The findings of the study are discussed in accordance with the research question.
5.1       Research Question I
            How does a student involvement in examination malpractice contribute to poor performance of students in SSCE?
            From all responses collected, we observed that students copying another persons work in examination contribute to poor performance in SSCE, bribing WAEC official in order to pass, carrying in foreign materials (paper), that is not allowed by the supervisor, and loitering in the hall
in search of WAEC question to buy contributed to poor performance of students in SSCE. These findings also agree with Ezanwaji (1986), that students over dependence on examination malpractice leads to poor performance of students in SSCE.

5.2       Research Question II           
            How does shortage of qualified teachers affect performance of student in SSCE?
            From the findings, the result of the data analysis revealed that insufficient supply of qualified teachers, irregular payment of qualified teachers, high level of low certificate and over-neglecting of teaching profession contributes to poor performance of student in senior school certificate examination SSCE.

5.3       Research Question III     
            How does government inability to provide basic laboratory equipment affect the student performance in SSCE?
            From the investigation carried out; it was observed that inadequate provision of library materials, poor staffing of schools by the government, government inability to supply instructional materials to schools and late payment of teachers and staff contributes to poor performance of students in senior certificate examination (SSCE).

5.4       Research Question IV         
            How does poor economy contribute to poor performance of students in SSCE? From the analysis, it was revealed that poor socio-economic status of parents, over-concentration on economic revenue, over dependence on imported goods, and poor exportation of goods and services of the country contribute to poor performance of students in SSCE.

5.5       Research Question V    
            How does instructional method contribute to poor performance of student in SSCE? Form the findings, it was clear that teaching method instructions, poor method of teaching, teachers inability to control behaviours of student, and poor personal qualities of teachers contributes of poor academic performance of student in senior school certificate examination (SSCE).

5.6       Research Question VI 
            How does indiscipline among public schools contribute to poor performance of students in SSCE?
            From the data analysis, it was observed that indiscipline in our public schools, disobeying or going contrary to rules and regulation guiding a given school or organization and indiscipline among parents has greatly influence students, and contribute to poor performance of student in SSCE.

5.6       Educational Implication of the Study       
            From the research study, the following were noted; on the area of teacher, there is need for the teachers to use various methods of teaching in the class, so that all the students both dull and brilliant ones, should be carried along at the same time. Students should desist, from the act copying another persons work, depending on examination malpractices, which has greater disadvantages than advantages.
            Education supervisors should supervise teachers curriculum very well to make it conform with educational goals.

5.7       Recommendations
            Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations remerged;
1.                  There should be a continuous public enlightenment campaign showing the adverse effect of examination malpractice. They should be made to understand the importance of having basic education.
2.                  Well-qualified teachers, skilled and knowledgeable teachers should be employed and posted to all school to reduce half-backed graduates.
3.                  Teachers should be given the opportunity for in-service training.
4.                  Government should try as much as possible to provides basic materials, needed fro teaching and learning in schools, and also try and pay teachers salaries as and when due.
5.                  Teachers should take their job seriously, they should see their duty as being important and do their best to give adequate teaching tot eh students.
6.                  Government should budget much fund for educational sectors
7.                  Student should listen to their teacher’s instruction so as to avert indiscipline in our public schools.

5.8       Limitation of the Study             
            In the course of this study, the research could not carry out a more in-depth study because of certain factors:-
            The general nature of the nations economy, made the procurement of the fund needed to finance the work a little but difficult.

5.9       Suggestion for further Study    
            The researcher feels that she has barely scratched the surface of the spot of a deep wide, and get unmapped field of educational problems.
            The following areas will however prove useful and meaningful for further researcher:-
1.                  A wider coverage of the study from the state.
2.                  The study should be equally carried out in other states of the federal, so as to ascertain, whether the findings of this study based on local area would be the same or otherwise.

5.10    Summary      
            The problem of poor performance of students in SSCE is of paramount importance of academic performance an scholastic achievement.
            The aim of the researcher was mainly to find factors that contributed to poor performance of students in senior school certificate examination (SSCE).
            In Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, the results of the findings showed:-
a.                  That most students involved on examination malpractice.
b.                  Teachers are not qualified enough and don’t teach students effectively.
c.                  The nations economy were very small in degree.
d.                  Government did not provides enough equipment to schools.
e.                  Teachers don’t use good method and techniques in their instruction.
f.                   Stop indiscipline among our students in public schools.

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