            Under this, the preliminary issues relating to this work will be discussed. This chapter defines some of the related terms to this discourse. The types and incidences of cyber crimes are also discussed in this chapter. This is aimed at giving a conceptual analysis and clarification of the key concepts used in this research.

Definition of Related Terms

            Computer has been defined to mean an electronic device or medium that is capable of accepting inputs or data through input devices, processes the inputs and generates appropriate results which are displayed through output devices.1
            From the foregoing, it is clear that computer is a machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer’s electronics. The program results are stored or routed to output devices, such as video display monitor or printers. Computers perform a wide variety of activities reliably accurately and quickly.2

            A crime is an act that the law makes punishable: the breach of a legal duty treated as the subject matter of a criminal proceeding.
            Nothing is a crime until it is stipulated as such by a written law and punishment provided therein.3

Cyber Crime
            The concept of cyber crime is a relatively new phenomenon in legal literature. The definition of cyber crime is still evolving. Currently there is much debate among experts about what constitutes a computer related or cyber crime. Cyber crime is generally understood to include traditional activities such as fraud, theft or forgery whenever a computer is involved. It can also include a number of new crimes like cyber-stalking cyber crime can also include activities not considered criminal in one jurisdiction, but punishable in another.
            According to Dr. Mark G. Milone4 cyber crime describes those criminal acts either committed entirely in cyber space such as various forms of identity theft and bank fraud, or acts that have a physical component and are simply facilitated through the use of internet – based tools. Such acts commonly include unauthorized access to computer files and/or theft of proprietary information, disruption of information housed in a remote computer with virus.
            The term cyber crime is used infer-changeably with computer crime.5 Hence computer crime has been defined as a crime involving the use of a computer, such as sabotaging or stealing electronically stored data.6
            An internationally accepted legal definition that is used by most of the countries in Europe and North America as well as South Africa and Japan was agreed to in the convention on cyber crime, and entered into force on July 1, 2004. It stated that though the term cyber crime is usually restricted to describing criminal activity in which the computer or network is an integral or essential part of the crime, this term is also used to include traditional crimes in which computer or network are used to enable illicit acivity.7

Economic Crime
            This refers to a non-physical crime committed to obtain a financial gain or a professional advantage. Most of the classes of cyber crimes now fall within the category of economic crime since in most cases they do not involve the use of arms or ammunitions. They are non-physical and non-violent type of crimes committed with pens8 or a click of a mouse, with the aim of earning wealth illegally either as an individual or as a group.9

Internet / Cyber Café
            The internet is a network of computer networks, a very wide collection of interconnected information resources.
            Through the internet most of the cyber crime are perpetrated and organized. The internet enables the computer users to communicate with other users of computers all over the world at a click of a mouse.
            Cyber café is a type of café or office with computers on which customers or users can access the internet, send emails, and do other on line business. In this era, where most people have access to personal computers, the relevance of cyber café is diminishing gradually. However, lack of computer know-how and other Nigerian factors (such as power failure and poverty) still make majority of Nigerians to patronize the cyber café.

Software / Virus
            Software means the aggregate of the computer programs with their appropriate documentation and the data needed for their operation.
            Virus refers to a malicious software program that can copy itself and infect a computer or file or another program without permission or knowledge of the user. Viruses always corrupt or modify on a targeted computer. It is worthy to note that a virus cannot be spread without a human action such as running an infected program to keep it going.

1     Mbam, B.C.E (ed) Fundamentals of Computer & Information Technology Copy Craft Int’l Ltd:   Abakaliki, (2008) p. 1
2      Snyder, Timothy Law. “Computer”. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009 (DVD). Redmond, W.A. Microsoft Corporation, 2008.
3     See section 36 (12) of the 1999 constitution (as amended).
4     M.G. Malone, Hacktivism and Securing the National Infrastructure (New York: JAVA, 2002) P.7 
5     Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Ed. As edited by Bryan A. Garner at P. 427
6     Ibid.
7     Council of Eurpe’s Convention on Cyber Crime (Budapest, 23, 2001: TSI 85 (2004) and Explanatory Report: Available at visited May 30,2011.
8    The pen is often mightier than the sword. 
9    See also S. 46 of the EFCC Act, Cap EI LFN 2004.

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