Today in Nigeria, many university graduates complain of high levels of unemployment, and prospects for employment have worsened over time. Despite some progress made in extending access to higher education for various groups of Nigerians seeking university education, however, the percentage of graduate unemployment has assumed alarming proportions especially for graduates of science and technology. Does the education they receive not in consonance with today’s skill requirements in the labor market or is the curriculum used in our higher institutions
too outdated? The public and the hotly debate these questions, as the questions remain very relevant to both graduates who are seeking employment and also to employers who consider employing them. Many employers of labor usually complain that graduates are poorly prepares for works they believe that academic standards have fallen considerably over the past decade and that university degree is no longer a guarantee of communication skills or technical competence. As a result , university graduates are commonly viewed as half baked. What is the problem? is science graduates unemployment a serious problem? How do employers assess the qualifications of current degree holders how well do graduates perform when they are able to obtain employment? These concerns have prompted the written of this term paper. It seeks to answer this question and how mechanization will solve this problem.


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