Is an organized collection of related information, which you probably encounter severally everyday. For instance you take care of your personal business with databases such as your cheque book, address book and phone book or diary.
Is set of tools to help you manage a database. For instance assuming you are running a typical business of buying and selling and you add new stock cards for new items of stock or you try to check the stock balance in your organization.

            We have data modeling and date models           
It can be the process of creating specific data model for a determined problem domain while
Is a relatively simple representation, usually graphical of more complex real world data structures.
problem domain can be defined as an area within the real world environment, with well-defined scope and boundaries that is to be systematically addressed.
Model is an abstraction of a more complex real-world object or event. And the main function is to help you understand the complexities of real-world environment.

There are some implementation ready data model that contain at least the components.
1.         Adscription of the data structure that will the end-user data
2.         A set of enforceable rules to guarantee will the end user data.           
3.         A data manipulation methodology to support the real-world data transformation.
A well-developed data model can even foster improved understanding of the organization for which the database design is developed.
Data models are a communication tool. Applications are created to manage data different managers view data differently. Example. a company president is likely to take a unusual view of the data because he or she must be able to tie the company’s divisions to a common vision. A purchasing manager in the same company is likely to have a more restricted view of the data, as is the company’s inventory manager. Each department manger works with a subset of the company’s data. The inventory manger is more concerned about inventory levels while the purchasing manger is more concerned about the cost of items and about personal business relationship with the suppliers of those items.

            Under data model basic building blocks we have entities, attributes, relationship and constraints.
            An entity is anything (a person, a place, a thing or an event) about which are to be collected and stored. It can represents a particular type of object in the real world. For example, a customer such as John Smith.

An attribute:
Is a characteristic of an entity. For example a customer entity would be descried by attributes such as customer last name, customer first name, phone number, address and the customer credit limit.
A Relationship:
Is an association among entities. For example a relationship exists between customers and agents that can be described as follows. an agent serve many customers and each customer may be served by one agent. And under we have three types of relationships:-

1.                  One-to-many (1:m or 1.) relationship a painter paints many different paintings but each one of them is painted by only one-painter.
2.                  Many-to-many (m:nor..) relationship  an employee many learn many job skills and each job skill may be learned by many employees.
3.                  One-to-one (1:1 or 1..1) relationship. A retail company’s management structure may require that each of its stores be managed by a single employee.
A Constraint:
Is a restriction placed on the data. It is important because they help to ensure data integrity and it can be normally expressed in the form of rules.
Business Rule:
Is a brief, precise and unambiguous description within a specific organization.
Examples of business rules are as follows.
·                                                                                            A customer may generate may invoices
·                                                                                            An invoice is generated by only one customer
·                     A training session cannot be scheduled for fewer than 10 employees or for more than 30 employees
There are some process of identifying and documenting business rules is essential to database design for several reasons.
·               They help to standardize the company’s view of data
·               They can be a communications tool between users and designed
·               They allow the designer to understand the nature, role and scope of the data.
·               They allow the designer to understand business processes.

            In the object –oriented data model (00DM) both data and their relationship are contained in a single structure known as object. The 00DM is said to be a semantic data model because semantic indicates meaning.
·        An object is an abstraction of a real world entity. An object represents only one occurrence of an entity.
·        Attributes describe the properties of an object for example. a PERSON object includes the attributes name, social security number and date of birth.
·        Objects that solve similar characteristics are grouped in classes.
·        Inheritance is the ability of an object within the class hierarchy to inherit the attributes and methods of the classes above it. For example two classes CUSTOMER and EMPLOYER, can be created as subclasses from the class PERSON. 
Is a language based on object oriented concepts that describes a set of diagrams and symbols that can be used to graphically model a system. UML class diagrams are used to represent data and their relationship within the language UML object –oriented system’s modeling language. The object oriented data model advance were felt in many area, from system modeling to programming. The added semantics of the object oriented data model allowed for a richer representation of complex object.
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