Maltina is a natural malt drink which is produced by mashing of grains to get sugar that is blended together with other essential ingredients which provides taste, colour, flavour, multivitamins and minerals. It is enriched with Vit A, B, B2, B3, B5 B6, c and calcium which makes it to be positioned as the drink that delivers superior ‘Nourishment for life’-Nourishment for an active, vibrant life and for everyone.

Maltina is beneficiary to human in many ways such as; it provides extra Nourishment to build, protect and rehabilitate the body system. It gives firm support to the bones and teeth and makes them strong due to the presence of calcium. It is good for patients because it gives them strength and rehabilitates the body system. 

Raw materials used for production of maltina
Adjunct {malted sorghum, raw sorghum and maize grist}

Calcium chloride {cacl}
Maltina  complex( vitamin A, B complex and C)
Caramelized dextrose maltase {CDM}
Lactic acid

Malt: This is barley that has been germinated and dried. The germination process creates a number of enzymes, notably
α-amylase and β-amylase, which will be used during mashing to convert starch in the grains into sugar. It is the main raw material used for production of beer and non-alcoholic malted drinks. Its use depends on the fact that barley has high starch content and the husk still adheres to grain even after threshing and processing to grains.
Adjuncts {raw sorghum, malted sorghum, maize grist}: These are additional source of starch used to partially replace/supplement malt. These adjuncts are used for some reasons which includes; To reduce raw material cost, contribute their own colour and flavours to the beverage etc
Hops: It gives beer its bitter taste and has an effect on the aroma of the beverage
Water: Quantitatively, the most important material is water. It makes up 95% of the beverage.
Lactic acid and calcium chloride are added during mashing to regulate PH.
Amylex: This is an enzyme added during mashing to help convert the starches to sugar.
Caramelized dextrose maltose {CDM}: This a caramelized sugar, it gives the dark colour to the beverage.  
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