This chapter of study discusses the
method used in carrying out the research.
The method used are discussed under
the following sub-headings; research design, area of the study, population of
the study, sample and sampling techniques,
instruction reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and
method of data analysis.
3.1 Research
The research design used in carrying
out the study is descriptive survey design due to the
fact that only a sample
of the population was used for the study and it is assumed that the findings
from the few will be generalized to the entire population.
3.2 Area
of the Study
The study was carried out in Onicha
Local Government Area of Ebonyi State which is located at Ebonyi South
Senatoral Zonal of Ebonyi State which has boundary form the North with Ohaukwu
Local Government Area from the South Ohaozara Local Government Area
respectively. Onicha Local Government Area has (16) sixteen wards and five
3.3 Population
of the Study
The population consist of all the fourteen
(14) secondary schools which has 2,539 students according to the statistics
from Secondary Education Board Abakaliki (2007) where SS III students were
3.4 Sample
and Sample Techniques
Sample and sampling techniques for
the purpose of the research, sample size of 175 was used. They were randomly
selected from each schools using simple random technique.
3.5 Instrument
for Data Collection
To ensure appropriate research findings,
the instruments used for the data collection is a questionnaire. In order to
collect vital information for this research work the questionnaire was divided
into six set of questions as it relates to the six being used in the work the
questionnaire was developed by the research after the review of literature. The
questionnaire is made up of two section A and B.
“A” consists of personal data, which seeks the name of the
respondents and level.
“B” was fashioned out using 4 point liter scale thus (SA) strongly
Agree, 4 points (A) Agree 3 points (D) Disagree, 2 points (SD) Strongly
Disagreed 1 point and a brief letter of introduction containing the purpose of
the study will be attached to each copy of the questionnaire.
3.6 Validation
of the Instrument
The validation of the instrument was
carried out by presenting the draft to the researcher’s supervisors and also to
two senior lectures in department of educational foundation who gave it a
These experts validated item in
terms of sentence structure and adequacy of the instrument on the basis of
their comments and suggestions, the instrument was modified to suit the study.
3.7 Reliability
of the Instrument
The questionnaire was filled by the
respondents in the presence of the researcher and submitted same to the
researcher and the researcher also conducted oral interview with the help of
school principals and other teachers that assisted in the process, this
information’s give the study more backing.
3.8 Method
of Data Collection
The 200 copies of questionnaire was
distributed to SS III student of the assistances of two teachers, the
researcher collected 175 copies filled correctly while 25 copies were not
returned by the student.
3.9 Method
of Data Analysis
For the purpose of this research and to
ensure a clearer understanding, mean and frequencies shall be used for data
analysis. Research questions were answered on individual item basis in a 4
points likert scale. Thus: Strongly
Agree (SA) 4 points Agree (A) 3 points Disagree (D) 2 points and Strongly
Disagree (SD) 1 point.
for data analysis

X = mean
∑ = summation
fx = frequency
N = number
of scores
decision rule therefore = 4+3+2+1

This means that mean of 2.5 and above was accepted, while a mean
below 2.5 was rejected.