Careful Selection and Training of Cell Leaders: Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho said thus to this end:  "First you should start small.    Take a dozen key leaders and 'train them as cell leaders.    Then have them form their own home cell meetings and watch over them carefully for six to eight months In selecting Cell Leaders,   some worthwhile qualities that we should seek for are:

Enthusiasm: New Christians often make very good cell leaders because the joy of their salvation is still very 'fresh in Che Whether cell leaders are to be young or old,  all we want to emphasize  is that Cell Leader must have infections enthusiastic spirit.

Christ likeness:   4 Cell Leader should have a testimony of definite experience of the transforming power of our Lord Jesus Christ.    Such Christians demonstrate the reality of life of Christ, and others are drawn to them. .

Devotion: Devotion involves dedication and commitment. A believer who is devoted to the Lord express this thought:
(1) his attendance record at church and other meetings like Cell groups,  prayer meetings, etc;
(2) his tithing .record and
(3) his demonstrated commitment to the unity of the church. People who are censorious and over critical with the majority will not easily follow the pastors directions for a successful operation of a family cell.                                                                  

Spirit- filled: A would-be family Cell Leader must be Holy Ghost filled with evidence of speaking in tongues.

Temperate: The person must be self-controlled in all things. This will affect his conduct, relationship, expenses and time management.

Teach Ability: Finally, a would-be Cell Leader must possess a teachable spirit. This is to say that he must be ready to learn and receive instructions and corrections.

Provision of Standard Lessons for Family cell groups: Each Pastor should make a convenient arrangement to teach his cell leaders using a standard Bible study course.    Sc the concise Bible Study Course is specially prepared to meet the need of participants.    He has to prepare the leaders in such a way that they will be able to lead the cells very well.

Getting in Un-deceived centre:  The Pastor should personally survey his environment with the view of getting a conducive site for the location of cell groups.    In an urban church,  the "sitting of cell groups must be geographically appropriate,  noiseless,  and fairly equipped with com­fortable seats.    But in the rural areas,   the latter does not matter much since the fellowship may hold even within a premise Sand not just inside.

Proper Timing  for Meeting and for Activities:    There should be agreement for a. uniform timing of Fellowship meetings and also for each activity that takes place.

Selling the Program to  the Church: The Pastor should be able to sell the program to, the church by making them understand the program and mobilizing them to participate actively. To this end,   each participant should as a mark of acceptance and involvement fill and sign the family Fellowship Covenant Statement on the first day of the program.