The media is a double-edged sword that has been both employed in propaganda and peace-building. But the prudent adherence to media ethics leads to nation building written Martins’ Library.
"No man is an Island", said the Sixteenth Century Poet, Johne Donne. By his essence, man is a gregarious animal. Hence, as social beings, persons cannot exist without communicating with one another. Communication is therefore an anthropological reality, the fabric of life, essential,
both for human living as well as for human growth and development. Obviously, this prime place of communication has brought about the impressive accomplishments in information technology as a result of which there is a paradigm shift in the mode of communication, shift in our economy and professions. Information transaction is no longer limited between two or few persons, but rather oriented to a vast number of persons. However, in this write up, we are going to adopt an evaluative analytic approach, for effective comprehension of the topic.
Mass Media or Mass Communication or Means of Social Communication, is the use of technical media to transmit information to a heterogeneous audience with different orientations, beliefs and attitudes, beyond the immediate proximity of the sender. Such media include the (print & electronic) television, radio, newspaper etc. NATION-BUILDING First of all, the term "nation" is an etymological derivation of the Latin word "nasci" (to be born); given this derivation it applies to a group of people of common racial or biological origin. A nation comprises both the human and infra human dimensions. The latter includes the land, natural resources. roads, buildings, machines According to R. Onwuanibe, Nadj building is the utilization of mai and human of resources by leader: constructing the network or we! the nation, in view of the opi development and progress of a for the good life of the citizen; other words, the goal.. building is the enhancement of fr. life, the good life of man as a be: the society.
In this write-up, we are to concern ourselves with the prii aspect of the nation, which human dimension. This is because development of a nation is prim the   development   of  hu: personality. And all other aspect development  are  subordinate instrumental to the development! human personality. It is note also that without sticking strike the professional canons of the media, their ambivalent nature come to the fore. They can main mar, enthuse or dampen, create c: In some nations they have becci "Frankenstein" monster which slave of those who own it, but same time is capable of destroy) them and all those who are  ends spell. Depending on the use there! they have potentialities as fore-: good or evil. They can help us share education, entertainment valuable information      significant  roles also in the ares politics, religion/morality, economic and culture.
"Education is the bedro; nation-building which rests on I sure foundation of human values 3m% at .ever .growing role to .; teach or , broaden and each capacity. The must relate .  the traditional titatioris.   They   are plement   established OHtitutions  in fighting as   they   provide for  adolescents   and want  to   further  their i-Learning). They should . instructing people forms   of  community The   educative activities of government. As the conscience of the society, the media shape citizens characters. uniting them for the common good, the greatest good for all. With the help of information technologies, the leaders can show accountability and transparency in the discharge of the duties of their office. To avoid manipulation of results, elections can be conducted with these technologies. Nevertheless, Thus, the paradox that the more you look the less you see, becomes quite evident, as the more information modern man claims to have through the modern media system, the more he faces the danger of being more ignorant as he daily swallows a lot of untested information and unfounded rumors.
The role of the means of social communication is also felt in the national religious /moral life. And this is only possible when the media recognize the divine dimension, which is the most transcendental aspect of the nation. The media enriches people's religious lives by carrying news and information about religious events, ideas and personalities. They should serve as vehicles for evangelization and catechesis and provide inspiration, encouragement and opportunities of worship to persons confined in their homes or in institutions.

On the other hand, media have caused religious upheaval in the world, where one religion claims superiority over the other. Different religious groups use the media to express their religious ideologies and at times to the detriment of each other. This conflict at times leads to media violence. Commenting on the enormous. testate an undeniable sourcing  one's  knowledge  and offer a reference course for critical media consumers. Hence, due to this •nation   revolution,   the no longer has a wooly on teaching, research and Icauuiug as  everyone  is becoming tied. Media on the other side, can retard   education   in   minors   by distracting them to waste time. Adults can suffer exposure to banal trashy presentations (e.g. In the internet and i :n).
For the media to effectively play dues role of educating its users, all stationers must first of all be themselves so as to be He to go from acts to values, from subjectivity   to   objectivity,   from universality and from creating awareness to teaching.
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