/dl)
was observed in any level of gravidity. The 100%mild anaemia observed in the
placebo group of this study could be attributed to Vitamin A deficiency at the
sub-clinical level. The subclinical stage of the micronutrient deficiency could
have been the reason why no clinical manifestation of signs of the deficiency
like Bitot’s spots, Xerolphthalmia and keratomalacia was observed among the
studied infants but Vitamin A deficiency at the clinical stage is known to
cause some of its associated morbid conditions
100% mild anaemia observed in this study is similar to the findings of Nabakwe et al.,(2005) who reported 92% moderate
anaemia in their work on young children in Western Kenya. It is also similar to
that of Nkwo – Akereji et al (2008)
who reported microcytic anaemia cases in 81.4% of the studied children in
Cameroon. Vitamin A supplementation has always been known to boost levels of
haemoglobin and reduce anaemia when
right doses are supplemented. The greater haemoglobin levels observed in this
study in infants born by the Vitamin A supplemented group in comparison to
those born by the women in the placebo group is in line with the findings of
Kumwenda et al., (2002) who reported
a decrease in anaemia in the Vitamin A supplemented group of antenatal women in
Malawi. However, the findings of this work do not agree with that of Milller et al., (2006), who reported that
Vitamin A supplementation had no effect on haemoglobin or anaemia on infants in
their work where they supplemented women and their neonates with Vitamin A in
age at which the infants of supplemented mothers became infected with malaria
parasites correlated negatively and significantly with malaria fever episodes
but positively and significantly with glucose concentrations (r= -0.267,
p<0.05 and r= 0.228, p< 0.05). but in the placebo group, the age at which
the infants became infected with the malaria parasites correlated negatively
but insignificantly with the febrile episodes and blood glucose concentrations
(r= -0.042, p>0.05 anr r= -0.020, p>0.05) respectively (table )
implication of the finding among infants of the supplemented women is that with
increasing age in months of the infants, the malaria fever episodes
decreasessignificantly (p<0.05) irrespective of parasite density. This could
be attributed to the development of immunity as the infants become exposed to
more infective mosquito bite.
similar observation with respect to decline in malaria fever episodes with
advancement in age has been made by Beadle et
al., (1995), who reported that in areas of high malaria endemicity, the
incidence of malaria associated fevers increases with age for the first 6
months of life and then gradually declines. Cox et al., (1994) also reported a decline in fever threshold.
the placebo group, the age at which the infants became infected with malaria
parasites also correlated negatively but insignificantly (p>0.05) with
malaria fever episodes. The significant decline in malaria fever episodes
observed in the supplemented group but not in the placebo group could be attributed
to the Vitamin A potential in the reduction of fever incidence in infants with
age in self reported febrile cases.
significant positive correlation (r= 0.228, p<0.05) was observed between age
of the infants and blood glucose levels in the supplemented group while a
non-significant negative correlation of the two parameters respectively were observed in the placebo
group (r= -0.020, p>0.05).
negative correlation, though non- significant observed in the placebo group
could be explained by the fact that with increase in age of the infants, they
become more exposed to more infective mosquito bites which could lead to
increase in the parasite density in their blood. High malaria parasite density
is known to result to hypoglycaemia, with its associated symptoms including
rapid breathing, convulsion and coma. The high parasite density could also make
them not to feed well, thereby reducing blood sugar level. Akpede et al., (1993) reported coma, higher
prevalence of repeated convulsion and hypoglyceamia in older children than in
the younger ones.
significant positive correlation observed in the supplemented group indicates
an increase in the blood sugar level. With age, the Vitamin A supplement may
have mitigated by reducing the parasite density and increasing the feeding
appetite of the infants, thereby maintaining high levels of blood sugar with
increasing age.
of the parameters – birth weight, glucose, haemoglobin and fever (table ) had significant regression coefficient.
However, fever had stronger associateion with the highest coefficient of
determination (R2 =0.042), the findings of this work is in line with
that of Orogade (2004) who reported fever as the most strongly associated
clinical feature (OR= 8.12, p= 0.002) in his work on neonatal malaria.
increasing resistance of Plasmodium
species to a vast array of antimalarials jeopardizes the global human
health and is of great concern to health care givers. There is therefore a need
for adjuvants to the antimalarials.
malaria parasitaemia and morbidity prophylactic capacity of Vitamin A has been
ascertained even though not significant at some statistical levels. Since
Vitamin A supplementation administered according to the current WHO
supplementation guidelines does not pose any health hazard to the recipients,
it could be recommended at prepartum and postpartum levels, and/or administered
directly to individuals ≥6 months of age as adjuvant regimen in the routine
malaria prevention and control measures in areas where malaria is a public
health problem and Vitamin A is deficient even at subclinical levels.
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