Question: In what ways has the Nigerian Christian Churches adhered to the teaching of the bible about alms giving? Written below is a complete article, please comment below:
In the old law states that in terms of alms giving Jesus through that in Mathew 6:1. Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by men; for then you will have no reward from your father who is in heaven. Thus when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in streets that they may praised by men, truly I say to you your right hand should not know what your left hand is doing so that your alms may be secret and your father who sees in secret will reward you. Christians engage themselves in alms giving as it is a Christian practice to give alms to poor presently Christian are been exposed to the principle just as the scripture says give and you shall receive. Nigerian Christian are effectively involved in alms giving. When you give alms do not let anybody know that you have giving anything to somebody.

Christians responses to the teaching of Jesus Christ as it is regarded to the poor ones in our different societies according to the bible Jesus through us how to be giving to the poor in which he shows example to us. But today many Christians finds it difficult to follow the footstep of Jesus because of their ugly selfishness etc. While some follow the footstep of God to show appreciation and help the poor. Those in hospital, motherless babies home those being alone the street even some Christian organization like (CAN) Christian association of Nigerian, (P.F.N) Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria etc these are some of the Christians organization that care out the footsteps of Jesus Christ as a sign post in areas of alms giving.

Finally, alms giving as it was thought by Jesus Christ to the Christians will help to open door to our success and up-liftment in our life as a Christian, Peter, Paul and other disciples include some Christians today are doing that have less in our societies and churches. The Christian churches in Nigeria teach and practice rendering help to the poor and needy through supplying clothes, food items and money. In different denominations in the Christendom, many charitable organization are formed to take care of the needy in the midst welfare committees welfare committees are formed in some denominations and local churches because of the increase in the number of the poor and less privileged in the churches and the society at large. Through these committees the churches is able to meet the demand of the gospel of Christ in regards to alms giving. Christ faithful also from non-governmental organizations (NGOS) who are committed the need of the general public and the needy in particular. This is done without publicity. Christian building of orphanages and old people homes the missions ministry in some of these denominations pay visits to the motherless babies home with gifts of money and other valuable items. Some go as for as donating huge amount of money without publicity as commanded by Jesus.

In the rural areas old people are treated with preference especially those without children or relation to depend teaching of Christ without announcing it to the public Christian denomination in Nigeria build hospital the poor are given treatment in a heavily subsidized rate without publicity. Sometimes, Christian organization and domination invite health personnel during crusades to give free medical services to their guest’s scholarship grants. In obedience to the biblical injunction, (in the book of James 1:27), prominent men in most Christian denomination award scholarship to intellectuals in their midst who do not have sponsors to further their education. This is done without publicity. Widows are also properly care for by all the different individual groups mentioned above. Individual are not left out in these alms giving. Understand that alms giving is investing into the kingdom of God and laying up treasures for ourselves in heaven, individual Christians are fully committed to giving of alms to the poor and needy without publicity. To exhibit this virtue, the Christian church in Nigerian do not mind religious differences they adhere to this teaching of Christ without religious discrepancy.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the streets concern to be honoured by men. I tell you the truth they have receive their reward in full. But when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you and when you pray do not keep on babble on and think their prayer are answered only by repeating their words again and again don’t be like them, because your father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him pray like this 

                        Our father who is in heaven
                        Hallow be your name
                        May your kingdom come soon
                        May your will be done here on earth
                        Just as it is in heaven
                        Give us our food for today
                        And forgive us our sins
                        Just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us
                        And don’t let us yield to temptation
                        But deliver us from the evil ones.

If you forgive those who sin against you your heavenly father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others your father will not forgive you. Jesus thought us how pray when he did his forty-day and forty-nights dry fasting. A true Christian must know how to pray, either by mid-night prayer to sacrifice time in God’s present. No Christian can live without prayer it is the key to our success in life it is common among churches and Christian because without it will cannot get something from God. It is necessary to a Christian life as praying.

Finally, no Christian can live without prayer, no way except prayer so we immediate his teaching by praying always in life both at home schools, office on the car etc. just show the important of it in ones life. In the bible says pray without season. Prayer brings us to the presence of God where we commune with our father. When coupled with fervent prayer the spirit connects with God and out relationship with him is strengthened. This aspect of the Christian virtue affords us grow in grace and develop right attitudes to live as Christians through prayer we worship God the father as contained in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:-13)

The following are ways the Christian (Matt 7:7-8) church in Nigeria has adhered to Jesus teaching on prayer and fasting. Christians pray collectively in churches without making a show of it as condemned by Christian when Christian fast, you cannot distinguish between a person. Christian family or Christian families pray in their homes under close door as demanded by Christ without letting your neighbourhood know they are praying except groups prayers where people pray with loud voice yet not characterized by hypocritical cries and publicity, but an expression of heart felt burden and humanity, reverence and gratitude to God.

Individuals in their private homes pray 
            A person may be praying for instances in a bus, the person sitting next to him may not understand what is happening except is he/she is in a mood know to Christians.

“And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do who try to look pale and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I assure you, that is the only reward they will ever get. But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will suspect that you are fasting, except your father, who knows what you do in secrets. And your father, who knows all secrets, will reward you. Fasting is a way of praying without eating or drinking. It may be one or two day dry fasting or six to six fasting and six to three fasting etc. which can strengthen us to be in contact with God to solve our different problems in life.

As a Christian, God showed us how to fast as he did in the bible. No Christian can live without praying and fasting, that means all is necessary in life. Both alms giving, praying and fasting does its own work in an individual life as a Christian. It will show that we are really like Christ as the name of Christian stands. At times, people perform it most in Christmas or New Year but some practice it always as they live in life. It shows that one must remember others as far as you eat in life every day. This is Christ’s rule of fasting even when fasting is made public through announcement, the intention is not to show man-ship but to intimate those concerned. Christian family or Christian families pray in their homes under closed door as demanded by Christ without letting the neigbourhood know they are fasting.