The word Nwaminta in Edda clan is gender based and to contribute to the issue of Nwaminta, there is the need to look at the concept Gender and to relate it to “Nwamita” in Edda social system. When one looks at a conceptual distinction between sex and Gender as developed by Anne Oakley one can easily see a useful analytical tool to clarify ideas on sex and Gender.

According to this distinction sex is connected with biology, whereas the gender identify of men and women in any given society is socially and psychologically determined in order words, historically and culturally determined. Biological and physical conditions such as chromosomes, external and internal genitalia, hormonal states and secondary sex characteristics lead to the determination of male and female sex. To determine however, social and cultural perceptions of masculine and feminine traits come into play and taken into account.

Gender is learnt through a process of socialization of the culture of the particular society concerned. In many cultures boys are trained and encouraged in the acts considered to display male traits and girls, and vice versa. They learn their roles and how they should behave in order to be perceived by others and themselves as either masculine or feminine.

Throughout their life this is reinforced by parents, peers, their culture and society. In every society, biological sex becomes one criterion for describing gender but beyond that simple starting point, no two cultures would completely agreed on what distinguishes one gender from another in order words there is considerable variation in gender roles between culture.

In Edda clan the roles which male and female are assigned had often affected the status and freedom of the womenfolk. The concept ‘Nwaminta” in Edda scoeity could be said to have been a device to undermine the intellectual development and empowerment of the Edda woman. The word ‘Nwaminta” translated into Edda means small woman, somebody who does not mean much, non-achiever.

The Egbela cult in Edda became a strategy for actualizating this low status and low esteem for the woman in Edda society. In Edda for example a woman is forbidden form touching the head of his son who has gone through the initiation ceremony, committing this is an offence attracting a fine of a cock for atonement.

During the initiation ceremonies, the female members in Edda are barred from passing through the village square for up to four (4) days or more and any violation attracts penalty of a cock and non-compliance to this penalty is very detrimental the female child’s fertility as well as good health. In addition, some areas at village square are marked no go areas for young non initiates as well as the female members of the village in this sense the female no matter the age is placed in the same status as small non-initiated males. Any female passing through the village square during the period of the Ogo initiation ceremonies must show her presence within the square by shouting “Looh! Looh!! Looh!!!” to indicate that the non initiate or female member was passing. A woman under menses is forbidden from coming out to the main compound during the period of her menses, and violation attracts a cock to appease the compound deity. In Edda clan there are certain designated areas in the villages where the females are barred from picking anything that dropped from their hand, although this also apply to the young non-initiates but the initiated male adults are allowed  to pick anything that dropped from their hands while passing through such places.

From the illustrations above one can easily understand the position of Edda woman, hence the tagging of woman in Edda as “Nwaminta” the small woman, a woman of low status. Despite this gender discrimination in Edda society, some women in Edda both non-educated and the educated had from the early 40s started to carry out non-violent revolutions on their status and position in their society.

In Amaigbo Edda for instance a woman named Ugo Olughu Oko Oji (nee Nnachi) had become a very wealthy carmwood marketer. Infact this woman was so wealthy in this business that men would exclaim with surprise Kweh! mu “Nwaminta” showing that the insignificant woman was making such wealth. This exclamation always arise when such men come to borrow money from her to solve their families problems. Another example is one Elder Mrs. Udo Nkama at Nguzu Edda who built a concrete house with corrugated iron sheets (zinc house) before the war. The man will exclaim Kweh! “Nwaminta wuru ulo gbam gbam” to explain the exploits by a woman. In Ekoli Edda for instance there was a woman by name Madam Ura Ego who was a great mobilizer, an orator and an opinion moulder. She was acknowledged by men as great and this also attracted the exclamation Kweh! mu “Nwaminta”

Furthermore the non-violent revolution by womenfolk had continued to increase from the early 60s which led to women like Mrs. Grace Nnachi of Ebunwana becoming a school principal in Imo state, Mrs. Franca Ugo Oje made grade one (1) in school certificate at Owerri Girls Secondary School,  Mrs. Ugo N. Uduma also made grade one (1) at Egwuena Girls Secondary school, Abiriba. Mrs. Uche Eze Okporie made grade one (1) at Awkunanau Girls Secondary Enugu and so many others.

This non violence revolution by Edda woman has led Edda to boast of women personalities like Mrs. Elem Mbila who rose to the position of Director of Finance, Nigeria Airport Authority, Mrs. Franca U. Oje, a lecturer in a higher Institution and one time General Manager Ebonyi Tourism Corporation, Mrs. Mercy Elechi Kalu Oji, a retired Principal Girls Secondary School Azuiyiokwu, Mrs. Edith Orie O. Uko, Principal Ugwuachara Girls Secondary  School Abakaliki, Mrs. Ugo Ndukwe Uduma a retired Director Nursing Services Ministry of Health Ebonyi State and now a CEO of a successful NGO which had taken her to several Countries of the World, Hon. Ogbeyealu Emea-Oji Vice Chiarman Afikpo South (Edda) L.G.A. Honourable Mrs Dorathy Oko Obasi Former Deputy Speaker Ebonyi House of Assembly, Princess Mary Adaeze Ekuma M.O.N National Honour Award and Chief Mrs. Ugo Nnachi the present Head of Service of Ebonyi State.

These women to any mind are actually working in line with the expression of one of the Africa’s statesman President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania on the 6th October, 1984 to NGO preparatory meeting for end of the UN Decade for women in Arusha Tanzania: I quote;

“The task before us is that of moving steadily and firmly in the direction of women’s development and liberation, but this will only happen if the women of Africa insist that it happens. But no one and no group can be liberated by others. The struggle for women’s development has to conducted by women, not in opposition to men but as part of social development of the whole people”
(Un quote) Elder Ude Agwu (JP) Amaigbo

My position in this issue is that the low status given to Edda woman through the attachment of the concept “Nwaminta” will soon give way to the concept “Okenwami” and finally Nwaminta will be obliterated in the gender concept dictionary of Edda culture.