We first of all see the meaning of the term tight money.  Tight money is a common term used to refer to an economy that does not have a great deal of money in circulation. In the case where we see the tight money accelerates the economic growth that shows us the increase in money in circulation which results to:-
·     Keeping the national economy steady and a rapid growth with the features of growth in economy, optimized structure, increase in efficiency and improved livelihood of the
·     There is also a rapid increase in industrial production by creating more wealth in the real economy by expending production capacity with improve in economic returns.
·     It restrain the economy by making people to purchase more goods and services which decrease production and employment which leads to increase in unemployment rates which is a threats to inflation strong in the light of the rising global commodity and energy prices.

In the area of impeding growth in the economy which results to problems of having more money in the circulation and the growing gap between productive capacity and demand which impedes the reversal of the current economic downturn.
The thought behind strategy is that if more money is released the amount of money will rise more than the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with it which can results in making goods and services scarcer than money.
And it can be control with the following points below:-
·        Lightening of monetary policy so as to bring inflation down to single digits.
·        By impeding the economy it will help to restore macro economic stability and reduce the economy’s vulnerability to oil price shocks.
·   It contributes to lower inflation and induces price which also create a more stable exchange rates.

Furthermore, the negative impact of the political crises in the oil-producing middle East and North African (MENA) region on oil prices and the disruptions and destructions associated with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has added to uncertainty about the sustainability of global economic recovery and growth. The implications of theses developments together with the likelihood of sharp increases in international interest rates for the Nigerian economy need to be kept under to be kept under continuous watch.