This is the report of a seminar conducted on the above topic.
Effective selling techniques can be described as the approaches to market a product and get a positive outcome. It involves those factors a marketer will employ to successfully any given product or service at a profit and not at the expense of the customers for future sells.
Effective selling techniques in television industry for Mr. Peter Nduka is all encompassing both it first start with the sell person  who is the market to other external factors. Television industry being an image marking organization requires a more co-operation and modern approaches its sell of service considering the fact that the society uphods the body at a high esteem coupled with the class of people that go for its servicing. Every marketer must imbue the following qualities before success can be recorded it in this direction;

1.      Pass: To be passionate about the job will propel one to meet people that actually need media services because it gives publicity. To have absolute love for the work is a key factor for excellent performance passion is the number one motivational incentive behind every success in all sphere. It will compensate for lack of knowledge, talents, skills and intelligence because it will position one for all needed for the job description.
2.      Peace: Before any effective and successful sell will be made, there must be peace within and around the sell person.
3.      Research: A good marketer is a researcher because he always dig deep to know alot about the product he is selling and the person he is selling to.
4.      Development: This is the ability improving on the approaches used in the past to suit the current trend of events. This involves adding value to ones life and strategies in solving problems. There is essential and urgent need for growth in the job by being a veracious reader and asking meaningful question where necessary.
5.      Creativity: This boards on the ability of a marketer to discover what no body has ever thought of irrespective of the fact that you he known everything other people known. There is exigency that we invent ideas for both industries and individuals.
6.      Indispensable: He challenged us of how importance we are to the organization and the community we service. It is by placing high value on ourselves and the job will make us to effectively selling the station’s products.

Meanwhile, Mr. Goodman the second speaker drilled us on; 
(1)       Products of the NTA: The products that we are listed are
(a) News (b) Air time (c) Advertisement (d) Education
(e) Entertainment                     
(2)       Challenges: The major issues military against effective selling the product listed above are:-
·                    Price: Price is fixed making it difficult for negotiation nor giving discount to get a business solution was preferred to that effect.
·                    Viewership: Viewership should be increase by creating good programmes that are people oriented.
·                    Courage: Our technology should be beef-up so that rural dwellers will be getting clear signals when ever they need it.

Presenter 2
He narrated the importance of team work and why we should work as one unified entity. Teamwork, he said is an organized effort employing by a group to achieve a goal or task. It reduces stress and inefficiency which would have recorded when it involves an individual to execute the task.  
Another crucial aspect of the seminar he educates us was the area of business design business design is the planning of an occupation or a commercial organization in a decorative pattern with the underlying factor to make profit. It entails drawing on outline of activities such away that the programme will be a success. It boards down on the ability to be creative. This was illustrated using Ebonyi State as an under-developed area. The question here us; what are those things that can strive here in relation to our industry. Example programmes or show that can entice the people at the level of their exposure.

Presenter 3
He educated us on the use of meeting and reporting as an effective marketing tool. Sale meeting is an organized gathering by marketers to share ideas and discuss issues described as a group of sale persons working together to ensure excellent and optional marketing of their product. This set of people also scout for new prospects.
            The benefits of sale meeting are enormous and it includes:-
·   It increases marketers focus.
·   It increases expertise.
·   Improves selling skill by demonstration
·   It gives opportunity to react to changes
·   It creates and discover leaders

In addition he reviewed the items that suppose to be in agenda a of a sale meeting. They are:- Prayer, sale journey, client visited, any objections presentation of sale, objectives, success, brain storming session, itemize problems.
The format of writing sales report involves, point of reference, procedure of getting your fact, finding, recommendations.
Procedures for creative selling are:-
·        Prospecting and qualifying prospect
·        Determine the buying motive
·        Approach prospect
·        Attempt to successfully close the sale

Presenter 4
The day’s lecture centered on working smart and not heard as an approach of resolving media marketing problems and prospects. He was of the view that if a marketer in the industry should work intelligently and quickly through dressing thinking and keeping up to appointment that there is no challenge he will not be able to surmount. The attributes of working smart should be evidence in our abilities to solve problems bearing in mind we are new people now.

Presenter 5
Sale presentation: There are three kinds of it.
(1)     Customer: The explains the kind or type of person client is .
(2)     Selling: It tells a lot on how and where the client was met.
(3)     Product: What is the product your are sell? It could be news, advertisement.
The lecture ended with an illustrative drama presentation in demonstration on how to make a good sell presentation to achieve desired result.

      The 3-days seminar was elaborate and incisive with high imprecation of knowledge. It was an eye-opener and a veritable tool for effective selling here in Ebonyi State and any part of the world with regards to television products.
   The resource persons were more practical unlike lecture receive in an academic environment. We were drilled on the topics given to them and after which they want out of scope through the delivery of inspirational speeches. Knowledge acquired was more then what one can learn in four years because we were inspired and transformed.
The unprecedented workshop has laid bedrock for every meaningful development and achievement in the look and personal life of all the participants.         

In view of what the programme offered, it should be held on periodical basis as a refreshment course. Again, the opinion of the resource persons should be respected and pay attention to seminar of this order, commands payment of training as a motivating tool for total adherence and implementation of knowledge acquired.        Lastly, I believed that earnest consideration and execution of the above could make a remarkable impart on future trainings. 
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