Zysman outlined the following steps in executing forensic accounting assignment
(i)          Meet with the client to obtain an understanding of the important facts, players and issues at hand.
(ii)       Perform a conflict check as soon as the relevant parties are established.
(iii)     Perform an initial investigation to allow subsequent planning to be based upon a more complete understanding of the issues.
(iv)     Develop an action plan that take into account the knowledge gained by meeting with the
client and carrying out the initial investigation and which will set out the objectives to be achieved and the methodology to be utilized to accomplish them.
(v)        Obtain the relevant evidence- this may involve locating documents economic information, asset, a person or company, another expert or proof of the occurrence of an event.
(vi)     Perform the analysis –this may involve calculating economic damages, summonsing a large number of transactions; performing a trace of assets; performing present value calculations utilizing appropriate discount rates; performing a regression or sensitivity analysis; utilizing charts and graphics to explain the analysis; utilizing a computerized application such as spread sheet, data base or computer model.
(vii)   Prepare the report- often a report will be prepared which may include sections on the nature of the assignment, scope of the investigation, approach utilized, limitations of scope and findings and or opinions. The report will include schedules and graphics necessary to properly support the explanation. Joshi (20030 stated that the job demands reporting, where the accountability of the fraud is established and the report is considered as evidence in the court of law or in the administrative proceedings.