i. Management:
Poor management practices, such as poor sanitation, weedy environment, wet
litter, failure to follow manufactures instructions and poor handling of the
birds could lead to poor performance of birds.
ii. Feeding:
The quantity and of feed given to the broiler could also affect the market
weight. Imbalance in nutrient such as energy, protein, mineral could lead to
reduced market weight. At starter phase (day old-4 weeks) the energy
requirement are 23-24% cured protein and
2800-2900kcal. Me/kg respectively. Any composition below the recommended
value will lead to poor growth. Wastage of feed as a result of poor handling by
attendant could also result to poor market weight.
iii. Stocking
Rate: If the birds are over crowded, the birds will not grow very well and
over population will lead to competition for food and consequently reduce the
growth performance.
iv. Breed:
The genetic make up of the birds could have positive or negative effect on the
performance each breeds has its own characteristics in terms of body
conformation, feed efficiency and body weight at a given period, bread
characterized with poor performance will fail to reach market price at a given
v. Source
of Day old Chicks: Poor market weight of the broiler could be as a result
of the source where the day old chicks were collected failure to collect day
old chick from a reputable farm could causes slow growth rate.