10 ways by which a teacher can cause learning difficulties are:-
1.      Inheritance
2.      Environmental problem     
3.      The teacher’s method of teaching
4.      Poor feeding
5.      Teachers attitude towards students
6.      Use of total power by the teacher

7.      The type of curriculum in use
8.      Frowning
9.      Inadequate reading materials
10.    Emotional problems

1.      Inheritance: It has been found that one of the factor that may lead to learning difficulties is hereditary which students inherited from their parents. And parents with these  learning difficult end up transmitting it to the children
2.      Environment Problem: Just like education states that environment influences the child. A teacher is not suppose to teach the students in a noisy environment because dirty environment gives rise to learning difficulties.
3.      Teacher Methods of Teaching: The method adopted by the teacher in teaching can hinder learning. Eg when a teacher does not make use of teaching aids (ie teaching materials) he/she is making the learning difficult for the students.
4.      Poor Feeding: This is one of the ways a teacher can cause learning difficulties because a teacher that does not eat well before coming to class will be tired and this will make the students to be less concerned in the lesson and this will give rise to learning difficulties.
5.      Teachers attitude towards the students: When the teacher is not friendly with the students, the students will not feel free to learn and ask questions in the class and this will make the learning difficult for the students.
6.      Use of total power by the teacher:  A teacher that rules the students by force is creating an unhealthy atmosphere between him and the students. And this will make the students to be under fear and they cannot learn properly.
7.      The type of curriculum in use: When the teacher does not introduce the students to the school curriculum and when the curriculum does not take care of the students interest, ability and needs, they will be frustrated and some will skip class without permission and this negative behaviour can give rise to learning difficulties.
8.      Frowning: This is also one of the ways the teacher can use to cause teaching difficulties. And any teacher that frowns everyday at the students, no smiling face will make teaching more difficult.
9.      Inadequate reading materials: The teacher provide adequate reading materials to the students. He should not held the material too close to himself or too far from the students for this will make them not to understand what you are teaching, thereby making learning difficult for them.
10. Emotional Problem: A teacher experiencing emotional  problems should settle it at home because once he/she carries it to school and teach the students, they will never understand what he is saying thereby making learning difficult for the students.

10 ways by which the teacher can solve the learning difficulties of the students are:-
1.         Good teaching method
2.         Use of individualized instruction
3.         Use of reinforcement
4.         By referral
5.         Good environment
6.         Good feeding habit
7.         Good attitude towards the students
8.         Wearing a smiling face
9.         Good curriculum
10.       Adequate reading materials

1.      Good teaching method: A teacher can solve the problem of learning aids and from what the student know to what they don’t know. He can draw and also demonstrate and he can also use interesting stories to attract the attention of the students. The teachers writing should be bold for everybody to see and his voice should be clear to enable them hear.
2.      Use of individualized instruction: The teacher should know that they are slow learners who requires extra attention so that they can cope. He should give those with  dull brain extra class attention.
3.      use of reinforcement: This deals with negative and positive reinforcement. When a student answers question, the teacher should reinforce the student positively, by encouraging him/her so as to motivate those children with emotional problem.
4.      By referral: The teacher can refer those with learning difficulties to the school guidance counselor. The counselor will now find out the real cause of the child’s problem and assist the student. In a situation where the counselor cannot help, he can refer the student to a physician or a clinical psychologists.
5.      Good environment: The teacher should teach the students in a neat and conducive environment to enable the students feel relaxed.
6.      Good feeding habit: To solve the problem of learning difficulties, a teacher is suppose to eat well before coming to class, so as to arouse the interest of the students.
7.      Good attitude towards the students: The teacher relationship with the students should be in a friendly manner so that they will feel free to learn and ask questions in the class.
8.      Wearing a smiling face: A teacher coming to class should wear a smiling even if you angry, learn to smile always to the students, for this arouses their interest.
9.      Good curriculum: The teacher can solve the problem of learning difficulties by making the school curriculum to take care of the students needs and interest, so that the students will not be frustrated and starts skipping class.
10. Adequate reading materials: Here the teacher provides adequate materials for the students by showing them the materials you are using, to make the learning easy for them.