The effect of globalization and liberalization of the economy in our country shows us the development revolutionary change we have attain since 20th century. Globalization and liberalization have develop and free us from struggles in our daily activities.
            There are instruments by which we propel globalization and liberalization in our economic as stated below:-

1.      Computer technology is one fundamental instrument for increasing transformation in technology and the evolution of low cost, global communications system which constitute major challenges that will dominate and fundamentally shape developments in the 21st century, particularly in the economic and financial sectors. Which has in turn enhanced the level of information transmission and business transactions across the global system and has brought about tremendous improvements in all facets of human endeavour.
2.      Globalization and information technology have thrown up formidable challenges for national economies, especially the financial system, by reducing the world further into a global village, and as well by providing enormous information through a wide range of inter-connectivity. Furthermore, information technology in particular has combined progress in electronics, telecommunications and computing to bring about a highly dynamic process of strong, transmitting processing and presentation of information.
3.      Secondly is the economic liberalization which refers to the process of achieving un-obstructed  economic activities. It seeks to remove all obstacles to trade, production and investment, emphasizes freedom of economic activities and dominance of private enterprises; and aims ultimately at the divorce of the stale from the economy. 
In addition economic liberalization have used other policy instruments to expand foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and has attain higher economic growth as:-
i)                   Developing a strong production based 
ii)                Opening of new investment areas; as well as designing and implementing should macro-economic polices.
iii)              Creation of a conducive climate and stable political and economic environment to attract foreign investments
iv)              It also lead to rapid growth and development of FDI.
Thus, it is obvious that economic liberalization is now a common features among nation state.

Lastly it boosts the democratic system of governance.
The globalization in contemporary world is the general acceptance of democratic forms of governance. This is in view of its relationship to good governance with its inherent features including rule of law, democratic participation, probity, integrity and transparency. Preference of democracy also springs from the fact that it demands that people should be availed equal opportunities to participate in the administrative and decision making machinery of the state, and that there should exist a free, fair and independent judiciary; equality to all before the laws supremacy of the law; and fundamental human rights of the people.